This is the unfortunate and inconvenient truth. Every "lonely" guy is ignoring a girl who could love him

This is the unfortunate and inconvenient truth. Every "lonely" guy is ignoring a girl who could love him.

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the girl is normally fat, ugly and a single mother

LOL. Holy shit I know it's bait but it gets me everytime.
Someone post the edit with both girls crowding around chad.

Even if cats are involved guys will not even look at anyone under 25 who has had a single issue in their life. And even their money isnt really worth the effort of putting up with their stupid fucking shit.

what are the signs on their chests lol
a crown a heart a ... mouse with a pad and a game console? i would never date a girl who is a console player never ever, pc master races speaks in

Did you see that controller on her chest?
No way Im fucking a console fag.

guarantee you the guy in this scenario would be 9/10 nerdy cute

>if she's not stacy, she's not worth it!
Case in point.

Except they're not, lmao. Have you seen the number of girls these fucks orbit on average?

There is literally nothing wrong with not wanting a girl who is fat or a single mother or both. For a large majority of men their only standard is dont be a fat fuck and most women cant even do that.

Nobody other than my family even knows I exist tho

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Have you even gotten out of your house recently? I'm not that bad looking, maybe a 6/10 on a good day. Every time I get out of my house I see at least 3 fat chick x fit guy couples and it fucking infuriates me

>There is literally nothing wrong with only wanting my dream girl.
Fixed it for real life accuracy. Newsflash: You're not like the majority of men. You don't deserve what you think you do. You're a volcel and your crushing "loneliness" is a self-inflicted joke.

Most women aren't single mothers or fat, that's honestly a fairly low standard, similar to not wanting to date women who could be your grandmother.
If you don't meet that standard, there is even something you could do about it.
Do you know how I can tell you're a woman?
Because you are trying to shame the guy and tell him that he doesn't deserve to have a choice when he just stated his rather simple standards.

this. the girl whom i was ignoring was fat. i mean what am i to do? whats the point then

I hate incels so much!
fuck them and their bullshit

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Megumin better be careful, shaking a soda like that.

Is there a reason why, exactly?

well a 9/10 nerdy cute guy would have a chance to get stacey too, some of them like it

Frustrating, isn't it? Just today I saw 4 fat girls with 6'3 adonis looking guys, and 3 petite dorky girls walking around with ripped out roided beyond belief Tyrone with their 2019 model cars. Girls don't want their looksmatch because they date upwards and it works out well for them. Why would they shoot any lower?

if the girl in love with you cant even do the minimum effort of not stuffing her face with food all day long then how serious can her feelings be anyways? females these days are so pathetic and lazy its almost funny

you know omar khayyam wrote that it's better be alone than with whoever? so, a fat girl is a whoever

>most women aren't fat
Fucking kek. 40% of women are obese in america. That doesn't count those who are still largely overweight but not obese. The majority of women are fat, skinny girls are precious and rare, and should all be treasured.

usa sounds like a sad country

you're forgetting le epic starly op

Probably because that purple cunt has a piss stain on her crotch

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You losers can't even measure up to the bare minimum expected of men, yet you think you deserve better than what you can reasonably afford. At the end of the day, you pathetic creeps are the ones dying alone with your worthless pride.

>Most women aren't fat
75% of women in the US are overweight, in the UK its in the 60s, in most of continental Europe it's over 50%. Even in a handful of uncivilized countries like Mexico/Egypt/Jordan, the population is overwhelmingly overweight. Most women within the range of anons are fat.

Literally all women have to do to attract any guy is not be fat and not be disfigured.
How hard is that?

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>within the range of anons
See, the problem is that you have a different view of this than they do.
Women only like dating up, and they can get away with it.
Realistically speaking, an obese man and an obese woman are a match, but many obese women can get men way out of their leagues, so why should they go for anything less?

I dunno how you haven't realised this, OP, but one of the reasons some lonely men lust after Stacey is because she's unobtainable. The loneliness in these cases has nothing to do with the girl, it's an inbuilt function of a self-sabotaging guy who wants to defend his ego against rejection.

Others are just ugly, autistic, or unlikeable, of course. Nothing is ever simple.

