Tomorrow you wake up and you're given a loli slave who cannot disobey you no matter what

Tomorrow you wake up and you're given a loli slave who cannot disobey you no matter what.

What do you do?

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Tell her to go to school and get a proper education and get straight A grades.


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Based user

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Make her kill monsters to save the world.

Make more loli slaves and use them to fight my battles, feeding the discarded ones to my shield

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send it to school and maybe sex sometimes

Learn a bunch of survival skills and live in the forest like that one stupid movie.

10/10 wholesome

I command her to have free will
Is it a paradox that makes her brain explode? Or does she say fuck it and go out to do the things I never could?

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>Or does she say fuck it and go out to do the things I never could?
You mean like getting railed by Tyrone and Chad?

Make her write university papers

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Hopefully not until she's older

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Set her free. She deserves a better life than slaving for a psycho muppet like me.

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what a comfy cave

Believe me, Tyrone and Chad don't actually care what age she is. If they like what they see, they fuck.

I would raise her right, giving her what she DESERVES, not necessarily wants. The best I can, while simultaneously and subtly trying to make her fall in love with me. If she does, it's happily ever after. If not, well, I'm not gonna tell her what to do.

And she leaves you to fuck an abusive chad instead. Congratulations!

Kill her so she can't cuck me in the future.

I make her stab bunnies

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Forcing anyone to live with me would be a crime against humanity and I can't afford the plane ticket to Haag.

Make her hang out with me all the time and never leave me.

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Force her to execute me

Homeschool her in artificial intelligence and information science and instruct her to replace the government with a robot

Oppai Loli please.

Also I'll conceal her existence from the world since they wouldn't understand our love.

is this one of those 18+ qts who look like lolis?
or a legit underage loli?

Tell her to disobey me and she explodes

Love her and nurture her into being a nice and educated woman. Be her father/boss/senpai figure until adulthood.
Then after I'm old and wrinkly have her care for me until my deathbed.

make her eat eggs of course.

Order her to kill and train her to be an assassin