Why am i a degenerate drug addicted robot despite being decently good looking, am i delusional, is it aspergers...

why am i a degenerate drug addicted robot despite being decently good looking, am i delusional, is it aspergers, or something else? Help me robots.

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that mans a model

just od'd on phenibut might end it

that mans is me and i think that's pushing it desu

hi mr model

you're a model. Go make money modeling you model

Model man you need to model

too kind anons, sadly im too fem looking for modeling and im more focused on finding some opiates atm

Pretty hot OP if I were gay I'd let you suck me off

Truly don't waste those genes

What the hell are you doing here, a lot of men here will envy you or praise you. You look like you should be wearing high class rich kid brands.

i think my self esteem has ruined me then, i am truly shocked by these responses t b h, i thought i was a 7 at best. Why do normie college girls hate me then ive only fucked one ratty tinder girl.

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>Why am I addicted to addictive things.

Substance abuses crosses all lines and borders.

my face is pretty asymmetrical t b h
true its so hard to quit opiates its like an orgasm for hours

Been there, done that brother. The sooner the better though.

what makes you stay sober?

Caffeine helped me.

You get a nice little buzz, it's cheaper and less harmful, and the crashes are easier to deal with.

But! I gotta have it everyday or I get a migraine.

Probably your lack of confidence. That or you're a dick.

I am the same as you, fucking amazing but no confidence, so I've been working on that. Do stuff to yourself emotionally, fix internal problems. Act like you know.

im too nice, def confidence issues
caffeine is def essential but i need some other psychiatric help
it's a struggle

Just wear expensive faggot clothes and shoes and you'll get so much roastie coochie

>im too nice, def confidence issues

Fake it till you make it then. If you pretend to be confident, and it works, then you will be confident and won't have to pretend.

you are a 7.5 at best these autists just haven't been around regular people enough. Aka you are pretty good looking (not model tier) but not good looking enough to make up for shit personality. Unless you are tall then you should be drowning in pussy

ill try ty anons
im 6'0 actually

I take that back user looking again you are probably an 8/10 so with that and a pretty decent height you should not be here

What the fuck happened to your mouth?

lol ik that's what makes being a robot much worse, having some wasted genepotential
idk i got nigga lips

If you were attractive, women would fuck you no matter your personality.

How do you know the girls hate you?
Have you even talked to them?

Plus people are attracted to those who look like themselves, if you come from America, I doubt that many people with light features like yours exist. Go try out Scandinavia.

being addicted to opiates doesn't make you a robot, you faggot. Go on SSRIs and stop whining about having only slept with three women or whatever.

You are a faggot. Cease your faggotry and quit your addictions, pussy. It isn't hard.