it's been like 30 minutes what do I say
Something about keeping her in suspense, but funny.
this is so painful, I'm not creative enough to write up something like that and I need to change subject to something that can go back and forth
"Let's watch one this weekend"
Already killed it. She even gave you an opening. Move on.
Don't just keep asking, try to make a small chit chat every time they reply, even if you don't know try to bait them into telling you more about it without asking. or it'll feel like you're interrogating them
say I'd like to suspend you over my lap while I fuck that tight little puckered asshole.
Call her a dumb whore.
Works every time.
that would imply I can drive places
it's been like 2 years and this is the first person to message me
its like you guys think i'm a chad
Keep talking to her like she's your friend. Don't try to force a liaison.
Lead the conversation towards something you are familiar or confortable with.
Do you like those kinds of movies? Ask her about her favourite movie or if she has seen a recent horror/ suspense movie. Or ask her if she has seen X movie.
Don't like those movies? Ask her about something else.
Inform her that you'll taking her for a meal from the dollar menu at McDonalds, then you'll be engaging in anal sex in the back seat of your car.
Works 100% of the time, every time.
I couldnt talk about anything to her like I would a friend without being called a psycho
>Forgot to add...
Don't like those movies? Tell her about the genres you like.
And don't worry too much about not answering after a while. People get busy, or they forget or they drop dead, it happens.
Also, what's that app?
End the conversation and work on yourself first then.
cant throw away this chance
>horror, suspense
what the fuck kind of an answer is that?
tell her she's a stupid whore for not understanding how to answer a basic question like "Got any favorite movies?"
Thanks, gonna get me some anxiety and self-doubt
Shes gonna friendzone you if you keep making boring small talk about movies. You have to tease her, flirt a little, and then ask her out. If you're not gonna eventually ask her out then what the fuck is the point?
i wish i could but i can't just go talk to another girl
if you cant drive, what the fuck are you doing on a dating site? lmao. The moment she realizes she has to drag you around wherever you go like a toddler shes gonna ghost you like that. Get a car asap.
i just need insurance is all
why cant i just be normal and talk to people
Talk about any horror/suspense media you like and ask her what she enjoys specifically. If you have recommendations, make them
tell her that shopping isn't a hobby and then ignore her forever
i don't like most horror or want to talk about it is the issue, plus if I do talk about movies and shit it will just keep going in this cycle as its been going
Shopping isn't a hobby but it's a thing to do for fun, nothing wrong with it
>hobbies: shop, movies, friends, drinking:)
this is too obvious, no real roastie would admit it so shamelessly that shes an empty shell... right?
I know there's a bunch of red flags and she probably thinks I'm a mega autist right now but I cant wait another 2 years for someone to maybe message me
Then talk about why you don't care for it, ask her what she likes about it, tell what you like, just be pleasant and interesting. You have the luxury of talking over text; you don't even need to try to pretend you're enjoying the small talk. If you try to only talk about what you want to talk about, you're never going to be fun to talk to. If you humor her and her interests, she'll humor yours.
And don't worry about deliberately moving the conversation. Conversations have a natural flow once they get proper started; they move themselves. Subject changes should feel like a natural progression, or a new springboard when talk dries up. Not a railroad to asking her out.
I think she went offline
not sure if I should say something or wait until tomorrow and try talking again if shes on
have been helpful but I'm still too severely autistic for them to make much of a difference, right now I really need to get some food in me and calm down
i almost feel physical pain when i have to force conversations with people like her. i mean just from these few words she comes across as fucking boring and tiresome
No prob user.
Another thing: When you reply try to say something about the things she says instead of changing the topic. She says "naughty I know" to which you replied with something out of the blue. Make some kind of comment about her last line and then move on to another topic.
And if she keeps replying with those short answers like she's not putting much effort into it maybe she's not really interested. At that point do yourself a favor and drop the conversation.
we only exchanged like 10 messages in total, and she did those short answers a lot (she also messaged me first) so I don't think its possible to tell if she isnt interested or not