Why don't femanons ever ask us lewd questions about our bodies and penises or stuff like that

why don't femanons ever ask us lewd questions about our bodies and penises or stuff like that

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women are much less driven with visual stimuli

Because girls don't exist on Jow Forums or are a baiting guy or FBI agent.

>forum posts are visual

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I don't want to know because you ask yourself the same question every day and just knowing a second party opinion would satisfy your insecurity is fucking horrifying and immoral.

They could just ask a real guy. Even experiment with it.

>just knowing a second party opinion would satisfy your insecurity is fucking horrifying and immoral.
what did you mean by this

i have no clue what this is supposed to mean

I personally feel shyness, embarrassment

Your body issues and your dick are not interesting at all. Get a life, get some self esteem and kick a bitch in the taint.

Ok, have you ever stuck your own dick up your ass? How'd it feel?

>another half crazed roastie posts in the middle of a mental breakdown
see OP this is why they dont ask these questions, they truly dont give a fuck about you, robots or anything, they are too busy obsessing about themselves

because i couldn't care less about your dick

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I have no ego, what do you have? A 4 inch hard pecker and a face that looks like a god damned girl. It's an assumption but I'll bet money on it as long as you're not an ugly mushroom goomba looking motherfucker.

no one mentioned body issues, and what does not being interesting have to do with being immoral?

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>your dick are not interesting at all
my dicks so boring it falls asleep mid fap

Uhm unga bunga can't read the OP so just gonna speg out unnnng

this bitch having a period meltdown

did you just start learning english a few months ago or something?

no or else I'd be clicking at you dicklet dumbass idiot.

I'd like that.

Robots, what does it feel like to masturbate and orgasm? How often do you masturbate? What's your routine?

lol you type like some angry poo in loo, don't be upset that no one can understand your autistic rambling

Because you're losers with disgusting bodies?
What the hell is wrong with you?

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masturbating is like pleasurable warm tingly kind of feeling throughout the dick. for cumming there is the part when you know you're right about to cum and it's like that tingly feeling amplifying really fast, and then when the cum shoots out it's like electric spasms all over the dick taint and balls

masturbating is so tiresome, i have to search for 30-40 minutes just to find some crappy porn video thats not 100% uninteresting and unstimulating, and then finally i can get it over with. also ejaculation doesn't feel good at all, i really don't know if orasms being good is a meme or maybe female orgasm is compeltely different , but cumming feels like nothing with maybe a bit faster heart rate, theres zero pleasure in it. at least for me. so overall its pretty boring/irritating stuff to masturbate, especially every day...

>also ejaculation doesn't feel good at all
your dick needs a tune up or something

t. ginger mad that she doesn't have a soul

give your dick a rest for a week

Because they don't have a sense of humor, most of them are also dudes and because they get plenty of dick pictures and sex talk from their orbiter and brads.

>gingers don't have souls
Check out this grandpa!
Hahaha what are you doing here old man?

There's no point asking, you already post every detail of your anatomy regularly. There's no mystery.

that made absolutely no sense.
on wonder you tards don't ask questions you can't even form coherent thoughts.

but I think it has more to do with femanos not wanting to give away their gender and just blend in with the rest of us fags.

t. ginger

>t blend in with the rest of us fags.
well no SHIT. ya gay ass bastards