>the chad chess grandmaster
>the virgin PC mustard race
>the tranny console "gamer"

I literally don't understand how people get fat
Maybe it's because I barely eat but how in the fuck do they even find the time for that much

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I'm not sure how people who aren't NEETs get fat, but a lack of activity and poor food choices can make you overweight even with very low calorie intake.

Good times cucking the "nerdy" guys. The difference in how the lower value girls treat me and how they treat them is staggering, and they're such an easy lay. Most of the time I won't even need a third date before I'm shagging their already used up pussy. Competitive world boyos, gotta be on your A-game if you wanna get some pussy, get fit and get charisma.

but there are about the same amount of men and women, the difference is by literal per cents, how do they all manage to marry up then lol

A number of men are completely untouched, and a number of women are still dating/fucking around without commitment, some to the same guys who are already taken.
A small number of women might also be relatively untouched, though if they stepped outside or had a social media account of any kind they probably wouldn't be.

The truth is hardly shocking...

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>one of the reasons some lonely men lust after Stacey is because she's unobtainable. The loneliness in these cases has nothing to do with the girl, it's an inbuilt function of a self-sabotaging guy who wants to defend his ego against rejection.
Makes sense.

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This is fucking bullshit. Even when I did ask the "lonely girl" she fucking ignored me for a month and a half after saying yes. When I asked why are you avoiding me she said it wouldn't work out. And it wasn't some stranger I knew this girl of over a year and talked together beforehand. Fuck you, you don't know women.

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i don't understand that untouched thing
we are talking about getting married, a chad cannot marry more than one woman (generally) so all the women cannot marry above them, they simply don't have enough candidates

This is not the case, whats wrong with me wanting an average looking girl not a fat or ugly one?

Robots who aim for stacy tier girls deserve to be alone

But I am physically more handsome than the women who want my affections

The problem is you're looking at the total number of women and men and number of men and women involved in a marraige and ignoring the number of men and women who are not married.
There are plenty of unmarried men and women , and thus plenty of room for women to choose more successful men.
Men and women do not necessarily stay unmarried, and do not necessarily do the same things while unmarried either.

Men and women do not necessarily stay unmarried for the same reasons*

The problem is, Chad goes to marries the hottest girl in school while also fucking all the other girls on the side. Which is why you have dead bedrooms in marriages. Chad is literally such a sex god that he steals the sexual energy of women and raises the divorce rate. Which, in turn, leads to more single women scrambling around trying to find the best beta provider once Chad is done pump and dumping her on the side. Little Jimmy gets fed up with his wife not giving him any action, later finds out she was visiting Chad and Tyrone hence the reason why he never got any. He promptly divorces. Survival of the fittest, I guess.

They poison young insecure lonely guys and twist them into having a self defeating victim complex of a worldview that is extremely disingenuous and unproductive.

actually, the female usually divorces first once they're caught. then they rape the guy out of child support while looking for another provider or supporting themselves.

For people who claim to be super lonely you would think that the option to make demands would be already out of the question. Yeah keep dreaming about that dream qt loser

Why are you shaming someone for wanting someone who is average?
Would you like to be shamed yourself for wanting something that isn't bad or awful?

Pretty sure this is just the same poor bait as usual, but on the off chance it's not, let me detail my thought processes when I was 50 pounds heavier in high school. Probably going to be more than one post, but whatever, deal with it.
For the most part, I accepted that most girls wouldn't like me. It was always someone I was only an acquaintance with or was a stranger to that I asked out. The rejection usually didn't hurt as hard because I was just expecting it to happen. The ones I didn't ask out were the girls that I managed to befriend or would regularly speak to. I was afraid that they wouldn't like me either, and that I'd be alone, never to speak to them again. I didn't want to scare them away from me. I considered it a few times, and I'd stand nearby trying to think of what to say, or follow them on the way to class thinking that his would be the time I said something to them, I'd just walk up, get their attention, and ask them out. But that never happened, and I doubt they ever even noticed me among the throngs of people all going their separate ways to class, and I always went right to class anyways, they just happened to walk that way as well.

