
nonce hunters are the enemy edition

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Anyone else miss having job prospects, a gf, being Jow Forums and having thick hair?

first for comfy thread

Why isn't there a special edition of nonce hunters where they go abroad and trap brits looking for girls who - while over the age of consent in the host country - are under 16. It's worth remembering that having sex with an under 16 when you're a British citizen is still illegal, regardless of where it takes place.
(Her Majesty's law apply whether you are in Her domain or not)

my hair is still pretty thick, miss all the rest though yea

but I never had any of that

>you lads
good evening

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That only applies to murder, any other laws only apply within UK territory

any of you lads ever saved enough so that you didnt have to work for a year or two?

they cant afford holidays on the dole wtf

>costs money
>how would you set up the sting
>the locals would probably batter them

alcohol is the nonce's go to drug


Super Important POLL



Do not ignore.

Lol how could you JUST yourself so badly

what about being mostly indifferent but enjoying watching people realising theyve really fucked up?

Alcohol isn't a drug, it's a drink you plonker


Last option

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>cocaine isnt a drug, its a smell

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whats happening with that martial law thing

Well past evening lad, it's close to bed time for me so I can be up for work tomorrow.

Hope you have a fun night

Sounds like a Nonce Hunter Lite to me.

Sorry to hear that lad. I'll have fun for the both of us

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I've got 6k in the bank but that would only be enough if I wasn't renting somewhere and lived with parents

>Say 'pardon me' despite being alone
What did I mean by this?

you're a man of culture and manners

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>What did I mean by this?
your mummy taught you manners


Worth watching the first 30s
Very good

I don't want to offend any ghosts.

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I oten replay the first 20 seconds of this over and over youtu.be/6_a-C6CsvNo

damn what a cutie
I don't know if it's her looks swaying me but she's actually funny I think

Just wasted way too much of my life on that slag.

I had a really weird dream and I actually can't tell if I'm still dreaming or not, my perception feels really funny. I've had Jow Forums discussions in dreams before at least.

Actually losing my mind here lads.
Gonna go fap, at least it makes me feel human.

Genuinely bored of living at the moment. Fuck all going for me and i'm a waste of resources.

No matter what clothes I buy or how much I work out, I'll always be an ugly cunt

I've got a good number of five figures banked. I never spend money. I hate my existence.

How is he turning around like that?

Lesson to all the young lads here: don't turn out like SCEA

youd have to put effort in to be that much of a spastic mong, laziness and neeting just wont do the job

I'm just imagining you sat in your room in complete darkness watching this video for the last 10 hours

No. I hope nobody does. But it's not like I can help it. I should be in some kind of institution.

na night ziggeh, see ya in the mornin' pal 250

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For what it's worth I like you lad, you're a bit of a spaz but an interesting character for sure. Nice to see you admit that you have mental issues

>almost all the trips are gone
>SCEA still doing a disproportionate amount to shit up the thread

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what mental illness could i have. i should really get some help

stop being mean to scea, he's my retard loving buddy

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>help me lads, i dont know what to do, everyone pay attention to me

>shit up the thread
Explain how? He's made 3 posts in this thread and they're all harmless. Do you people just sperg out as soon as you see a tripped post?

>at gym
>benching a 5kg weight each side as part of my workout
>basically ramp up from the bar to the max for 8 reps, doing 3x sets for each one, finally ending back at the bar
>then some asian lad pops up behind me, asking if I need help
>ask "as in what help"
>offering to spot me
>hmm little odd
>say no thanks, doing reps anyway so I'll be fine, remained totally 100% polite
>the whole scene cause on lookers too
>he then walks off
>unsure if he's angered, gives a few looks in my direction but then again everyone is nosy
Very strange encounter that, obviously jumped to the conclusions such as it was a joke due to the low weight, he was speaking to someone else etc. Quite unsure if I'm honest, seems a slightly off bloke anyway but then again there was another asian lad behind so who knows.

Autism if that counts, depression, maybe a bit of cheeky paranoid schizophrenia.

