>go on small camping trip
>prepare, cook and eat pigeon meat (breasts)
>hours later
>go to bed
>wake up with severe headache,fever and sore throat/tonsils
How fucked am i robots?
Go on small camping trip
was it under cooked?
Yea he didnt get the temperature up high enough that or it had aids rip opee
ask the doctors fegit
its too late to go
it was over cooked
Did you accidentally burn the outside while the inside was raw or something?
Got to the doctor you fucking mongrel.
This sounds a lot like Morgellons Disease, I'd go get it checked out as it can be serious.
OH NONONO, that can't be good!
Go be seen by a doc asap.
it's too late, i am sweating refusely (cold sweat)
I feel so fucking weak bros
Profusely you dipshit
Kill yourself before the end.
Dying your own way is a lot less embarassing than dying from a hilariously dumb fuck-up.
Might as well have been eating a rat with wings. Why do people do this.
You're just suffering from tittymalnutrition.
That one is easily cured.
why would you eat a pidgeon? See what you get for trying to be fucking fancy and cute? What the hell's wrong with a hamburger?
>you will never torture Cirno
You have to go sometime. Just accept your death see and you might see dying is not as bad as you thought.
Why wouldn't you eat one? Pigeon tastes fine.
calm down, amerimutt
That's what you get for eating a non kosher animal, goyboy.
I've eaten pigeon before.
Mind you, they were pigeons that eating lentils and grain out of my friends farm sheds. They were good.
Was it sickly?
OP died, I think.
yes, and very gainey/rich
haram animal*
>i showed you my cloaca now answer me
take 4-6 advil and call a doctor, user
>eathing pigeon meat
You get what you derisive for eating trash meat.
Did you get the pigeons from a shop or you killed them yourself?
I'm no expert on wild meat, but I do know that most game that's known for harboring parasites should be cooked at a temperature above around 200 degrees Fahrenheit.
Probably unrelated, I've been sick the next morning by coincidence from a meal the night before. If you didn't puke your guts out, it probably wasn't the meat.
wtf you might as well have eaten a rat.. pigeons are full of disease
Game isn't full of antibiotics and fed clean parasite free food so you have to get medieval with your prep.
If its winter and below freezing gut and hang game for a few days. This is the best way to kill shit, it sounds counterintuitive to expose it to the elements but it works and is why people traditionally stocked on game in winter.
Boiling for extended periods changing water multiple times before cooking is good too.
Learn to dress without exposing meat to bile. It's probably coincidence though, cold symptoms=/=parasite symptoms.
>6 advil
just fuck my liver up
The pigeon is my patronus so I hope that shit was good
A Man Eats Overcooked Pidgeon on a Camping Trip. This is what happens to his stomach.
>be stoned
>order pigeon in bar in foreign land despite never previously considering sky rats to be food
>delicious, one of the better tasting birds I've tried >the small bones:meat ratio is notably unsatisfactory, maybe a better chef or a sober diner would fare better with it
>have weird sex with qt22/7 girl afterwards
>but she was a total weirdo when I asked her to take a picture with me in front of German wwii memorabilia
>also think I may have gotten a minor stomach bug from the pigeon that day
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underrated post. and fuck you Jow Forums this isnt un original under the right context
You're a chump, partner.