Pewds did another greentext video

Pewds did another greentext video

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Say hello to the normie influx, robots.

Haha did you know that if you do the ">" symbol it gets the very green.

< haha epic yamyam!XD

Why do people mention this every time? Does he specifically mention Jow Forums? Wouldn't the zoomers just go to /b/?

>be me
>be oldfag (I remember the elections)
>be also subscribed to pewds
>he doesnt read my greentext but instead reads off some normie reddit post

guys, i tried this on tumblr, why won't it turn green? why did pewds lie?

Googling Jow Forums+greentext will lead u hear directly

Jow Forums has been finished since '16

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i typed "Jow Forums greentext" and google sent me straight to reddit. it could be worse

Fuck Hiro for making meta description. Why the hell was he trying to SEO Jow Forums of all things?

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>mfw my eyebrows are inverted i'm not having much fun

is this a test? rules 1 & 2.

I see you noticed that. The meta is actually an underrated cause of Jow Forums's decline but no one else seems to acknowledge it.

>no one else seems to acknowledge it.
the solution to the greentext faggotry is to simply not participate or reward faggotry

they're faggotry faggotry and faggotry again but they'll be worn down eventually and give up and start acting like proper civilized faggots

Do you know when he did it? I know Jow Forums didn't have any when moot was around and I could have sworn I remember Googling something Jow Forums related like a year or two after Hiro took over and the description was still just whatever random shit Google pulled from active threads. I only noticed it now because I didn't believe Jow Forums would came up when Googling for greentext.

He said they come from tumblr. Is he trying to protect us?

after the nsfw purge, nobody uses tumblr

>Do you know when he did it?
No... /qa/ might know if you're really curious.

Why does he blur out every pepe?

He might get demonitized from jewtube if he shows a hate symbol on his channel.

It's an actual hate symbol. I'm not even baiting you. ADL considers a hate symbol therefore you can't show it without facing repercussions.

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"What's a roastie?"
"Idk, a girl appearently"

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Video will most likely flatline about 2M views. That's 2M newfags. 1.5M don't even bother and continue their day. 200K get baited into Tumblr, 50K find out it's Jow Forums. Remaining 300K don't get baited and come here.
That's 350K newfag. Let's cut it.
175k. Again.
87.5K. Again.
43.75K. Again.
We're most likely dealing with AT LEAST 20K newfags. You can trust me that my calculations are indeed correct and haven't been pulled out my ass since i heil from /sci/.

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Pewdipie is shit

What the fuck nooooooooo you've gotta be shitting me
>mfw liberals are actually publicly accepted as "functioning members of society"

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>doesn't even know what a roastie is
wtf I thought he was our guy

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it's over. Jow Forums is finally over. I can leave.

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>they don't use dblchan
Don't name the site to newfags

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. DnO. 2

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I see what you did there my nigglet

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