Be me

>Be me
>Running out of video ideas
>Decide to read funny stories and confessions on Tumblr called greentext
>Get my friend who wears a gay bear hat to read them with me because muh funny
>Get called a fag in the comments because I didn't know they came from a thing called four chan?

Am I a fag /b/?

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worst b8 ive seen all day sage

Nooo pewds is good tgay everyone om Jow Forums is dumb

I like the guy unironically, he's pretty redpilled for a someone in his position and is often very unapologetic to people who get offended nowdays.

He does charities and is genetically superior to most people here.

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>Pewdiepie actually follows rules 1 & 2.
>Newfags get mad.

Here's your (you).

When did YouTube go from original content creation to douchebags recording themselves reacting to stuff

Forgot this was Jow Forums

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swedish boomer a cute!

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You know I bet it was an accident but it can also be he didn't want fucking Normies on this cite so he said Tumbler instead.

he referred to Jow Forums as reddit before as well. retarded op newfag wont remember the times he shilled his minecraft videos on /v/

>original content creation to douchebags recording themselves

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why do people think hes redpilled just because the media doesnt like him? its not like hes remotely funny

because you only watch douchebags recording themselves reacting to stuff.

>be me
>be massive fucking faggot that has nothing to my fucking life except Jow Forums
>love to suck some dick
>proceed to make a super gay thread on Jow Forums saying i am pewdiepie and i'm posting in /b/
>continue to suck some dick
>go back to doing fucking nothing at life besides faping to interracial porn
>do this every, fucking, day
>mfw me and my dad predicted exactly how my life would go

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>he's not redpilles

Gtfo last pewdiepie video you watched was in 1995

He's one of 4chins true anons, rules 1 and 2 faggos

>t. pewdiefag dickrider
Guessing you were like 6 years old when he used to do gaming videos too huh

Fuck off nigger. Ill rupture your asshole.

>Ill rupture your asshole.
is that a sinvitation? oooowe plz du

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He seriously has a god tier face, but he's also a manlet