Did you know that if you click+hold the box next to the "Im not a robot" for 10 seconds, you can automatically skip the choose your own adventure bullshit and post?
Did you know that if you click+hold the box next to the "Im not a robot" for 10 seconds...
It's a lie, don't do this or thejaslkfghjasg
i mostly lurk so when i post i only have to click the checkbox and never have to solve anything
No its the truth
>it works
Testing like the patricians
gey if true
I wouldn't know about something like that.
r u tryna trickc me
ok this is epic, but cringe and bluepilled
Let's try this then. I mean, if it's true that's great and worth a try.
fake like op's penis in his asshole
Bullshit oreganio
absolute fucking niggardry and im saying this originally as anything
HOW DO I UNDO THIS? I tried clicking and holding the box again but it's not going back
Holy shit thank you.
Fuck you google
guys im gonna do it. what should i expect
fuck it ill bite. Originaldoooo
dosnt work
beis--- holy shit it worked
make sure you hold long enough
OP the Fourth Reich just activated, what the fuck have you made me do!?
I use no script captcha, nerd.