Is it still safe to torrent movies...

Is it still safe to torrent movies? I just want to watch movies in bed all day but im afraid to torrent and I can't afford a VPN.

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I have never got a letter for downloading movies. The only notice I got was for a wwe episode

It's more dangerous than ever to torrent movies. They'll send a drone to give you a c&d letter.

Sounds like it's popcorn time for you

I watched the latest episode of rick and morty in a stream(we were cracking shit about it) with some lads from /tv/ and we got a letter about it. so streaming isn't perfectly secure.

What region are you in? That will make a difference to what laws apply to you.

I download stuff regularly, usually 3 or 4 a week. I had one generic warning leter a few months before the banned all torrent sites regardless of content here. Ban did absolutely nothing, because mirrors. Recently I had a letter about a post malone album I downloaded, but that was more of a "make sure you know who's using your connection and what they're doing with it" rather than a warning one.

what do you guys mean 'a letter'?

Right, so this image is OK, but male to male stuff isn't. K

safe to download anime except one time got a copyright notice for naruto
also got one for avatar (the cartoon, my brother, a weedlmao, wanted me to watch it)
as for movies no, it's a massive risk
get a vpn
I know that I used a free trial of ProtonVPN but after 7 days buy a good VPN
ask Jow Forums what vpn is best for torrenting

This is a historic internet image. Go kill yourself faggot this isn't even gay, it's admiration.

back in the day before emails, messages were sent on pieces of paper via a postal service to your house
many companies still use this practice

i meant whats in the letter you fucking asshole

I can get you 365 to 3 years of nord vpn for 2 dollars

Are you ACTUALLY fucking retarded? A letter from his ISP saying they will cut his internet if he doesn't stop torrenting/pirating shit.

oh thanks i actually didnt know that

Im not going to say its safe, but I will say I've done it for years and received nothing more than a couple of warning emails

I once literally got a pop up on my screen from my ISP telling me not to do it again. I've done it since and have not gotten one but what the fuck is that all about.

a mark given to you by the Crown for not having proper licensure for consuming media. typically branded into your buttocks, you are also compelled to wear the letter on display on your arm. an 'A' for adulterer, for example. or 'P' for pirate in the case of stealing movies. men are usually castrated for their second offense, though sometimes if they pirate something particularly kino like the avengers, they will be castrated their first time.

>I can't afford a VPN.
it's five fucking dollars a month

how much is that in tendies?

5 dollars a month if you pay for 2 years in advance. 11$ a month if you just want to go monthly.

Chances are you won't be using it for one month only.
Do your research properly and use free trials too find the one for you.

Nah just make up your own movies in your head
They're all shit now anyway.

yeah but then you're going to be downloading at like 100kpbs off some shitty server that isn't apart of the 14 eyes

you don't have to worry about that, just copyright
you can't get a copyright notice from your ISP with a VPN, even if you're using one in Sweden
connecting Switzerland is for other things

Ye, no one care

>now you are living in 2010

Jokes on them, my rural internet speeds are already that bad without a VPN.

if you are in europe HELL NO! I received a letter where I had to pay 1000 euro to some fucking lawyers for torrenting. I was underage (15), so they didn't get to me until I was legal age and now they want their money
I have a court schedule in 1 month at a district court because my lawyer thinks this whole thing is fucked. save yourself the hassle and buy a VPN

Just say you didn't do it. Your IP is not an indicator of your identity. They have literally nothing on you unless you confessed like a retard.

nigga, you think it's that easy? under my countries law it doesn't matter if it was me or some fucking guest downloading/uploading the torrent, either the guest is plead guilty and has to pay or I have to pay for it because it's my network and it's my duty to supervise it. so even if I'd claim that I have no idea who was torrenting, it doesn't matter in the eye of the law!

Where the FUCK do you live? Sounds like a bigger shithole than the US.

it's germany and it is!
greedy jews control the laws of this country.

not sure about torrenting in general, but I've done it for 8 years now and I've never been caught for it.
I've downloaded numerous games, movies and porn. I even downloaded all seasons of GoT , Breaking Bad and Rick and Morty without anything happening (I was especially worried about these because of their popularity).
I live in Denmark so that may have an effect. We have some torrent websites that are permanently blocked like thepiratebay and kickasstorrents (which sucks btw), but it's easy to find mirrors or just use google translate as a temporary proxy. pretty hilarious that loophole still works.
The client I'm using for torrenting is qBittorrent btw but I don't know if it matters. I always stop seeding after I'm done downloading, because from what I know it's only illegal to upload, not download copyrighted content.
I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten caught yet, but I guess I'm just lucky.

I've been doing it for 10 years now, I slowed down recently just because I feel like the entire scene has also died down and I would think there would be a reason.

RIP mininova



just ddl that shit. haven't used torrents in 10 years.

I am a closet normie sometimes and downloaded the complete collection of Spongebob from the Pirate Bay. A few days later I got a letter (and several more) telling me to stop, and something something jail and money.

I just ignored them and threw them away. I haven't wanted to torrent anything since then, but if I did.. I would be more careful.

Most likely you will just receive a warning the first time.

i sense the start of some kind of..... movement here

>based in panama
>p2p dedicated servers
only con for burgers is lower speeds

Cool elder meme you got there

Italyfag here. I've been doing it for almost 9 years now, downloaded 300+ films and never been caught for it (film folder is probably over 4 TB by now)