Check out pic related.
It makes a lot of sense. I've seen this elsewhere from her classmates after she became an e-celeb and I think this sums it up.
Check out pic related.
It makes a lot of sense. I've seen this elsewhere from her classmates after she became an e-celeb and I think this sums it up.
Of course, who else makes videos telling people they love the person watching it knowing full well, that its mostly neets and incels
>wears a choker
>is broken
>has nice eyeliner
a perfect girl
> people donate to some Chads broken slut to whisper on a mic
This is the thing I hate the most about incels.
Theres a bunch of thirsty fuckers that do anything to get female atenttion, even feed the machine that makes people like us.
Who is that orginally?
>beaten, probably raped, and left for dead at the age of 14/15
>lives with permanent mental scars including some that are symptoms of brain damage
>Chad's broken slut
You disgust me user
if she already found a way to milk money with men she is ok
She's an odd case. Her Patreon is set to the minimum pledge level and she only set it up after a lot of demands to do so from her loyal fans. She doesn't do commissioned videos or have a pay to play snapchat and she doesn't sexualize herself in anyway. She's still in college and is pursuing a challenging major. 70% of her fans are female, too, according to YT demographics. I don't think she's in it for the money or male attention.
I've been watching Erin's videos for a few years now
she's literally the best asmrtist out there
the quality of her videos is way beyond anything else I've seen on youtube
that being said, I can totally see this story being true
> dated some psycho asshole
> pyscho asshole does what psycho assholes do
Im not going to say she deserve it, it still a horrible experience.
But you cant complain that you got mogged if you went with you sports car the ghetto. A bit of common sense would do wonders to society at large.
Also still not a reason to feed from losers just because you are broken and probably hate males.
>not a reason to feed from losers
user she started doing her videos with no youtube ads, no patreon, and no way to accept donations. After she got really popular people started clamoring for a way to give her money so she set up a patreon with the pledge levels set as low as possible. That's not exploitation of losers.
>and I hate to share this
>shares it
The origin of that, IIRC, is from a tumblr were people were talking about trying to meet up with her in person. Not in a stalker way, but like a fan meet at a restaurant in California. It was mostly female, I believe. This person shared this to try to explain that maybe erin should be left alone.
>accepting donations online is worse than raping someone
ey buddy why don't you relax a bit?
I'm sure you'll get yourself a special girl one day if you look for one
> relax
user, I dont even care.
If you want to white knight, worry about the psychos that will use the info the retarded dude in OPs pic posted.
she wasn't raped though, she was simply beaten up and even that is on the word of some her friend i.e. can be exaggerated a lot, maybe he simply tell her to leave his car or something
I hope that's not true, I love Erin and wish she was my best friend. She's a gently soul and the idea of someone hurting her makes me incredibly sad.
>wish she was my best friend
Are you a girl or an enormous beta?
>everyone is just eating it up without questioning who posted it and why because it feeds into their own personal biases about women
Never change Jow Forums
I've been considering starting asmr because it seems the only redeemable thing about me is my voice.
Idk if I'd want to do whisper shit or kink related stuff, just want to make people comfy I guess?
I don't know how to start
care to speculate as the poster's motivations?
shes wife material tho, nice character, natural beauty, manners, cultured, everything a man of class can wish for
Attention seems like a safe bet
The op of this thread of the poster of the comment itself?
The comment
except she's a braindead (literally I suppose) feminist rugmuncher
On what grounds lol. Those babblebrook inn videos are borderline anti-feminist, at least in content if not intention, with the extent that the reinforce traditional hierarchies.
Can you do roleplay videos like doctor, salesperson, teacher etc, with ear to ear whispering where you go behind the ears as well
>Are you a girl or an enormous beta?
I'm a girl.
Nevermind. Carry on soldier
Chad beats her like fucktoy
Betas pay bucks for her voice
I like Mixed ASMR, but she had a video where she shows off the pills she takes and another from in hospital.
So yea, she seems kind of broken.
that doesn't rhyme you dweeb
Pls be my gf right now pls
>Im not going to say she deserve it
i am
I think this was true of the original wave of ASMR girls. Back then ASMR was a weird fringe genre of video so it attracted introverted alternative types who did it as a creative hobby.
ASMR is pretty popular now and has become just another way that women can monetize their femininity. Now it attracts all the usual female types in such an environment and so it's hard to say if it's true aymore
This will only work to grow her lesbian following. A lot of them have histories like this.
Is she bipolar? Mixed is a mood classification bipolar use.
Fucking why you creep
Can you be please my girlfriend
Chad throws her from a moving car
Virgins pay her for ASMR
>Chad throws her from a moving car
>Virgins pay her for ASMR
God damn
I genuinely like her content, but this made me kek
ASMRequests was a total trainwreck of a human being but I liked imagining that she was my mommygf while she tapped on things.
