User, what is your endgame?

user, what is your endgame?

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i literally have no idea for real senpai

mating with a qt girl desu senpai

Wish I could just die
Then realize I have always been a god
then destroy a large portion of the human population because I love them and want their souls with me
inside me

Find a way and place to make a clean break from society and live in the woods

The inevitable suicide.

somehow get over my mortality, even though it's the most horrifying thing there is to me

Figure it out a little at a time

Complete control over normie world

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Overcome earthly desires and find happiness so I don't reincarnate again.

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Become a famous and well liked person so it's more shocking when I assault rifle 400 people.

>user, what is your endgame?
wife + 3 kids + doggo

I done got somethin real nice for myself today

Have a cute wife and a gorgeous daughter

I'd like this. How'd you plan to do it?

definitely noting these niggerlicious numerals

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not him but its easy. All you need is money, a likable face and to buy out a bunch of "journalists" to work for you. Cater to peoples sense of moral superiority while throwing in a bit of fear mongering to get people motivated and talk about your cause and boom step one is done.

>likeable face
>organizing a political plot
Haha ok thanks. At this rate Dale Carnegie seems more useful

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Mitigate my misery as much as possible until I'm dead. There is no end game on this fucked up journey.

become a sleazy blues musician

fuggan dribs robods :DDDDD

I don't even know man, I just want to go back to when things weren't so fucked. I try and escape but time keeps moving forward and I can't handle it, I just lose myself in escapism convincing myself that it's not going to end like I did in school, then it did end and I was in a state of shock.

eh probably die or something Is this how you spoiler shit?

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Fugging a whole different bunch of people, mating with a qt and then dying a noble death
None of that'll happen though

>Shack by the beach somewhere in Europe
>Basically a NEET that surfs
>XC skiing every now and then
>Triathlons too

In terms of a career, I would want to own a business whose express purpose is to help entry level artists get paid to create a portfolio. I don't want to take a percentage, just a cheap ass subscription. Just enough to help me sustain the servers, the necessary components, and then enough to help me survive a super passive lifestyle.

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that doesnt seem very fun anonski


I don't want to be financially, legally, or medically tethered to others, whether that's people or systems. To quote There Will Be Blood -

>I want enough money to get away from everyone

I hate being ruled, but I don't want to throw away my lifestyle, either. So, instead, I want to play the game just long enough to get what I have to to escape the rat race. No children, no marriage, no house, no debts.

Pass as a woman in public, then create something

high hopes, but they all gone. now im just in limbo between suicide and trying again

I look at the posts of this thread for inspiration and it all sounds so shitty. Is there anything worth fighting for? I dont want money, women or enlightment. Peace sounds boring and war seems harmful, but balance is too mediocre to strive for it. What is truly worth wanting?

I guess this is why people come up with religion and shit. It's all so mind numbingly trivial.

try again fren, suicide is the cowards way out.

to push a pawn to either the 1st or 8th rank and promote it to a queen.