How is liking this gay? liking feminine things is the opposite of gay.
How is liking this gay? liking feminine things is the opposite of gay
I don't believe that's a trap
Penis equals gay you fucking bitch
Accept that you are gay
as long as there is no visible penis or bulge it doesn't qualify as gay.
Liking feminine things is gay though, you only put up with it for pussy.
feminine cock is not gay
it's a biological female
its a famous norwegian trans girl who transitioned early
The masculine elements like her stronger jaw, her larger hands and bones or her convex mouth give her an element of ferociousness that makes much more attractive.
Why do you think fembots spend so much time infront of the mirror? Getting all passionated about making themself look prettier...
a picture is an illusion
uncanny valley irl
no the picture isnt gay, it is a fetish of heterosexuals, gay men like masculinity
And just why does it need to have a penis? Fucking faggot.
if she transitioned, then it ain't gay. idgaf
A shadow of Chad's former self.
The shadow tells more
It's gay
that's why early transitioning should be encouraged, late one can be successful too (i recall i even seen a pic of a completely bald guy who managed to transition to look as a bald art hoe woman) but it's a lottery then
it doesn't need to it just does. a penis =/ gay
if you eat the pancake of him will he die?
you like the dick more than you do them
I wish I would be able to find a trap.
None exist in my state of iowa
no they just happen to be attractive and have a penis
but you like their male sex organ
"cock" is gay you are a faggot in denial my friend
girl cock is not
feminine cock is not the same as a masculine cock
that's certainly better than pushing them to get srs
this is higher iq than anything that ever gets posted in these dumb, endless tranny LARP and response type threads
there's nothing feminine about an inherently masculine unit
yes there is the way it feels, looks, and tastes is all different and angles towards femininity
you keep telling yourself that bud
also, give up fapping
you're such a jew
Here is the guide if its gay or not.
Thank me later
You have two choices
Feminine looking thing that is not a male
Feminine looking thing that is a male
You choose the feminine male over the feminine female. The only difference between the two is that one is a male and the other isnt. Thus, you are attracted to it because its male.
>Definition of homosexuality
>sexual attraction or the tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
You are a male yourself and you are attracted to another male. That makes you homosexual.
>choosing it because it's male and not because of how modern women act
no I'm not drawn out towards it but I wouldn't turn it away
faulty argument