Cute Asian girls are essentially worthless without "life balance". But the thing is, life balance isn't taught to them, no, they're born with it. This special trait evolved specifically within the DNA of cute Asian girls, which is what makes them so genetically superior to all other girls.
On a related note:
What is this life balance?
Well, a cute Asian girl's life balance pertains to the two things:
1. Everything fore mentioned in my original comment and...
But wait! What can possibly balance all that out? Their genetic integrity and superior intelligence that is. What's at the other end of the spectrum?
Well, it's no surprise really, but this trait only comes out behind closed doors. And it's only displayed in front of their significant other.
What is it?
It's unadulterated, animalistic, barbaric, wild, perverted, deviant, unholy, sadistic SEX.
Side note: because cute Asian girls are highly evolved, they can reroute their entire nervous system to have their touch sensory preclude to only their pussies. Meaning, endless orgasms. And because of their rerouting mechanisms, they can recover from sex rather quickly, making them insatiable when it comes to getting their pussies pounded. This special trait can also be passed on directly onto their lover. The exact moment a guy inserts his cock inside the cute Asian girl's pussy, the rerouting mechanism trait seeps into a guy through his urethra, thus making both lovers orgasms and recovery an endless marathon of nasty debauchery.
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