Would you live with a fembot girlfriend who did nothing but play old sanic games in her free time and thought sex was repulsive?
Would you live with a fembot girlfriend who did nothing but play old sanic games in her free time and thought sex was...
If she loves me and no other man then yes
That's oddly specific but yeah, especially if she let me cook for her.
certainly not if she doesn't bring some money on the table
As a housemate sure as long as she paid her half on time reliably. As a gf heck no I need a woman with ambition and desire to F U C K
If cuddling was still on the table yes
that vagina thinks her mere company without even sex justifies keeping her around and likely paying for her
let's do it babe
yes but cuddling is a requirement
She would pay half the rent. Cuddling only before bed. No sex. Doesn't have many hobbies besides Sanic.
If they found sex repulsive I think I wouldn't simply from the red flag of it, theres most likely more to be unpacked than just that
Ok, I'm ok with no sex and only being able to touch at bedtime, but how about sleeping in my bed? And can I take this hypothetical fembot out to nice places like the art museum and movie theatre?
I wouldn't live with a neet
No but maybe I'd rape one
>thought sex was repulsive?
didn't you ask this same shit the other day, you asexual selfish cunt?
Absolutely not. Anyone who finds sex repulsive is extremely mentally ill.
Honestly; that's pretty close to my ideal seeing as Sonic is my favorite video game series alongside megaman.
Why is this so oddly specific? What's your point?
>Would you have a roommate
Sure, I would enjoy saving thousands on rent a year
I would have no problem supporting a neet robot gf for free... But only old sonic games you are a witch.
why would she want to live with someone else?
How does she feel about nudity? Is that repulsive too?
I like to sleep naked because otherwise I wake up stiff with my blood circulation cut off. I guess we could sleep in different rooms if that was an issue.
>and thought sex was repulsive?
i certainly don't think that sex is the only thing that matters but I don't want to feel like she's disgusted by me every time I have that very basic and frequent male need.
for fucks sake, women already have the upper hand in that regard and there's enough pathetic men who let women control them for that reason, but at least the woman gets satisfaction from knowing her appearance and physicality has that effect. why would either party even fucking bother in this miserable scenario?
Sure only if there's no kissing or touching involved.
I agree. The idea of a fembot who lived with you with voluntary celibacy is intriguing. The issue is that the described personality is insufficient.
Yeah as long as we can provide each other with love and companionship
Yeah like I wouldnt even want sex I would love to just be there to support them. It would make me feel cozy but I mean damn cant we at least play like stardew valley, slime rancher, Doom, minecraft, Civ, Dark souls, or literally anything besides old sonic games
frog tuongue on benis :DDD:
I've been wanting that for a while, she'd be NEET and I'd pay for everything and drive her where she needed to go, so long as we could watch anime or play together.
She doesn't like anime. Doesn't want to be driven anywhere, except work maybe if possible.
that she wants
to do
is to play
Sanic the Hedgehag
All. Day.
No. She doesn't want to play those with you. She wants to play Sanic, single player. You can watch.
If there is no sex why the fuck would I even want that useless bitch around.
Thats like keeping a stove in your house that cant cook food.
Its fucking useless.
Hmmm Ive been thinking I would be ok with it if she was at least a 5/10 and we had a weekly movie night I can still play all those games myself
The point is, she's a loyal woman who has an OK-enough job to contribute half the rent/bills, and likes you enough to maybe kiss and be in bed with you, but hates sex and avoids it at all costs, and buries herself in Sanic games almost every waking hour of her free time.
Because she is a human, with quirks and impracticalities and flaws. You are a robot. You would probably do well to take what you can get: a woman of this caliber.
You'd be lucky to be loved in your lifetime. Sex isn't everything.
It's nice you can play them yourself, but she's a control hog.
It'd be the perfect deal
Well I guess I can always save up for a 2nd PC
That's not quite what I meant. You were very descriptive in your post, down to describing what kind of game they play endlessly. Usually it's more vague or something. Are you describing an actual person, or is this total fiction?
So. How do we actually acquire her?
Yeah what this user is saying like should I post my discord? I work a 40hrs and been saving up I can easily support myself and one other
I wonder if closet user would work better? So she would need to state general location.
>sex isn't everything
GTFO Faggot
Solid 5/10, 6/10 on a good day, but wears terrible outfits.
She's a very real person. Maybe too real. You gotta take the whole package y'know what I'm sayin'?
At a youth group, she is undiagnosed high functioning autistic (somewhat easy to tell this after a single conversation, but maybe not as much from afar) Talk to her about Jesus and Sanic.
Can I at least eat the fembot out and make her feel good?
I just want to love a fembot.
What does she look like on a scale from 1 to 10
She would feel uncomfortable with a set up like this. She insists on working and paying 50% of all expenses in the home.