Haven't watched ASMR in a while.
not all heros have oil and vinegar
oh that's a fuckin good one
>girls broken
all people are broken.
some more than others however, but try as you might to mend them, they keep looking for ways to shatter themselves even further.
there comes a point where you just give up.
>t. martyr complex
nice. but seriously fuck this roastie
nicely done restoration 100
Glad to see that not everyone on Jow Forums buys into this stupid misogynistic bullshit of how female rape victims are "chads broken slut", I mean Jesus.
but she was broken by her badboy chad bf. i mean?? whats the issue here
Aw God this broke my heart and makes me want to cuddle her even more than before desu
Uhhhh I'm not entirely sure how to go about that?
I'm kind of autistic.
She was 14/15, her parents should have protected her from an abusive adult.
If a 18 year adult old pays the toll, then so be it; but children should be protected.
No. That isn't how the world works. Real women don't fall for "chads". Women don't want aggressive, abusive men. This is a trope and a goddamn meme at best. Confidence is attractive to both genders, as supported by science. Confidence has nothing to do with being an asshole or violent.
I would guess that Erin grew up with low self-esteem and simply couldn't see herself as worthy of a boyfriend who didn't abuse her. Yes, I do think that she was traumatized if this description is true but I'm not about to accept that it's because she misses him.
So that's why she's a cutter.
Do you have a camera or even just a microphone? That and a computer to upload is all you need. Just hit record and improvise comfy.
Or did you want me to explain how to do the roleplay videos in more detail?
I remember her, her vid was the first one I saw where she shows that rock necklace she made and she drops it twice. She deleted all her shit after someone doxxed her.
For me gentlewhispering is the queen of ASMR and always will be. All these newcunts are just attention whores who cant make it on twitch. The original asmr girls did it as a hobby because they enjoyed helping people relax and sleep.
And who's fault was that again you fucking retard?
>Chads broken slut
Damn, haven't thought of it this way before. This is a new way to look at things. Pretty sure I know a few girls who fall into this category now
A senior at her same high school probably seemed like a reasonably safe, if adventurous option. Some people can become entirely different/unpredictable when drunk or high, he may shown no signs of aggression until a single incident, or she may have had mental issues of her own that kept her from seeing those signs. This all happened in a small, tight knot coastal town in SoCal, she didn't go into LA or SF and whore herself out, she just came across a bad egg.
Yeah, I always felt that Maria's heart was in the right place
What's her major?
i hope that when shes well enough and convinces herself that everything is all right she gets raped again. for some reason i find this possibility funny. it would be interesting to see how that changes her
She's pursuing a bachelor of science Econometrics
It takes 4 years to learn how to use R?
If it's anything like the program at my school the first couple years are foundational training in economics so that the students can understand the need for and the implications of the analysis performed.
>That isn't how the world works. Real women don't fall for "chads"
what world are you living in then?
oh ffs, get back to us when that bullshit is a real science
You're originally a retard
Poor thing. Its pretty vertical too
who here has lewd Gibi ASMR. real name Gina Lupica
>deep voice girl
why has god cursed me so
Yeah, the roleplaying part of things eludes me a bit.
I'm pretty retarded with anything like that. Maybe script would help? I don't know.
Give a vocaroo. Deep can either be sexy or a total turn off.
I don't know if you have to read out a script word for word, but you do have to have thought out what is going to happen in the video or audio step by step. Just imagine in your head what you would say to a sick patient to sooth them if you had to be a nurse for example. Think of what you would say as a greeting, how you would explain what you are doing etc. When you have it sorted out you can write it down in bullet point form like you would doing a presentation. When you perform it just imagine the other person is in the room with you.
Not them, but
>Just imagine in your head what you would say to a sick patient to sooth them if you had to be a nurse for example.
Wow. That cancer thing sucks, but look on the bright side. You won't have to deal with this shitty world for long. I'm a little envious to be honest. Anyways, here's your meal, gimme a ring if you need anything, and Taquisha will be here in the next 30 minutes for your sponge bath.
>beat her and left her for dead on the side of the road
Loosely translated from overldramatic faggot
>she wouldnt stop bitching at him so he backhanded her and kicked her out of his car 2 miles out of town
You guys remember springbok ASMR? She was molested as a child/teen and has severe anxiety with agoraphobia. She shakes so much in anxiety it sounds like she has Parkinson's. The only way she can stay calm during (some) of her vids must be through a ton of benzos lmao. This girl's as fucked as it gets lmao but she's so cute and innocent. The only ASMR girl I respect.
got any references on that first bit? i always thought it was severe mental health issues was why she was so messed up
It's on her deleted farewell video. She was molested by her stepdad. She says that she heard him say "I'd prefer to be with you than with your mother". She also has insecurity issues because she was always seen as a "dumb blonde".
I feel sorry for her. She's a pure, innocent, kind soul.
>Real women don't fall for "chads". Women don't want aggressive, abusive men
You have to be retarded
man that's fucking heavy, i always used her vids to sleep.
>lesbians are lesbians because of mental illness
what's new pussycat