Cute Asian Girls

Highly educated
Health conscious
Proper etiquette
Goal oriented
Self motivated
High sense of fashion
Moral sense of justice
Top earners in the work force
Always improving oneself
Age very slowly due to awareness in health and food

The list goes on and on really, but at the very top of the list and the most important aspect about cute Asian girls is that they are 100% LOYAL.

>And that they have tight pussies :)

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Brown labia tho

they have tiny short vaginas you need a nice 6" vagina trust me it's so much better little short 2.5" asian girl will be all "ouchie ouchie my cwoot wittel pussi"

of course for someone with a 2.5" choad that's fine i guess

nigga how do I even get an asian gf

>Brown labia tho
that's the best part also the brown nips omgggggg

i've had two asian gfs, one of them was totally cool and had big tiddies but they didn't have brown nips or lips... she just wasn't very horny or good in bed

the other one was fully loaded with yummy brown color but had self esteem issues and constantly said things like "ew the brown is so gross i look so asian"

stfu faggot the brown is hot lemme chew on it your whining ruins my boner

Virgin. No women is 2.5" deep when she's aroused. The vagina expands when she gets turned on. My 5 feet petite half nip gf can take the full 7 inches before it touches her cervix

well i'm exaggerating obviously but it's variable. i've had a white gf who had her cervix really low even when she was aroused. it depends on a lot of things including posture.

i've had a gf with a "long vag" though and believe me that shit is sooooo much better, it's no comparison.

they can both work fine, but with the short (or "low") ones you have to be careful and sex can be painful, certain positions are no good and so on.

so yeah you're right, it isn't accurate to generalize but i think asians are more likely to have short junk. it can also be correlated with height (overall body size) but that's not the sole contributing factor so you can't use shoe size when buying condoms.

>they are 100% LOYAL

>The vagina expands when she gets turned on
also... while you're technically correct i think you misunderstand that length isn't the same as width.

i believe it depends upon phase of the moon (if you know what i mean) but the cervix can actually end up lower during arousal too (unless i'm mistaken.)

female creatures are complicated as hell. i'm glad i'm just a simple wooden low-stress low-maintenance robot.

>The list goes on
True, in fact you forgot the most important point
>They will never date you because you're a pathetic incel, just like every other woman

>Goal oriented,Self motivated,Always improving,and Loyal

Not everyone is as pathetic as you, incel.relax lmfao

I'm a nignog nerd tho

>falls for Asian girls are better meme

Date an east Asian woman and you'll know what they're like, literal fucking insects.

They're raised to be emotionless slaves who work for their husbands, they perform well because they're supposed to be the bread winners for their lazy husbands who they marry while still underaged.

Heard this from my east Asian ex who was the 4th child so she didn't get this upbringing like her sisters. FUCK ASIAN CULTURE it's completely FUCKED to the core you're better off going after Muslim qts because ASIAN WOMEN WILL TRY TO FORCE THEIR BACKWARDS UPBRINGING ON YOUR CHILDREN AND YOU

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Only had 3 azns but I didn't really notice a difference in depth compared to white girls. Tbqh all but one girl could take 7 inches eventually without it hurting them. I think this whole 'the vagina is shallow and the entrance and shallow parts have the most sensation ' is a big cope that dicklets tell themselves

i wish my cock was shorter and it's only 6+1/2, i can't imagine the trouble of it being 7 or 8, maybe you just got lucky so far

Asian girl here. This thread is scary.

Why are you even here? Maybe robots should start going to bars in large numbers until the normies all leave.

>going to bars
but you're the normie..

Why? Bottoming out a girl is satisfying af. Irl both 6.5 and 7 are pretty rare sizes, though I agree above 7 is pretty useless but nice for your ego

Wanna go out Greggs sometime and get a sausage roll? I'll pay.

you don't have to pay. I don't know what Greggs is.

It's a place that sells pastry food innit, I'll pay it'll cost less than 2 quid. We could go to the chippy if ya want instead.

>brown eyes
>brown nips
deal breakers sadly
I don't want hapa kids with nigger features

Idk user. I'm scared of men.. you guys are so rapey. I don't dislike white men but they are the most aggressively rapey, no offense.

Don't worry, I won't attempt to have sexual intercourse unless you say you want it, we'll just play Dreamcast together innit.

but I want to play nintendo switch instead :(

I don't have a Switch ;(

we could share mine but you're on the other side of the world :O

We could but plug sockets are different here so we'd need a stepdown converter...

ok sure, i'll go to greggs with you if I ever want to visit the UK

Cute Asian girls are essentially worthless without "life balance". But the thing is, life balance isn't taught to them, no, they're born with it. This special trait evolved specifically within the DNA of cute Asian girls, which is what makes them so genetically superior to all other girls.


On a related note:

What is this life balance?

Well, a cute Asian girl's life balance pertains to the two things:

1. Everything fore mentioned in my original comment and...

But wait! What can possibly balance all that out? Their genetic integrity and superior intelligence that is. What's at the other end of the spectrum?

Well, it's no surprise really, but this trait only comes out behind closed doors. And it's only displayed in front of their significant other.

What is it?

It's unadulterated, animalistic, barbaric, wild, perverted, deviant, unholy, sadistic SEX.

Side note: because cute Asian girls are highly evolved, they can reroute their entire nervous system to have their touch sensory preclude to only their pussies. Meaning, endless orgasms. And because of their rerouting mechanisms, they can recover from sex rather quickly, making them insatiable when it comes to getting their pussies pounded. This special trait can also be passed on directly onto their lover. The exact moment a guy inserts his cock inside the cute Asian girl's pussy, the rerouting mechanism trait seeps into a guy through his urethra, thus making both lovers orgasms and recovery an endless marathon of nasty debauchery.

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Sweet, now I have a reason to not kill myself for the time being, thank you.

That's good. you're welcome friend! ^o^

Cute Asian girls:
Highly evolved intellectually
Highly evolved sexually

Name another race of females that share these God given superior genes.

Protip: you can't

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Stop, Steve.

illiterate user.

>tight pussies
Asian babies tend to have larger heads compared to babies of other races. Before modern medicine, if you were unable to deliver your child then you died. This caused Asian women with tight vaginas to be weeded out.

>hyper conservative