Milestones in your life as a sexual being

>age 5: boner while sitting on mom's friend's lap
>age 10: see my dad's gf's daughter's pussy
>age 12: first wank thinking about my teacher
>age 14: first degenerate wank to a lady on TV ad who had armpit hair
>age 16: finger a black girl
>age 17: get into shemales
>also age 17: first bj
>age 18: lose virginity to trans hooker
>age 19: have first unprotected sex with a woman who is 28
>age 19-23: absolutely nothing

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Other urls found in this thread:

>age 7: get first boner
>age 12: jerk off for the first time
>age 14: see friend's sister changing
>age 18: fuck qt 3.14 filipina coworker
>age 20: fuck qt 3.14 Vietnamese classmate
So far so good I think. I love gook pussy.

>Age 4: first fap
>Age 5-21: nothing.

Pretty proud of myself so far

>Age 12: first wank
>Age 13 to 17: void
>Age 18: fingered slav girl
I know it's going to take years before I get another chance cuz asperger and shit.

>Age 12: first fap
>Age 18: escort
>Age 18-27: nothing

>age 11: start wanking

>age 13: first fap
>age 26: develop erectile dysfunction from overfapping. sexual career ended.

If it's nerve damage, you can get surgery. I may have to too user

>get first boner at 6 and jack off
>lose virginity at 9 to a 10 year old

Wtf i cant stop crying thinking about it

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>age 12 steal aunts bra
>age 13 steal friends sisters bra
>age 17 lose virginity to basic white girl
>age 18 have sex with another white girl
>age 19 have sex with another white girl
>age 21 have sex with another white girl
>age 23 have sex for the last time
>age 23 (now) nothing

>age 6?: first boner, complained to mom that i couldnt pee right, she laughed
>age 12: discover porn, dont know about fapping, just watch and after a few minutes i cum
>age 13: discover fapping, now i dont need to have porn to orgasm (only had 1 PC, no longer worried about parents coming home while awaiting orgasm)
>age 15: start fucking pillow
>age 18: meet 4/10 on tinder, have sex twice before she ghosts me
>age 21: desperate from dry spell, download grindr, find out im bi and enjoy topping
>age 22-23: hooked up with a lot of men, asked out several women, only 1 went beyond first date (lasted 2 months)
>age 24: first real relationship with a guy (lasted 5 months)
>age 25-28(now): dating a guy

>age somewhere around 11 first wank in the shower
>age 11-20 (now) absolutely nothing

If you had sex/a relationship in any way, shape or form, you're not a robot.
This thread just tells me how horrifyingly many normies infested this board

>age 7 first boner
>age 11 walk in on brother with porn on vhs and find out about jerking off
>age 14 family gets internet, confirm i am definitely gay
>age 16 found out one of my friends was also gay (first drunk kisses led to first blowjob)
>age 17 lost virginity to that friend
>age 19 come out to parents, discover grindr
>age 27 proposed to partner of 5 years (4 years later, still married)

mine is pretty bad
>age pre-10: first boner
>age 10-17: discover porn and try to wank but it feels weird
>age 18: first real gf, sex and everything
>age 19: she dumps me and now im addicted to wanking
fucking women

>age 8: see another 8 year old's vagina first time
>age 11: first time masturbating, video of yoga workout stretches
>age 17: first blowjob
>age 18: first time eating out girl
>age 19: first time eating girl asshole
>age I fucking give up

>age 6ish - Get a boner, first kiss
>age 10ish - first time watching porn
>age 12ish - lose virginity to a nasty black girl'
>age 13-19 - Not much.

I was an early bloomer, and now the flower is dead

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>jack off first at 10
>masturbate almost everyday until 40
At this point I just want the dopamine

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>age 16 made out with a slut several times
>same age got a handjob from a female stranger that was atleast 10 years older than me

23 now and nothing ever since.

>age 0 - 21: nothing
>age 22: first fap
What do I win?

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A wizard robe.

Fuck my ass unironically, a man who is pure is instantly 200% more attractive.

