MBTI thread

sensor pussy belongs to big intuitive cock

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/entp/ gang who here

yes big-cocked entp daddy, I want the BNC

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uh huh I truly believe you

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>horoscopes for twats
Why are you faggots so obsessed with this load of bullshit?

how is it bullshit? what's wrong with it in your own words?

calling it the same as horoscopes is intentionally wrong

>1/16 chances
it was always too late.

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Now that's an OwO post!

t. your (least least ... least?) favorite INFJ-T ^.^

If you're going to keep posting like this at least show us your boipussy.

fucking unoriginal post suck my nuts

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Why is this? Would you care to explain?

Oh my gosh, the legendary INFJ-T user in the flesh!

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Daily reminder that ENTPs are the strongest race

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Intps rise up

Can any ESTPs or anyone who knows an ESTP tell me what sexual interests ESTPs usually have? I assume they're dominant. The guy I like is an ESTP and he seems super assertive/chad tier, plus he's attractive. I feel like he'd be dom and wild/violent af in bed but I'm not sure.

this is bad mbti

ESTPs are usually down for anything, as long as there is no commitment involved.

That's more like ANTJ.

Anything worse than an egotistical sensor trying to criticize an intuitive as if they don't know? Sensors live life on easy mode especially Si users. Being a Ni Dom is Nightmare mode especially if you are born into horrible circumstances, you see so much it's easy to ignore the finer details and sensors harass the fuck over you for it but can't read between the lines because they are simple and the world caters to simple people. The only thing stopping me from living alone in a cave is I need music and the internet.

Normalfag tier fetish faggot shit, sensors lack creativity.

*farts into your gay face*

>ENTJ and unhappy
this can't be happening bros... they told me this was supposed to be a cool type... how could this be happening to me...

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now this is a good post, based (potentially) Se dominant poster

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but im an entp and im not that at all you fucking nigger

disgusting, never respond to me again

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Your repressed Se is preventing you from being in touch with reality. Work on it, and you will see that sensors are not really that bad.

fuck you original retard

INFJs are all deceptive and manipulative people

>Se and Si users are generally very happy

fuck why couldnt i have been a sensor

Am not! I am as pure as the driven snow.

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based oreganolio

The other way around

Sensor= Chad
Intuitive= beta nerd

>hates sensors for no good reason
No good reason indeed, but there is definitely a reason behind it lol. Its insecurity and jealousy indeed. Intuitives are basically the skinny, scrawny, feminine looking nerds from highschool. Sensors and Se doms especially are natural Chads. The Chad vs virgin meme is literally the ESTP archetype vs the NTP archetype, and the funny thing is it was obviously made by NTPs. Even they know their beta nature.

True. I've never seen an ENTP smack a girls ass without asking.

Evening Jow Forums.

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Rational cock belongs to tight Idealist pussy.

thank you very much friend, but no, I am actually an ENTP who hates other N cucks for being betas who use intellectual pursuits to cope with the fact that they're undesirable autists. might actually be xSTP though as both my Ne and Se are apparently very strong

I'm ESTP and I am really into domination, as long as the bitch isn't a fucking fridge.

ESTP is typical Chad, they're the worst
So basically what your average frat boy is into. Blowjobs, anal, big tits, rough sex, etc.

ISFP's hey guys let's just chill together in this corner

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2nd part is true, but please explain how we are the worst.

he's probably an asspained Nx dom. ESTPs are based.

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thanks for this quality content

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do INTPs often lose their train of thought when they are thinking about something and then later notice you went down a completely different path to another weird idea when you were supposed to be thinking about the original thing and now you're thinking about mac n cheese or something or this this an ENTP thing

Infp one is too true to my life

>types i like

>types i don't like

simple as

>types i don't like

>>types i like
a surprise to be sure but a welcome one

>Been medically depressed for good chunk of my life

Yeah, sounds pretty damn accurate

Why don't you like INFJs uwu I'm an INFJ-T and I'm very cute and sweet ^_^ :3

die FJ scum

this is why i don't like INFJs

I don't think that guy's an INFJ, user. Aren't INFJs supposed to be grim, mature, and stoic? Not playful?

