Do I have a feminine sounding voice? Whenever I call an office or business they always say "No...

Do I have a feminine sounding voice? Whenever I call an office or business they always say "No, MA'AM" or "Have a good day, MA'AM." I'm a 26 year old male, but I just have naturally high voice and the phone probably makes it sound worse. Anyway I recorded my voice so you guys just give to me straight. I'm not interested in any of that tranny shit and what not. I just don't like people calling me ma'am on the phone. It's gotten to the point where I'll just have to start telling people I'm a man beforehand. I'm not going to talk in a deeper voice just to sound more masculine. I mean, this is just my normal speaking voice and it's just how I sound.

Attached: 1383892353848.gif (460x345, 492K)

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Nope. You sound like a dude. It's either the phone fucking up the quality so bad that it makes you sound like a woman (sort of), or the people you call think you're some kind of MTF when they hear your voice so they try to be polite.

you have IntroSpective's voice

I don't know who that is. Is that a good thing?

sounds fine to me to be honest. probably just this

Sounds like a guy to me

you sound like you have low T

It's your boy.


Is he a Youtuber or some kind of streamer?

I'm a 5'4 manlet with a baby face. I'm 26 and get mistaken for like a 17 year old, so yeah.

you have a very christian voice

Attached: a3b6843beec5eade2d48cc0ba8c4d355.jpg (528x640, 44K)

I only read that verse because it's my favorite. I'm actually not very religious, but I do enjoy some of the things in the Bible. Wouldn't say I take them to heart necessarily. I consider myself agnostic if anything. Also I wasn't sure what to read so I just settled on that.

i reckon you sound like a guy but a lot of women also sound like a guy the way you do if you know what i mean

What the fuck are you talking about? He sounds entirely like a guy. Anyone who thinks he sounds like a girl has a hearing deficiency or is mentally retarded.

Sounds like Chris Chan with less autism

No? You sound like a dude. Your phone is gay probably

i'm trying to say that a lot of girls sound like him even though he sounds like a guy.

T-thanks? I guess that's a compliment to some degree.

nice try, ben shapiro

You do sound feminine to me. Maybe because I knew you were male I heard slightly more male voice but it's totally androgynous.

You sound like a gay man, they always have this voice that sounds like a dude but talk like a girl

In my experience gay men have a WAY higher voice than mine. Like it's much higher pitched and more forced.

Don't ever compare me to that faggot again.