>age 0: born via c-section, denied initial vaginal contact, a preamble of what is to come
>age 8: showed my pipi to some lolis while playing "show me yours I'l show you mine" at the beach"
>age 13: got a kiss on the cheek from a qt while playing spin the bottle
>age 16: some slut metoo'd my ass in PE
>age 30: spent the night cuddlesexing with my ex, fondling of the cawk occurred, no actual physical contact as it was through my underwear.
>Age 32: still a KV, got the hug and hand holding thing down tho.

suffering lads

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do you have any more of her? she looks like someone I know...

at least you held hands and hugged someone other than your mom, most of us dont even have that achievement

>dont remember first boner
>age 12 jerk off to gta sa when cj picked up hookers
>age 14 jerk off in the school bathroom while i think about my girl classmates
>age 15 jerk off to a friends mom which she was hot as fuck
>age 20 first blowjob by a hooker
>feel nothing
>no longer desire for sex since its not as good as i expected it to be

wtf cuddling with your ex? So you had sex with her before she became your ex right?

no thanks, i'm not gay and even if i was I wouldnt want to lose my virginity just for the hell of it, otherwise id just go pay a prostitute.

most of you are in your late teens early 20s, doesn't even come close to achievements I unlocked as I became a wizard

so, sweetie plss no....

I am a sad frog, I know your pains

age 5 discover love of women. couldn't quite describe it then but girls just stirred up something in me
age 13 successfully shoot cum out my dick for the first time. I was nervous it was gonna be an uncontrollable amount so I was hesitant at first but once that seal was broken there was no stopping me
age 15 porked my gf in her dad's garage. same situation once the sex seal was broken it was nonstop fuckfest
age 19 finally find a second person that wants to fuck. gotta thank 1st gf though because she gave confidence boost to young me
age 20 feel lonely and fuck 2 prostitutes. then got gf and piped her every single day. sex was bountiful
age 21 being in the best shape of my life I went on a heart breaking spree pounding around 10 girls in this time. i had this idea that once i hit double digits i was a success but along the way realized that sex is not everything.
age 22 stopped trying to fuck everyone i met and am kind of more reserved towards sex these days. still jerk off all the time but dont wanna invest the time into acquiring sex like i used to

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>Age 4: first fap

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>15: first fap
>23: first kiss
Still 23 and virgin

>Age 32: still a KV
>age 13: got a kiss on the cheek
u fokin w0t m8

age 14-15: first fap
age 17: Fuck 3 prostitutes
age 18: nothing

>age 9
>try to find out what a naked woman looks like
>find porn
>morbid curiosity sends me around on a journey of internet porn
>I try to emulate it
>masturbate daily for eleven years
I fucking hate you all
Everyone on the internet without exception
You did this to me
Maybe my parents deserve some blame too for having me
I wish I was never born

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>age 5: some fucker fingered me
>age 12-13: the same fucker with his friends enjoyed to beat me in breaks and they also touched me
>age 13: I heard that at this time I should be jacking off, tried watching porn but I didn't get horny so I never tried again
>age 15: had to go to a cousin's birthday party. Surrounded by normies, get bored af. Got drunk for the first time, suddenly a guy started kissing me. It took me too much time to move him away and then someone told him "wtf are you doing bruh she's user, that's fuckin disgusting". Then he spat me and ran away.
>age 16: second party I had to go, second time I got drunk. The fuckers that touched me in the past did it again. Something similar to my first kiss happened. Lesson learned: never get drunk again if you aren't alone.
>age 17/19: no contact with men.
>age 20 and 5 months: I met the only cyberfren that knows that i am a grill. I fell in love for the first time.
>age 20 and 6 month: we kissed for the first time. Also he became my first bf.
>age 20 and 7 months: wanked him for the first time. Eventually i gave him a bj.
>age 20 and 8 months: he jerked me off for the first time.
>age 20 and 9 months: lost my v card.
>age 20-22(now): still dating him.

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alright time to assert my dominance over you normies
> age 3 first boner
>age 10 lose v card to close friend
>age 12 start jerking off
>age 12-18 void

Fuck you and fuck all these fucking normalfags in this thread.

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>age 7? first boner
>age 11 first jack off sesh
>age 19 first kiss
>age 21 lose virginity
>age 25 find long term gf

>age fuck my life: Fuck My Life

>age 12: Discover porn and masturbation
>age14: bf no sex
>age 18: neet bf still no sex
>age 19: Single and still a virgin
Btw im female

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>age 10 would look up boobies on Nintendo DS and get peepee hard
>Age 11 first wank to the thumbnail images of a camwhore site
>Age 14 my "girlfriend" sits on my lap and rubs herself like that get very hard
>Age 16 lose virginity by fucking my girlfriend in an unlocked building at a baseball field
>Age 16-18 fuck like 7 different thots on and off
>Age 18 meet my wife best sex ever had fuck regularly
>Age 21 (current age) still fuck wife :)

What's k I k? Fembot?

