Fast track to normiedom

>21yo KV
>meet 19yo 7/10 SEAsian girl
>go on date to chick-fil-a last night
>she says I have beautiful eyes
>kiss her and play with her tits
>texts me to tell me we should go out again this thursday

Am i on my way?

Attached: 1547292153738.jpg (539x578, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>hair on his back and ass
that's fucking disgusting

yeah nice larp dude

this post just screams "I am making this up"

I don't have hair on my back I just felt this picture was accurate

I'm not LARPing i swear. I just need validation.

>green card fishing

She was born in America. She does not need a green card.

>>hair on his back and ass
>that's fucking disgusting

watch some old ron jeremy pornos bro and note the girls in the background when they have that expression as they examine his back hair

>watch some old ron jeremy pornos

fuck i just popped just linking about it

>She was born in America
>She doesn't need a green card.

>not having hair on your ass
Are you some sort of weak "highly evolved" soi boi?
Doesn't have to be much, but you should have hair below the neck

why do these pics remind me how badly i want to be a girl

didn't read the thread probably some stupid incel crap again

leave to your containment board

spineless self hating asian girls are a pleb trap

how did you not manage to laugh at her face for being so pathetic?

Attached: wmaf.jpg (677x351, 66K)

>some ugly rejected asian dude has this image saved on his computer

Neither of us looks anything like that picture.

what did he mean by this?

Imagine thinking you're more masculine than another man for having ass hair

Imagine being this desperate

>is a bitter incel posting on r9k
>still thinks there's anyone lower than him

everyone can see how transparently pathetic wmaf couples are

>not getting it

>""happiness"" built on self hate and finding each other at the bottom of the barrel

Attached: 1505566795794.jpg (1300x650, 239K)

>proud of being an apeman

t. subhuman ugly chink that every girl rejects

lmao @ your life, you're obsessed


You guys need this
Need more testosterone

Attached: 1438924054289.jpg (819x621, 215K)

Literally what the fuck are you on about? Maybe if you're a 12 year old faggot you don't have hair on your back but your backside? Are you fucking 8?

Oh man, what's the name of this meme? I forgot it and I want to look for the original

My office mate is married to a Chink. He's a spineless faggot.