I really strongly dislike him. We've been doing so well too

don't try drugs if you hadn't already.

goodnight to everyone except the trannies

wow that's not good. i push myself to be normal, but i have terrible rages where im worried i will kill someone, in a road rage attack or at work

goodnight made, have a nice kip.

im sorry for trip posting but this is my life.

I have tried drugs before but am not a regular user in the slightest.

Been on the booze have you lad.

>spliff because I've stopped drinking every night
>keto snacks
>you lads

Unless I fall asleep at five to twelve.

>benching 5kg
yeah you need help alright

if you weren't purposely a cunt all the time people would consider accepting you. Instead, you've isolated yourself and have become, justly, hated by the very people you want to impress. You mate, you're a wanker.

You should honestly end it already, or at least go out in a blaze of glory.

How old are you anyways lad

>basically ramp up from the bar to the max for 8 reps, doing 3x sets for each one, finally ending back at the bar
Emphasis on cumulative fatigue and muscular endurance if you didn't notice spastic.

>im sorry for trip posting
I dont forgive you

If I saw you benching 5kg I'd ask you to leave. Doesn't matter what you had planned you're just a wrongun.


Daddy SCEA is on the booze again lads, I-I'm scared. What if he beats me again?

Don't worry you aren't under 16, he won't touch you

What are you lot getting up to tonight then?

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Probably better to stop faffing around for 50 sets and just do 3 sets at max effort and then one or two drop sets

Cant believe Mayuri only benches 10kg

mum watch in sum frog for run muck on the box

The retard who posted above about reading Jow Forums in his dreams would know that its very difficult to read in dreams if he wasn't a lying wanker. Simple as. In fact, a sign for prospective lucid dreamers is that you are having trouble reading and each time you look back it says something different. SIMPLE AS.

man think they can bench
what you know about weight
what you know about kgs
picking up 32 dumbbells
man can't even lift 18s

>its very difficult to read in dreams
Since when?

This desu last night I was dreaming about watching a weird movie and everytime I looked at the DVD cover I couldnt read it

Since always. You probably don't know because you're a fucking retard. If you spent any time trying to lucid dream you would know its hard to focus on text and reading. Dick head.

Why can I read in all my dreams then faggot? Imagine being an absolute dreamlet

>Not realizing the worst part of the thread is the pseudo-tripfags circlejerk

SP, Shipanon, Cola, Sagiri, Mayuri, Apu nonces etc.

I've never had a problem reading things in dreams though, you're the retard here. Reckon you've got brain damage.

You wish, cunt. I've been lucid dreaming for years and I still find it hard. Easier for me to spawn my favourite titty streamer and rape her than read a book.

Go away rapist. Maybe you should read a book then you might not be such a retarded faggot

What the fuck did you say you wally poofta donkey dangler? You're nothing but a hippo sympathiser. I bet you cuck you're livestock and your family with minotauries. Cunt.

Guys I did some jogging and my right elbow and knee are fucking killing me.
Guess I'm gonna stay fat.

Read a book lmao

>I've got a good number of five figures banked. I never spend money.

Scea can't remember his own lies, it was 100,000 last week.

Don't see the appeal of trannies tbqh lads, they're like all the worst parts of a woman (insufferable personality, bitchy, annoying) and none of the good parts (good pair of tits, vagina)

I've read every Stephen King book so I'm probably smarter than you would ever are. Simple as.

Flipping his tail to build up momentum.

How fat are you? It can fuck you up if you're real heavy, especially if you're jogging on hard ground

I'm 5foot7 and weigh 92kg.

Big lad. Focus on your diet first desu

I'm 5 ft 2 and 13 stone. Feeling like a big fat boy lately. Feeling good.

I am.
I've been on 1.7k calories for 3 weeks and only lost like 2kg.

You tried fasting? Also have you cut out sugar,carbs and booze?

Lad I 4 pounds in 3 weeks is a good healthy pace. Should be losing 1-2lbs a week max. Try lowering your deficit a bit more to 1500 and try some exercise that isn't very harsh on your bones until you lose some weight (cycling, swimming)

That's bollocks, I read books in dreams regularly probably because I read a lot when I'm awake.


>nonce hunters
>the enemy
Not under my regime.

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