It's free but you have to pay for it

>it's free but you have to pay for it
How the fuck do people still fall for socialism?

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People are stupid niggers

You pay 50 dollars a month in taxes a month for literally no one to have medical debt. This frees up cash for people to get an education, pay for day care, start a buisness ect. Over all this helps everyone by distrubting risk. Its just how insurence works. Oh and btw for most people the taxes are fairly low, once you get into the millions worth of income then you start paying for because believe it or not, companies and thus share holder use the most government resources. They take up most of our legal system, they use roads more (trucking) so I think they shpuld pay more in taxes, plus havong 250 million dollars ehile people starve is wrong either way.

Pigs wouldn't understand how to vote if they were given the power to vote. If you allow them to understand reason and english, are they still just dumb pigs who would be slaughtered?

>its wrong to be successful if a person somewhere is starving
nice thinking, but this is how the soviet union ended up killing everyone with ambition and literally have a starving middle class for most of its history

People fall for socialism? Last I remember people were falling for capitalism.

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I dont get how Stalin killed 100 million yet FBI statistics say their population and quality of life shot up after the 1920s . youre gonna have to back that up with some sources because youre point is kinda weak.

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A lot of people are prone to mismanaging their own money and become unable or unwilling to pay for the healthcare they need, it's the majority of the population. Unhealthy people are less productive, over a long time the health issues can develop into disabilities, comorbidities, thus bleeding government money directly and indirectly. And because of that, you indirectly end up paying for them anyway, except you don't get shit out of the deal.

Going from a literal peasant society, the most backward in europe to a world superpower in 30 years is pretty impressive growth

Attached: 400px-Soviet_Union_USSR_GDP_per_capita.png (400x251, 41K)

>FBI statistics
>calories per person
lol nice. anyway if your country ever takes on socialist values seriously, make sure you don't have higher education or any kind of management experience

Yes you still pay, but you pay a fair rate dependent on your income. If you're a poor fucker with no money you pay nothing. Most people will pay, but not as much as they do now. Rich fuckers can pay more, so they should. They'll still be rich, that's not changing. It's just becoming a little more fair.

Things like for-profit education and healthcare are fucking ridiculous in modern, developed countries. It does nothing but harm.

you do realize that redistributive taxes and public healthcare aren't incompatible with capitalism, right?
capitalism just means respecting property rights and private contracts

Who said anything about capitalism?

I already pay far far more in taxes each month in return for crumbling infrastructure and terrible service from anything related to the government.

Why would I pay more on the promise that "It'll be different this time, user, I promise!"

ive seen people buying cds from niggers for 'free'. the fucking apes tell them the cd is free but they just have to pay a little fee.

It'd cost 1000 dollars a year from everyone for free healthcare alone

Socialism would only ever work without parasitic browns, that's why I'm a fascist.

>people need education
>education = money and success

Delayed Gratification, retard.

Who said anything about socialism?

>maybe if I show a bunch of charts not at all related to the subject they'll believe me!

Even then socialsim would only work in the traditional capitalist socialism system not the modern day socialism which is basically just communism.

>already pay far far more in taxes each month in return for crumbling infrastructure and terrible service from anything related to the government.

Thats mostly because americans are too retarded for proper government services

Yeah well you're.....
You're not wrong, friend.

I dont know why you're bothering. These self loathing neets will never understand.