>age 4: first gf
>age 5: second gf, first masturbatory exploration, start putting stickers on my mushroom head and nipples and ripping them off
>age 6: third gf, fucked a sprite bottle, spread my asscheeks in the mirror and stuck pens up my butt, first dry orgasm
>age 7: start getting molested by my "best friend" and he tells me he'll stop being my friend if I tell his mom
>age 8: ram dick into table while looking at the hottest girl in third grade
>age 9: finally tell my molester's mom
>age 10: first pubes, first fap to the Sims 2 nude skins, first wet orgasm, discover porn, discover wikipedia info on sex
>age 11: full set of pubes, fap to every girl in school, even the retards, jerk off to gay porn in front of my brother and cum buckets, random 9 year old girl grabs/jerks my cock repeatedly in the pool but I don't play back
>age 12:boners every time I see a female, fondled by another boy again against my wishes
>age 13:first self suck with swallow, a few more boys want to do gay shit with me and I refuse, weird perverted girl rubs my abs and brings her hands down to my cock in the hallway but I push her away, unintentionally touch a girl's tits while wrestling in the pool
>age 14: my neighbor's 11 year old brazilian sister and his 11 year old freckled cousin are both into me, br girl rubs her tits on me and says I'm sexy, but I don't do anything because of my oneitus
>age 15:first fap in school
>age 16-18: virginity/depression intensifies
>age 19:meet a fat Filipino girl on /soc/ and have skype sex. IMO I lost my virginity here because all of the anxiety/rite of passage shit dissipated
>age 20-23:fly to Philippines and fuck gf
>age 23: fattie cheats on me so I fuck an Indian girl from tinder and meet my Chinese gf on Skout. Immediately regret my degenerate hookups and become even more right wing.
I regret a lot of stuff but despite my past at least I haven't become as degenerate as most western men.

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>16 first jerk
>17-34 nothing

hello master wizard

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>age 20: lost virginity
>age 21: had sex for the second time
>ages 22-23: fucked 28 different women, dated a few of these
>age 24: GF

>fucked 28 different women
Oh no user. Don't do that again.

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>age 13: first fap
>age 14-19: nothing

I enjoyed it, but it was a point where I had a idgaf attitude.

I don't know how someone could enjoy that. I felt awful hooking up with two girls.

I feel like we have very different perspectives.
Why do you feel awful for hooking up with two girls?

>age 5? first boner
>age 11 discover porn and start fucking pillow
>age 12 first fap
>age 14 first kiss
>age 15 girl I met at friends house shows me her tits, tells me she's not virgin, we make out, but no sex cus I was dumb n didnt make the move
>age 16 masturbate a lot, went on some dates
>age 17 finger qt at a party
>age 18 (now) nothing yet, going to college next month

>8: first boner
>13: Start fapping
>17: Start watching porn
>19-21: ...

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Sex should be something that is near-sacred and only practiced between men and women who are truly in love with each other and in monogamous relationships. I feel dirty and hollow otherwise. No better than a used condom. That's what it feels like to engage in degeneracy.

I disagree.
Sex is a natural desire and to deny your natural being is to deny yourself.
This is the archaic restraint Christianity has put onto people in a world without protection or abortion.

I agree with you on the monogamous aspect, but to state 'men and women' shows you grew up in a more sheltered environment (such as me) and haven't escaped the mindset yet.
Of course, I could never date a girl knowing she has fucked that many guys, but there is a double standard and for good reason.
It is far easier for women to find a mate than it is a man.

based wholesome and morally upright poster

Mods don't ban me for the first event it was me when I was a kid.

>age (i think i was 10 while my cousin is 7-8?) we played a checkers game on my bedroom everyone is downstairs when suddenly i ended up touching her vagina whole she touched mine, don't know how it started but pretty sure i was the one who asked for it
>age 12 or 13: first fap in the bathroom, get an idea to rub my dick with the foam on my body so i go with it, tried it many times till it hurts because my dick were injured due to the friction caused by the foam and my hands
>age 12: bumped into a girl and ended up kissing her from the impact and i didn't came to school for 3 days due to the amount of embarrassment since there was a lot of people because school school just ended for that day

That's basically it, my life sucks ever since.