You'll just be marrying some freshmouthed whore who uses sex as a weapon on you and bleeds your assets dry and ends up cheating and divorcing you.
What I'm talking about in this post is a for real, good hearted, loyal life partner.
She is not interested in that. She usually retreats into mutism when propositioned with anything sexual. Will stare at a screen if one is present and ignore you fully.
Man I just want to do nice things for a fembot
If she's a nice life partner sure but I seriously need to either get off emotionally by putting my tongue in her vagina or get off by sticking my dick in her and sucking on her tits.
Can I have the 1/10 fembot who's a good life partner and will let me do nice things for her instead?
Sure, a nice 1/10 hambeast with a boy's haircut.
So you just want a roommate? I'll take it, anything to stop having normie roommates who party all night.
I would be willing to do this but we would have to get to know each other a little first
Which old Sonic games? Because if you're playing anything 3D we're gonna have a problem.
Would she at least let me masturbate to her?
So where do i get her
Hard mode: no single mothers
Ok. So what else about her? How old is she? Where does she live? Race? Do we speak the same language?
I suppose I should ask if she's a virgin or if the reason she hates sex is because she's tried it before.
>thought sex was repulsive
so long as we have it its fine
Fuck it Im 20 and work 40hrs for 17$hr if this isnt bait add me Droop#2491
>Im 20 and work 40hrs for 17$hr
not bad
No roommates, if you have this girl in your home, she's the love of your life.
Yeah, some of those, there are some levels she likes and she repeats them over and over, trying to get higher scores and faster times.
Yes, but she would not react to it. She would be scowling at the TV screen, trying to focus on her game the entire time, not saying a single word. She's skittish so you might freak her out, and she'd remain mute the rest of the day/night.
Youth group, and no, she is not a single mother.
26, in your town, white with Jew dad, yes, will not talk about sex.
It will not be a pleasant experience for her when you do, and likely hard for you to enjoy as well.
Might be too young for her, or perhaps not, if you're going to college it'd be a no.
That's a considerable age difference, but I'd be up with it if I'm sure it's going to work in the end.
>in your town
So is she actually a real person you're posting about or is this just hypothetical?
>white with Jew dad
What kind of jew?
>will not talk about sex
That raises a flag, do you not actually know or what?
this whole thread is bizzare. But if it's real, she doesn't seem to actually want anyone here to take her.
What's her policy on masturbating? If she's not going to fuck you then it'd be annoying if you have to jerk off in complete secrecy.
btw, 'thinks sex is repulsive' means she hasn't found her specific flavour of Chad to lust over yet. it'll happen eventually. being a-sexual and fake-lesbian is something girls do to avoid their beta orbiters hitting on them. sorry if this happened to you. she probably has a softcore rape fetish, so when she has sex with chad she will sort of secretly LARP that it's rape and get off extra hard on the respulsiveness of the sex.
>policy on masturbating
She doesn't have one. If you were to jack it in front of her while she's trying to play her Sanic, or playing porn in the same room loudly over the game music, she'd definitely be aggravated by it.
>a-sexual or secret lesbian
No. She is just child-like. Probably stunted sexually because she was raped or taken advantage of horribly by someone, possibly who is still out there, but you wouldn't know. She would never talk about it.
>Droop here
I dropped out of college but I have to be going to sleep goodnight Sonic Fembot
in front of her? what does that mean? i don't mean like literally positioning yourself infront of her and jerking off. i mean imagine a living room that has a sanic station and a gamer pc. the guy has his headphones on and he's jerking off at his pc and doesn't even acknowledge the girl at all and is doing it fairly quietly. after he's done he gets up and walks across the room (behind you, never interrupting sanic) and gets some tissues while still mostly naked.
or what about if he was jerking off while looking at her 6/10 on a good day feet as they clench and wiggle every time loses her rings?
That all sounds fairly accurate. She would have to tolerate knowing her robobf jerks off all the time around her. 'cause she's not perfect, eh?
Tell me; would she be interested in playing vidya with me ever? Maybe even letting me play as tails in sonic 2
maybe it has nothing to do with perfection and just logistics? like you're horny and you're going to jerk off unless you have sex. she doesn't want to have sex so what can you do? her level of tolerance towards jerking off would probably be a small respite for the guy's sex-starved brain.
Sounds weird unless she was naked and I could jerk off to her.
it's not that weird. imagine you wake up and you just want to have a morning wank. having to hide that shit is annoying. it's better to just be able to do it out in the open even if your non-sexual gf is prepping for a long day of sanic playing. especially if you sleep in the same bed, which i assumed would not be the case for a girl like that...
Does anyone here remember ulillillia? The guy who was the autistic master of Bubsy?
Imagine him as a woman with Sanic instead.