I couldn't really imagine that someone who actually knew me would like me either. Even if she was talking to me and seemed interested in what I had to say, I could never imagine that they would like me. Not the Mormon girl saying she wished she was catholic like me, not the tired looking girl with the messy hair that talked about our usual complaints about everyone else with me, not the deadpan girl in our lunch group that we'd always talk games and shit with, not the Christian girl in the class above me that let me sit at her table and took me with her to watch a Christian movie with her church group, none of them I even tried to ask out because I was afraid of failing with them.
Maybe you should consider that I was never ignoring anyone, I was just afraid of what they would say. I guess it hardly matters since I moved away from that town a long time ago, so nothing would have lasted if it had ever occurred. Looking back, I still can't see how anyone would have liked me, I looked like such shit then and I was such a fucking autist. Despite losing weight and getting better that I used to be, I still don't see how anyone would ever like me. I don't even like myself.

even if im really hungry i still won't eat a big bowl of vomit. and thats what fat girls and single moms are. how hard can it be to 1) dont get fat 2) dont get pregnant by chad ?? fucking roasties

This. No one wants the low hanging fruit on either side.

except even those girls are usually
>fat (don't take care of themselves)
>ugly (not a problem on it's own, as long as they take care of themselves they can usually pull at least a 4/10 which is fine)
>already taken miles of dick (if you want to dispute i'm ready to pull some google statistics out of my ass, we all know this is a fact)

by contrast, lots of these men are
>not fat (usually even skinny)
>not ugly (usually average or so)
>socially incompetent (usually because guys get bullied and never get over certain insecurities, also men don't get to complain about their insecurities in regular society. it's frowned upon. so they have no outlet and thus no path for improvement)

men are disposable. this is why it's this way. kill most of the men in the village and the village can still populate. kill most of the women? the opposite is true

the only thing left for people like that is to try to fill their lives with hobbies and such. many men, even ones that get a gf, will never experience unconditional love. you don't love something that is inherently disposable. if you're a guy, you'll have to find purpose elsewhere, unless you're lucky and prime breeding stock. otherwise you're not even on the radar for anyone to love you, save for your family maybe.

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"I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery."
The disciples said to Jesus, "If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry."
He replied, "Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given.
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it."
Matthew 19:3-12



This is utter garbae misinformation deisnged to make robots and incels feel guilt. They have nothing to feel guilt over. Every single robot would happily settle for an unattractive girl in his range but even said girls would rather fuck chads.

Men cannot afford to be selective and robots do not chase girls out of their league. The audacity of females to post this enrages me.

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This is also a key reason that fags exist.

That picture pisses me right the fuck off. And I know that's why you posted it too. Faggot.

>these girls think they're too good for me. fucking whores!
>>these girls aren't good enough for me. fucking whores!
Lol incels deserve their fate.

Understanding the cruelties and the pointlessness of life isn't "poisoning" anyone
It's revealing the truth

Your fellow robots and incels have proven the opposite in this very thread.

>a guy is ignoring a girl who could love them
oh that's rich you obviously don't shit about women

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Maybe if women actually wanted them or cared about them in the first place they wouldn't be lonely and insecure.
You only care because you think it somehow takes away from your options.

They havent. Now fuck off.

lets be honest most incels, robots or volcels have """girls""" available to them but most of those are so fucking worthless it doesn't count. im a virgin robot with actual assburgers and even i rejected 2 femcels, because 1 was ugly and irritating the other was fat. that doesnt mean im not the victim of roasties and chads

Disqualified from romance or the genepool. A life of forever watching "the one" leave for Tyrone. Gotta admit though, it's funny watching the chubby nerd girls come and go at my job. They always end up getting plowed by Tyrone and then they leave two weeks later. Probably seen this happen to about a dozen different glasses-touting vidya loving """""femcel"""" chicks. AY YO MUTHA FUCKA WE STEALING YO GIRLS YEYE.

you misunderst my norime friend it's not that we think ugly girls aren't good enough for us they think they are too good for us

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The only girl in my life that could is my friend and she doesn't act like that really

Read the thread, faggot. They literally think they're too good for women they can actually afford.
>most of those are so fucking worthless it doesn't count
Just know your "loneliness" is a joke and your conceited ass deserves all the shitty treatment you get.