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>touching her vagina whole she touched mine
>get an idea to rub my dick


>Age ?-5/?
Molested by my dad. Sucked him off when I was 5
>Age 5
I undid a toddler's nappy and probably played with vagina, can't remember
>Age 5
Try the same tactic but with an older woman asleep in my front room
>Age 6
Was in foster care by now and tried to fuck 6 year old foster sister but had no idea on the specifics
>7 onto 12
Curious neighbour boy look and touch pp stuff
>14 onto 18
Got dog to lick balls (I regret, poor doggo)
>15 onto 18
put camera in bathroom and watched sister shower.
Also window watching strangers rarely. Never saw shit
>18 onto 23
got into thousands of emails especially from aged 20 because I became NEET. That was nice
fucked trap (like legit, you can probably tell how sexually motivated and confused I was as a person by now and a frustrated virgin and I want to erase this memory) especially since
>1 month later, 23
Fuck a 9/10 16 year old

Slept with 3 women since her, now 27. Nice

>Age 4-5: Mom takes me into the shower to show me how it works. Distinctly remember her thick, black bush. Probably the origin of my MILF/GILF fetish.
>Age 8-9: Had to go to the counselor at school because I tried to kiss another boy. Had no idea what I was doing. Blocked this memory for a long ass time.
>Age 12: Discover masturbation and Internet porn
>Age 13: First kiss
>Age 18: Felt breasts for the first time.
>Age 19: Lost virginity/fingered a Filipina.
>Age 22: Conducted anal, received anal
>Age 23: Crippling loneliness/live with parents in a rural area.

The military may be my only hope, lads.

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>9 years old: female family friend, her brother, my brother, and myself all get naked together and play in the garden all day (last time i saw a girl my age nude)
>10 to 12 years old: play truth or dare with brother and male cousin, we all frequently get naked
>11 years old: discover masturbation while pretending to have sex with princess zelda
>12 years old: touch dicks with brother while playing truth or dare, get a boner
>13 years old: masturbate to naked women on google images
>15 years old: get a laptop, start watching porn
>17 years old: manage to flirt with girl i like on a night out, we both promise to meet up some time, never see her again
>17 to 20 years old: nothing
>20 years old: begin nofap

I meant to say "while" instead of "whole".
>t. phoneposting
Also, what part of you not understanding
the fact that I got an idea to rub my fucking dick?

>Sex is a natural desire
So are theft and murder.

>to deny your natural being is to deny yourself.
I'm not denying myself sex. I'm denying myself hypergamy, and while the urge will remain for the rest of my life, I don't act upon that urge because I know it will lead me to a very dark and ultimately lonely place. Such is the fate of all heretics corrupted by Slaanesh.
t. this guy
>This is the archaic restraint Christianity has put onto people in a world without protection or abortion.
Monogamy isn't the result of Christianity. It was simply integrated into Christianity. Monogamy predates and will continue past Christianity if need be. Pagans weren't degenerate libertines and even before such ancient religions humans knew it was in their best interest both mentally and physically to be virtuous with women.

>I agree with you on the monogamous aspect,
I hope you're not referring to serial monogamy.

>but to state 'men and women' shows you grew up in a more sheltered environment (such as me) and haven't escaped the mindset yet.
The belief that homosexuals aren't beneficial to society or eachother isn't limited to sheltered individuals.

>Of course, I could never date a girl knowing she has fucked that many guys, but there is a double standard and for good reason.
You are held to the same standard as women, just to a much lesser extent. Each of those encounters cheapened your ability to emotionally connect with a significant other. Don't allow yourself do be damaged any further.

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>age 6: boner while watching scooby doo ghoul school
>also age 6: rubbed boner against the couch cushions, realized that it felt good to touch my dick
>age 9: first fap
>age 19: blowjob from a hooker
>age 21: gay sex and first kiss (receiving only)
>age 22: more gay sex
that's it so far.

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>Mom takes me into the shower to show me how it works. Distinctly remember her thick, black bush. Probably the origin of my MILF/GILF fetish.

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what is wrong with bathing your child

>age 5: boner time
>age 6: weewee feels good when I touch it
>age 12: actually discover fapping
>age 13-19: khv, intermittent nofap

Something sorta like this happened to me as a child.
>get picked up by mom for some reason
>slap her tit and shout BOOBY
> she tells me not to do that and puts me down
>my dick feels wierd for a bit afterwards, but I think nothing of it

>10: first fap and felt bad about it
>10 - 18: Nothing but fapping

Age 4: first boner
Ages 4-10: weird orgasmic feelings in my dick and balls every once in a while (like twice per year); felt really good, never knew what it was, and never had a boner when it happened.
Age 10: Start to get sexual thoughts about girls
Age 12: first fap/orgasm with actual semen discharge
Age 14: first HUG from a girl
Age 19: first time trying nofap
Age 20: first time actually "fucking" a homemade sextoy
Age 20: first kiss with a girl; could have had sex but I declined because I didn't like her THAT much.

