Qt short hair gf

post em lads, we need all the short-hair qts we can get

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origiananily self bumping

Here's a dyke

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is this short enough or you want shorter?

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Why do these girls draw dumb shit on their faces?

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i don't really think its cute, but i'd ratter have a gf that draws dumb shit on their face than a gf that makes a fucking permanent tattoo

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fucking agreed d00ds theyre cute af anyway

also pls post more

also 3dpd

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>came here to start a short hair thread
>there already is one

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you just fucking posted a 3d girl on op

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u know it
originally ofc

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girl next door aesthetics here

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Is that not a boy?

lets fucking hope not

Lol is that fucking yesjulz

VERY high quality thread

just need some more originality

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if short hair isn't just the cutest on a girl i don't know what is

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you could say this is something of an interest of mine. I just wish I had more good pics.

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this here's the closest to the ideal hairstyle for a woman.

coincidentally my mother has had one for as long as i can remember. I'm sure it's just coincidence.

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Too bad I'm not home, I'd like to contribute.

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Best aesthetics. Wish I had a friend with it, so I could hurt myself thinking about stroking her hair.

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agreed stranger, thats one of the better pics i have seen. fugging love that aesthetic
i do have one and believe me its torture

also enjoy this self made meme im sorry its trash

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get home quick user we need more


>cut all my long beautiful hair off because im tired of guys hitting on me
>now they're starting to get a fetish for short hair girls
stop it, i dont like men, i shouldnt have to wear a bright orange vest with LESBIAN printed on it for you to get the message
leave me alone

shit bait my dude
really shit bait

damn your sex radar's fucking broken, 0 chance of her being male

boy have a got a good subplebbit for you guys

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oh shit oh ffuck

This is the little short hair qt girl I matched on Tinder and then lost because I didn't invite her in propper time.

I always regret losing her because she was just perfect for me.

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try reverse searching it my dude, w/ the little triangle in the top right

How come nobody posted her

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yea I found one too, a fucking amazing reverse trap, but couldn't strike up a decent convo with her. I'm too fuckin' hyperactive, I think