Operation FrankenChad

Alright guys.
Tomorrow I'll go outside for the first time in 1,5 weeks and the first time in my life without a clear purpose. It will fucking suck ass but I want to understand the appeal.
I will do this until I meet someone - I don't even know if that's how people meet - I will do this until I turn myself into a cyborg and later ascend into chadhood. I will pull myself out of the dark robot pit God damnit.

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I will go to a book store and try to find something worthwhile, later I will go to the city's park and have a gondola-tier moment in which I'll rethink my life choices.

Be careful out there user, and good luck. Wish I had those luxuries.

Good luck bro, I hope someone will approach you.
Don't spill drinks on people.

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what luxuries? You mean a park to vegetate in?

There's better ways to go about this. How about getting a job and meeting people there?

Good look brotherrrr

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I'm in college. Not a NEET but definitely future NEET material. Meeting people in places they don't want to be in is generally a shit idea.

Good for you, user! It's good to get out and meet new people. Get a little alcohol in you, and strike up conversations with people, even if you think what you're talking about is nerdy or not related enough. The confidence boost you'll get from just doing that, all by itself, will be worth it!

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I'm also in college and met a few friends through my job

I still have enough common sense left in me to not approach people without a reason.
I don't do alcohol, the source of my confidence lies within myself.

Also, have have you not gone out in 1.5 weeks if you're in college

whatever the european equivalent is.

>can't understand english
your culture does not align with western culture

just walking around is a stupid way to meet people, join a meetup based on common interests.

I don't have any interests, user. My personality is the equivalent of the color gray - mundane and empty.

You have a bike or can you drive? A few years ago I ventured outside, I Google searched for a local museum that seemed interesting and I decided I'd go there so I borrowed my mother's boyfriends old bike and rode that rusty piece of shit there at like 12 am. It was initially nice but then I noticed how quiet and empty the world felt. man I didn't really want to go to the museum I was just hoping something would happen. I got lost on the way there which turned a 30 minute ride into a 4 hour trip, 4hours to get there 4 hours back. When I got there the road to the museum and the museum was having some kind of event. Didn't stop to ask what was happening, I ended up heading to the beach. I sat there on a bench waiting for my eyes to adjust to the blinding blackness of the beach at those hours of the night, sadly when my eyes adjusted and I could tell the ocean from the sky the police showed up. Someone had called them because I looked suspecious. So I left and then when I got home 8 my mom was so happy that I had gone outside that she took me to IHOP and the whole household came to like celebrate and incentivise my getting out of the house, I was so dehydrated though because I hadn't had any water the entire day that I felt like I was going to vomit and I spent the like 40 minutes in the IHOP bathroom gaging. I didn't eat what i ordered just drank an orange juice. Man I remember that day so clearly as if it happened just yesterday. I hope you have a memerable day outside like I did all those years ago, user.
I have this problem where these guys from a Facebook group or something like to harass me, so if ever I go out they'd just bother me or something. They'd ruin the experience. So I don't have the luxury of just going outside and sitting at the park at night or people will call the cops or something.

That sounds wholesome.
But judging by you still being here you didn't reach a happy ending yet?

Remember: Sun rays are the energy of God sent directly to your being.

Not even close, i ended up getting worse and worse. I don't think I could pull that kind of a stunt off again. I only ever leave the house when I have to (doctors, etc..) I otherwise sit in my room just hoping to figure something out that I would enjoy doing outside. I once planted a dragon fruit cactus but I've just neglected it after a couple weeks. Hope you have better luck.

You can always try to move if that would help with the fb group problem

We did move but that didn't help, unfortunately.

why are they so persistent? That goes beyond average bullying.

OP you born a chad. You don't become one, but at least being a cyborg is achievable.

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I have a proper skull structure and I'm not a fat bum. Chadhood is well within my reach even if I'll have to sweat out blood first in order to get it.

where do you live that museums are open between midnight and 4am??

Started as a small group of people from /b/ and /soc/ in a kik group then they got the fellas at baphomet on 8chn involved and so most of the original people probably barely tune in to whatever it is they discuss. But a small few keep it alive. I guess they take it personal. It all started because I had started dating a girl off of the internet that lived really far and she was 2.5 years younger than me, so when I turned 18 I was embarrassed that people would find out my gf was an internet gf and that she was 15, so I ghosted her to ween her off me, she was seemingly obsessed with me because I would send her pictures of myself that were more flattering than what I looked like in person, I would use like good lighting and angles and shit, it was basically catfishing. Anyways it didn't go as planned she started messaging people I had added on social media telling them she was my gf and was worried about me and so I tried making her hate me so she would leave me alone so I sent her pictures of girls from Google images and told her I had cheated on her with em, hahaha (so dumb I know) she then cut herslef over it and a bunch of other shit happened it was so messy that I guess they got interested and I was a bit of a faggot back then too, maybe more than a bit.. also I mean faggot not In the gay way but in the retarded way, you know what I mean? Anyways that's why, because of a 15 yo girl that I tried getting rid of. I tried to get rid of her but then I crawled back to her because I was so used to talking to her, when I tried to get back with her was when everything went out of hand because I guess it was like scrambling her little 15 yo brain or something it's just so dumb man. Im nothing like what I used to be back then but you know how people are, they still talk about Jessy the brain slushy girl in some parts of the internet so they'll probably never leave me be.

It was having some kinda music festival for boomers type of event during the christmas season and they were using the museum. This particular museum always does this stuff nearing Christmas but that night I must've forgotten.

that fucking sucks. Good that I never went through the online relationship phase.

Yeah good on ya man, you dodged a bullet.

Godspeed op I wish you luck on your travels

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