>age 3-4 (I really don't know but extremely young): first orgasm

It IS possible, lads. I was writhing around in my sheets and I had no idea what it was. But it was the purest orgasm possible. Oh my god it felt so good.

can't tell if tranny or just using "jerking off" incorrectly

>slap her tit and shout BOOBY
I do this to my mom and Im 22

>first fap age 5
>play doctor with girl classmate in 1st grade
>age 12, see 2 different friends of older sister topless due to sister daring them to flash me
>age 17, make out with and finger 15 year old
>age 18, have first real gf. We lose virginity to each other
>18-22 casually date and sleep with several girls.
>22 have sexy half Lebanese roommate who likes to get whipped, introduces me to BDSM. Has pussy that tastes like honey.
>23-25 date a super hot and freaky girl 12 years older than me. She is submissive, insatiable and bi, very skilled unicorn hunter. Have lots of awesome threesomes.
>25 have threesome with a black and a white girl, could die happy.
>18-37 (current age): have many long term gfs, be in serious love 3 times, live with 2 different girls. Have threesomes and foursomes, help a couple guys nail their wives, spitroast a 10/10 with her BBC boyfriend. All told, fuck about 30 girls, have oral with 15 or so more.
>>feel empty inside, because I have no idea how to greentext.

You mean all it takes is >??

Now I really can die happy.

Get the h out normo

>Age 12-2: fap, kissed a girl once
>Age 21: get bj from gf
>Age 24: lose virginity to new gf, who was also a virgin. Still having lots of sex

why do underage teens always go for 20+ guys? Hell, even my sisters friend who is 13 has a 27 year old boyfriend.

Because teen boys are boys, and teen girls want to feel like they're all grown up, and attention from men gives them that feeling. Plus older guys have cars, apartments, self confidence, money, experience with girls and the's obvious why they go for older guys.

Not to mention daddy issues.

That said, 13 and 27 is just wrong. But I strongly recommend that male or female, somewhere between 18 and 24, everyone should date someone at least 10 years older than them once...its the best crash course available on being a grown up. You learn a ton about life and sex and the world from them.

Not to mention, women in their 30s are AMAZING in bed, and only a cock under age 30 has a prayer of keeping up.

>why do underage teens always go for 20+ guys?
Did you quote the wrong post? Where did I say anything about what you just wrote?

month later, 23
>Fuck a 9/10 16 year old

Ah fuck. I apologise. You mean when I fucked the 16 year old. I was 23 then

Also I'm British so she wasn't underage

>Also I'm British so she wasn't underage
Ok Mohammed.

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>>age 14: first degenerate wank to a lady on TV ad who had armpit hair
laughing so hard

Sounds a little defensive

Tinder hasn't been around 10 years

Sorry, I meant "defencive"

>lose virginity at 9 to a 10 year old


made me kek, you aight user

Sounds a little Americentric

I'm not, I just like to meme about having a dick, he just fingered me.

>10 yrs old: First time jacking off
>11 yrs old: First exposure to hentai
>13 yrs old: Cybersex with e-gf
>18 yrs old: First time getting nudes from e-girls
Nothing after that. I will turn 24 in two months. How much of a loser am I?

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Sounds like you need to spend more time in the real world. Getting girls is just a matter of talking to enough of them, you don't have to be a model or rich or anything. Just be nice but also make it clear you want to get naked with them. Not every girl will be into you, but keep trying and you'll find one who is.

>age 0

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>Age 12: first fap
>Age 14: first fap to omegle tits
>Age 19: escort
>Age 19-21: nothing

How do you recover from this? I cannot feel most of my dick. I can barely fap now

>Age 12: Tell friend I want to fuck an adult woman for some reason
>Age 15: Sneak into a girl's house at 9am and fuck her in her bed while she pretends to be asleep. Lost my virginity.
>Age 15: Gay blowjob
>Age 16: Friend of 10 years (a girl) grabs me out of nowhere, rips off my pants and fucks me like something out of a cartoon. Come in 2 seconds.
>Age 17: Rape a 12 year old
>Age 19: Bang 9 college girls and 2 prostitutes and start drinking every day
>Age 19: Sex with criminal girl who uses me as alibi for a big crime she committed
>Age 20: Gay blowjob 2.0
>Age 21: Marry a qt asian girl
And here we are.