Should makeup be banned? They give women a competitive edge in dating with traits that won't be passed to offspring...

Should makeup be banned? They give women a competitive edge in dating with traits that won't be passed to offspring. They're, in essence, nothing but a lie.

Attached: makeup-woman-facebook-1120.jpg (1120x640, 310K)

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that's not the same person, the left one has a bigger nose and lower cheek bones

lmfao are you serious? do you not understand contouring?

Why don't you start wearing it too? It's not gay, plenty of straight male celebrities do it. You just need enough to contour and cover up imperfections, most guys probably won't even know you wore makeup and even if women do they'll probably just appreciate you take that good care of your appearance.

Just post the video to shut up the skeptics

Everyone should wear makeup if it makes them look better. I'm looking at you, blonde people who need brown eyeliner so you don't look like naked mole rats.

I am not blonde, but I basically don't even have enough eyelashes to put mascara on, so eyeliner is for people like me who look like a featureless mask without it.l

This is why you should never date fat or asian chicks. They are all smoke and mirrors.

I have no problem with "no-makeup-makeup". But there is a line of absurdity in frauding your facial features to attract a better chad.
I don't like it but I have heard the argument that fakeup doesn't affect men. It is women competing with eachother.
If every woman morphed into a perfect stacy tomorrow then nothing would change. They all have to settle for the same quality of man as people pair off.
Hypergamy / polyamory is the only problem because it prevents pairing off.

These sluts just practice squinting their eyes and flaring their nose for these dumb makeover vids

You mean gingers right? Or have your nigger eyes never seen a blonde person before?

I have seen harry potter and I've seen gingers with eyelashes that are not blonde, I am saying if your eyelashes are blonde you look fucking weird. Fix it

>In 1915, a Kansas legislature proposed to make it a misdemeanor for women under the age of forty-four to wear cosmetics "for the purpose of creating a false impression."[23]

>lower cheek bones
the cheekbones are at the same level though even despite she defined them a bit with contouring

do you draw yourself puppy or cat eyes? :3
imo puppy eyes are better for men, they make eyes look bigger

Attached: 1461287645736.jpg (710x399, 21K)

she's wearing makeup but also uses filters to achieve the final look, so while it technically is her, not all of the changes to her looks can be attributed to makeup alone

Just don't fall for it if it bothers you desu, makeup isn't invisible. You don't have to date girls who wear it.

Men aren't attracted to women who don't wear makeup. They hate it but they hate no makeup more.

Cat eyes mein negrops

this. why complain about dating clowns when the simple solution is just to stop dating clowns.

>makes ugly women pretty
there is absolutely nothing wrong with makeup

That's not how it works retard


Rational toast for rational people.

If you want to see what people look like, teenagers, without makeup go to the Amish market. They look like young boys.

Not true most girls are just genuinely ugly, but men don't care, just don't be fat. Girls with makeup are intimidating honestly.

You can too, wear "no makeup" makeup, as a man. Just don't put the shit on your beard and pluck your eyebrows and shit. It hurts. but in a satisfying way.

I could but there's no point girls care more about height and body shape. If you cover Danny devito in make up he's still ugly. But you can be a 1/10 girl and become a 10 after a trip to Wal-Mart

are you fuckin serious. theres a video of this and shes using tape or something

>girls care more about height and body shape
That's men you are thinking about. Women are attracted to faces first. It's why good looking short guys and good looking fat guys have gfs and ugly men with perfect bodies are still ignored.

if you listen to these "wear makeup as a man"guys the next they will tell you that who cares you can attract more men if you wear makeup lol

I don't think girls care about height as long as the guy is not shorter than they are. And they wear heels and fuck up their backs, so who cares about that shit anyway who isn't under 5'0" who doesn't have moobs and womanhips.

Danny DeVito is awesome and he is UNDER 5 feet tall and he can do w/e the hell he wants, but he does not abuse that power.

Wearing makeup should be a form of rape. Men can get charged if they lie about their job or whatever on the basis that it's fraudulent and deceptive. If women are disguising their appearance to have sex with a man that's rape.

>Men can get charged if they lie about their job or whatever on the basis that it's fraudulent and deceptive
can they?

No face is basically irrelevant unless your painful to look at. Women are attracted to large powerful men if you ask what a girl likes about a man his face will the last thing she says.

You know as insane as it sounds my state was about to make it illegal to lie about your finances to solicit sex from women. I just can't wait to die

Wow imagine a man with no real experience with women telling me what women really want. I certainly don't have a lifetime of experience and close relationships with many females to back up what I'm saying. I'll take your memed word for it.

>if you ask what a girl likes about a man his face will the last thing she says.
Have you seen, spoken to or even been within one mile of a human female? What do fucking unicorns and dragons taste like you imaginary motherfucker

Ok go ask any girl what she finds attractive in a man shell name 5 things before his face. You could be the prettiest face of any man but if you are short and weak no girl will want you. But you can have the ugliest face in the world, earn some money and girls will want you

Ok here is my list
>height (relative to ME, which means 5'6" is ideal and 6' is too tall)
>smell (don't fucking stink like feet or armpits and DON'T use a bunch of fucking axe. use cinnamon and orange peel you mother fucker)
>funny (don't talk to me if you're fucking boring and autistic, I have enough autism for two people)
>money (pay for yourself, the fuck kind of life do I have if I depend on you?)

Face is my top quality, I need to be attracted to his face. I would be willing to look over a lot of bad traits for a handsome face.

But why is she opening her eyes wider and not smiling as much?

I don't care what a women says you are not truthful.