This is the unfortunate and inconvenient truth. Every "lonely" guy is ignoring a girl who could love him.
This is the unfortunate and inconvenient truth. Every "lonely" guy is ignoring a girl who could love him
the girl is normally fat, ugly and a single mother
LOL. Holy shit I know it's bait but it gets me everytime.
Someone post the edit with both girls crowding around chad.
Even if cats are involved guys will not even look at anyone under 25 who has had a single issue in their life. And even their money isnt really worth the effort of putting up with their stupid fucking shit.
what are the signs on their chests lol
a crown a heart a ... mouse with a pad and a game console? i would never date a girl who is a console player never ever, pc master races speaks in
Did you see that controller on her chest?
No way Im fucking a console fag.
guarantee you the guy in this scenario would be 9/10 nerdy cute
>if she's not stacy, she's not worth it!
Case in point.
Except they're not, lmao. Have you seen the number of girls these fucks orbit on average?
There is literally nothing wrong with not wanting a girl who is fat or a single mother or both. For a large majority of men their only standard is dont be a fat fuck and most women cant even do that.