ENTJ gang ENTJ gang
Basically 50% I 50% E, s

what do you have against INFPs? they just want to be your friend :(

i originally had INFP in types i like, but i moved them to types i don't like before posting that. sometimes that's just how it is. there are a lot of INFPs in my life and they get very grating.

INFPs never have anything to say that's worth hearing

I used to be INTP but turned into INFP
am I slowly transforming into hitler

hitler was an INFJ supposedly

Are you infp user? We don't need him. We can be friend.

Right, though his younger years when he was an ordinary citizen - the 1900s and 1910s, mainly - are ripe with things that also point in the direction of INFP. The main thing that makes me think INFP is that he was, throughout much of his life, completely unable to commit to any project for any real length of time. The political career that he began during the 1920s (maybe 1919, I forget) was the first time in his life that he pursued a goal and actually saw it through. His general attitude towards projects and goals prior to his 30s, though, screamed "I am a P type."

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I see him as more of an INFJ. His idealism and romanticized view of Germany could be a hint of Ni, while his leadership style was very Fe-oriented

Which type is most likely to be autistic?

I mean this both in terms of actual autism and also in terms of the Jow Forums autist meme

Intj i believe

Autism itself isn't associated to MBTI, but INTJs tend to look more sperg-ish in the acutal sense of the thing. For the meme autism, that goes for INTPs

INTPs are the type most likely to actually be diagnosed with autism

any intps get that feeling of "im too old and tired for this shit" but are still young?

INTJ and then INTP

Not INTP, but every INTP I know has this attitude

ya have had it since after puberty

It's not an attitude its more like an emotion. It's somewhat hard to describe. My attitude towards life is to use as little of my energy as possible in the smallest amount of time possible.

We have a very low tolerance to Homeostatic Disturbance.
I guess its because of having Se as 6th function

I have no idea what this means. I haven't gotten further into MBTI thab the test.


Accurate. I can never ask anyone for anything?

>Se and Si users are generally very happy
>be istp
it's not fair bros

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>used to consistently test as INFP three years ago
>was somewhat happy then
>now consistently test as an INTP
>less happy
what the fuck is happening to me bros

because mbti is fake

How the FUCK do I practice Te as a function?

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Your psyche is composed of a matrix of experiences, concepts and ideas, and these in turn are known through their Perception or are built by means of judging. You have a dominant function (internal reasoning for the INTP) and two auxiliary perceiving functions, one more developed than the other (external intuition and internal sensation for the INTP). Finally, you have a lower judging function, which you are unable to use consciously and which expresses itself in you either subtly or in explosions due to the amount of time that this process has been repressed (In the case of the INTP, the function inferior is Fe, which makes us completely unaware of the common social standards, norms and constructs and the unwritten rules of behavior, and is expressed through feelings directed towards concrete objective external objects, that is, externally oriented feelings , that we tend to repress until having explosions of depression, crying or drama depending on the trigger) (1\2)

nothing is more mind numbing than hearing an ENTP's opinions and ideas

I see Hitler as more of an ISFJ desu. He doesn't seem nearly as "big picture" oriented as people say. People saying he had some sort of fantastic vision are buying into Nazi propaganda, it's more the impression his subordinates wanted to give of him, he was more of an implementer of other peoples ideas than a visionary. His intuition was much more Ne styled, and was largely a weakness more than anything. Then again I never did finish Mein Kampf.

You need more than a hint of Ni to be a Ni dom lol.

Actual autism has nothing to do with mbti. Meme autism is INTJ.

Si, Fe, Ni ect are cognitive functions. Thinking Feeling Sensing iNtuition with either an e for extraverted or an i for introverted. Basically ways in which the brain processes things. The idea that each type uses them in a different order. An INTP for example has Ti as their first function so they naturally just want to introvertedly think about stuff to see if it makes sense. Se is one of their least favourite functions so they don't like having to look at what's actually happening around them, it gets in the way of their thinking. Everyone uses all 8 there's just ones they like and don't like.

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lmfao nerds hitler was enfj. get dabbed on

not liking your pattern being broken is a key sign of autism

>I see Hitler as more of an ISFJ desu

Oh, Centaur. You and your ISFJ obsession.