Yes, OP! I enjoy the old sonic games and the concept of sexual intercourse makes my heart sink, however the catch is that I am autistic.
>actually playing 3D sonic
no, i couldn't even pretend to love someone who did that to themselves
No fuck no.
If i get a girlfriend i will want to have sex, i'm extremely hormonal and i get very very horny sometimes and if she doesn't let me do big cums inside her than she might aswell just be some weirdo that lives with me and gives me constant painful blueballs and if that's the case i want none of it.
If she truly loves me she'll let me put my peepee inside her, i require sex.
His mind game was the greatest thing ever documented by modern man.
I loved with a woman for years who was like this.
>Loved pokemon, fire emblem, all things Nintendo
>Drew gaijinkas
>Did rp constantly
>No interest in sex, for years
>For years, lived off my paycheck, didnt clean or cook
>After years with no job, get work at a restaurant, becomes the manager
>Gets even worse at doing at home chores
>Sex becomes bomb existant, maybe twice a year for several years
>She is also an alcoholic
>Finally cant take it anymore
>Genuinely scared of her
>Move out
>Get divorce
>Back to my original robot factory settings
Basically, dont get with a girl who has hang ups about sex, intimacy, or being an adult.
I'm am a drunk phone poster. Fill in typos where appropriate with the correct words.
This girl wouldn't drink. She dislikes substances, including caffeine, but does take some unknown medication that, without, she will become very aggro and hysterical and ADHD.
That's fine. But how would she demonstrate her love for her partner?
Basically by you being her only friend, sleeping in a bed with her, getting some kisses and hugs here and there.
This. You can not find sex to be the end all be all, but if you find it repulsive then their is some major damage going on.
what is the catch?
there has to be a downside on this.
So she wouldn't be annoyed with the dude jerking off in bed right beside her? Like what's her policy on nudity? Could those hugs and kisses be naked hugs and kisses while he's jerking off? Where do you draw the line?
If someone really did love a girl like that I bet one of the hottest things in the world would be to watch her play Sanic in the nude.
>You'd be lucky to be loved in your lifetime.
Her love would be on par of having a friend or family member, you are basically paying twice as much as you need to to just have a friend or social roommate. It's an awful agreement.
>Sex isn't everything.
Nor is love you fucktard, use your own damn logic and understand what a bad deal you are getting into.
What a useless wretch. I'd rather be alone. If you're going to lounge around my house and not do shit, you better repay me with sex. She's probably fat, ugly, smelly, and annoying.
>lounge around and not do shit
She cleans after herself, really only eats every now and then by herself (things like Lunchables and microwave meals) so she is not fat, and is mostly quiet, usually is the one being annoyed rather than doing the annoying (unless she is off her meds)
You'd be paying half as much as you need to because she pays rent and bills, I've said this many times. You can live in a 1Bed 1Bath apartment with her.
Also shame on you for feeling entitled to sex! Nigger you are on r9k. By definition we are ugly fucks with serious baggage and mental issues.
>Watching her play Sanic naked
Nah, she wouldn't like that. She would feel super uncomfortable.
>Nah, she wouldn't like that. She would feel super uncomfortable.
What about the rest? a 1bed and 1bath apartment is really small. Unless the guy is a-sexual this stuff is GOING to come up.
Leave some contact so I can be friends with a fellow speedrun autist, please.
Idunno, it's tough, she could curl into a ball and cover her face, maybe start crying if you don't stop and she starts to crack.
Again, it is never candidly stated by her that she was sexually abused, but it would become evident that she was, ans badly. Sexual matters are just a trigger that her autistic freakout meter just can't handle.
Then no, there's no way I'd be willing to be with her unless she is getting therapy and actively wants to change. She needs some kind of pseudo-BDSM relationship with a guy she actually trusts and can love. Someone she trusts with her own sexuality more than she can trust herself to, if that makes sense. If she just 'accepts' that she will be damaged forever and can never be normal about sex ever again no matter what then there comes a point when it's not the abuse that's causing the damage anymore. There is no scientific evidence that demonstrates someone can't bounce back from being sexually abused.
>1Bed 1Bath
Are you fucking kidding me? If I had my own bedroom I could just stay in there and ignore her, but in a house that small I wouldn't have any privacy.
>She needs some kind of pseudo-BDSM relationship with a guy she actually trusts and can love.
hahahahahahah r9k
It is fairly obvious that you are not as smart as you think you are.
>She needs some kind of pseudo-BDSM relationship
Money grows on trees doesn't it user?
Yeah, what a retard. Only a complete virgin would make an assumption like that. Am I right? Such a fucking virgin.
>assumes even more stuff.
Uhh... ? I was agreeing with the person who was laughing. This was my first assumption in this thread.
lol okay '''''''robot''''''''
someone struck a nerve, huh? wow, so defensive. they're probably right desu.