if you mean that fat women who do hook ups can get fucked by men above their league (i.e. those that wouldn't marry them) then it's true because women generally avoid hook ups and so there is a shortage of loose women

i just want a girl who has the self control to not nearly rape me while also not cheating on me
i dont have a very high sex drive
and no i dont want you fucking other people

so i just want a girl whose sex drive is just as lacking as mine or who simply doesnt care about sex
literally every female who has shown interest in me in my life was forceful or rapey

The guy is usually ugly, retarded, and unemployed

>leave for Tyrone
I think you mean Chad
>your conceited as deserves all the shitty treatment you get
you sound very bitter

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This isn't true about me
I've actually experienced so shut the fuck up

i bet you're a fat roastie who got rejected by chad (or as you call him the "qt nerdy shy guy") and now youre angry at actual robots. im sorry you are depressed because you couldn't seduce chad to get pregnant and live as a fat useless single mom

This is the only true picture in the thread. All the rest is bullshit.

>they think they are too good for us
Except this thread clearly exhibits the opposite case. Ironic how "incels" get assblasted at this comic yet pull the same thing. Unfortunately they're not in a position to negotiate.
No need to project your butthurt. Accept the fact you're dying alone and it's your own fault.

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>you don't love something that is inherently disposable
I don't know. I feel fond for things that I spend enough time around. Say, for example, a soldier getting attached to his weapon over time, despite its replaceable nature. "This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine." You get it.
But I guess a soldier is meant to be disposable and replaceable himself as well, being a man, so a fondness for that which is like you is just natural. I tend to have a fondness for things that are lost or even broken, kind of like me. I just collect them if I find them, and keep them somewhere safe where they can't be broken anymore.
My word probably doesn't even matter, I'm a guy myself.

No youre just a cunt roastie who chases chad and wouldnt fuck a beta. No one is buying your bullshit, women do not have it tough.


>actual robots
Who are those? You're not even on the same page. Is it the worthless guys who think they deserve better, or the ones who know they are and will take what they can get?

t. fat ugly single mom

Depends on the area. Around here, Tyrone is considered exotic, so Chad has to work much harder to tap some pussy. And even then, it isn't guaranteed. I've seen 6'3 Chads get rejected for the 5'8 Thad before, and even more ridiculously, getting rejected for the 5'4 Jamal.

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>can't even refute the doublemindedness of "incels"
Hilarious. Why don't you just go gay, since you seem to love sucking dick so much?

>it's your own fault
right because I want to be a ugly bipolar neet

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You want to be a single ugly bipolar neet.

why are fat femcels so mentally unhinged? i mean adding mental breakdowns to being fat won't help them secure chad

I think anyone would love sucking dick if the alternative was dealing with your bitchy attitude.

Then why don't you, "incel"? Are you "above" that as well?

>6'3 Chad's get rejected for the 5'8 chad
wow the land of make believe

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you don't want to be an ugly bipolar neet. So, why don't you start taking HRT and become a cute femboi for the legions of faceless piggymen out there? Your bussy is ripe for the taking, you just need to unleash your potential.

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dude not even ugly girls want mentally ill guy's

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I might be ugly but my face is still pretty masculine and not to mention I'm not gay

stories of stories of guys asking out everything that moves and getting rejected everytime debunks

>inb4 "you should have better standards"
>inb4 "don't just ask girls out you don't know"

former undermines the OP completely, latter implies the "girl" in question is bellow reasonable standards (which is kinda insulting if you think about it)

Not even a tiny bit true.

Implying the only requirement to be a stacey is not having already pumped out 3 of Tyrone's kids.

False. I don't talk to any girl and no girl has ever talked or texted me in years.
Your theory is not an absolute truth

FACT: robots have never rejected anyone in their lives or were in any scenario where rejection was possible (since they were never asked out)

if you are actually a girl that wants to go for a robot then you can prove if it's right by asking them out. There's a 99% chance that they'll reciprocate

I've asked out two robots and got rejected. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Then that means you are not desperate. If you wont go for disadvantaged looking girls then this means you're not truly lonely because you have a chance to share your life for someone but your own incompetence at seeking stacy makes you lonely

I rejected a girl once. Only once though.