In addition to the normal cognitive functions, there are shadow functions, that is, functions that we do not know completely and that either their nonexistent development or their complete absence affect our behaviors in one way or another, and for us the INTPs, the function shadow deceiving or vulnerable function is Se. This is the best definition of how this affects us.

The individual handles his needs by being prudent and farsighted. He have mentally foresees which actions may be harmful or inopportune to themselves and disruptive of their physical stability and homeostasis. He does not intrude onto other people's space or territory and is easily annoyed and flustered by someone transgressing into his own space. It can anticipate which behavior may be perceived as a transgression or violation of one's personal space, and disapproves of those who regularly behave in such a manner. I have tried to avoid and prevent anything that would result in excessive commotion or upheaval, which could potentially ruin his personal homeostasis. By extension he is usually disapproving of people who are too rowdy or disobedient, those who create commotion or sudden disruptions by their behavior. This individual usually holds himself back from entering into conflicts. He does enter into conflicts when he needs to defend his values and principles, but prefers to pick his fights and anticipate which conflicts are not dangerous to him in any direct way, for example virtual sparring or when he has the backing of other powerful individuals . I have a tendency to overreact in directly confrontational situations, responding to knee-jerk reactions, or seem to pushy in a way that appears too unnatural or insufficient to others, which may spoil his mood. He himself refers very sensitively to commentary about his own volitional qualities and ability to stand up for himself. He usually feels himself insufficiently capable of proactively changing his environment.

Well apparently there's more ISFJs than all IN types put together in the world so you know.

It's called being "jaded"
The dictionary is your friend

I already told you faggot

That's a fair point, but still.

Also, holy shit, a search for Hitler ISFJ brings up MBTI discussions from 1998.


My GF is an INTJ and others regularly ask her if she is autistic because of her INTJ behavior. I can't speak for me (INTP) because the reason I ain't constantly asked if I'm an autist is because I have no friends and never leave my home and if I leave is only to pick her up and go back again into the house with her

That doesn't mean anything when you're considering one specific instance- in this case just Hitler himself.

>people constantly ask if my gf is autistic
At what rate exactly and do they specifically use "autistic"? I've never been asked if I was autistic but others have divulged their suspicions I was mentally ill and less commonly "autistic". I find it hard to believe though that people consistently stereotype your gf as autistic when the general public has many misconceptions on actual autism and displays of autism. Unless you live in a "Chan heavy" area or a highly metropolitan area with high autism awareness presence such as important charities and the like I find it very unlikely.

>INFPs never have anything to say that's worth hearing
I/ENTP spotted, not everyone has a pathological need to convince others that they're a big smart boy user

Understandable, I know my friends get tired of my endless bullshit sometimes and I recognize how I can get annoying even though they love me

we already are :)

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I live in Spain specifically (this country favors extroversion above all traits so maybe its because of that) She is now studying a bachelor degree in the evenings and she tells me that other students (specially two, one of them being an ISFP and the other being an ESFP) constantly tell her that she maybe is an autist and should be tested, that they will help her with her problems because of her autism, and that they can speak for her with the teachers about the topic. She has denied time and time again the autism thing (she doesn't visit Jow Forums btw)

(INTJ) okay then if you have something worth hearing then say something.
The problem with people like you is you always pipe up when nobody wants to hear it. At least we know to expect your extroverted counterpart to be retarded constantly.

I see what you mean. Goddamn Chad countries. I guess if I was to live there they'd put me in the loony bin. Maybe the Chad/Stacy countries are normal and everyone else is varying shades of normal and garbage though?

Its actually so funny how every ENTP thinks people are in any way interested in what they have to say and expect to be listened to, if I perceive someone is an ENTP type I automatically strike them off in my head as someone who has any valuable ideas

I do the same thing. I hate people that impose the image of being "idea guys". All I see are frauds, con artists and hacks. That's why I have a disposition against them

>okay then if you have something worth hearing then say something.
did what I wrote in any way imply I thought I had something to say that's worth hearing? either go back and redo grade 4 reading comprehension or chill and sit the fuck down.