Rejection stories

>come back from basic
>go to college
>qt gives me her phone number
>ask her out after a few days of chatting
>pic related

It's been two hours. Is it really that hard to at least say no? My ex did the same shit, texted me that she wanted to break up and then ghosted the shit out of me. Are girls just afraid of confrontation? Its not like I would even be sad or upset, I literally just met her.

Also share your rejection stories I guess.

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Charge your ph0ne fag

For one to get rejected means one must of tried. - Sadam Hussein, 1875

Nah I usually just slipped into relationships like that. after going out I d either end up talking more or loosing Complete interest due to infatuation

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It's only been two hours, retard. She probably fell asleep.

>know a girl from work for a few years
>very rare chances to hangout since she's tied to watching her siblings on time off
>two years back
>invites me to some event in the neighboring city
>she ends up canceling due to family obligations
>no rescheduling to do anything else, she just stops messaging
>a year passes
>ask her if she wanted to go bowling randomly
>she agrees
>never gets back to me on the times or tells me she was busy at her grandmas and later stops talking again
>another year passes (now Nov 2018)
>asks if I want to go over for a movie and cuddle
>despite living on her own, she cancels multiple times and stops responding again
Blocked her after that last stunt. Fuck flaking and ghosting as a means of rejection.

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Don't focus on qts too much. You basically accept each time that the result will end as null. That way you end up trying less harder. Less is more.

So my advice next time. Chat up a few more qts. Shoot your shot. And one of em is gonna say yes.

Well there's always the risk that you're a psycho that will cling on to her forever regardless of the answer. She's already dealing with a dozen guys like you whom she does not wanna date and at this point she probably realized that just saying "no" isnt always the best idea cause every now and then it's a normal person like you, but often enough it's stuff like
>wow u sure are a cunt
>ok I respect your opinion but what if we did this and that and maybe we could be friends or blah blah blah
>*thinks its a shit test and keeps pestering until he gets blocked*

>asking someone out over text
i seriously hope you guys don't do this

Seriously can't believe zoomers do this shit.

They don't outright say no because you are the backup plan.

Yes. YES.

Lol very based

It's kinda late in the day, wait until tomorrow afternoon to give up hope.

You should have called her. Then a response is almost necessary, and she can't say "oh I didn't see your message", or "my phone died" none of that, you get a direct answer right out

Update boys. Not even upset desu, getting rejected by people you hardly even know is far less crushing.

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Would have been more awkward for both of us.

>Texting members of the opposite sex
When will you normalfags leave this board?

sorry sir i'll leave immediately

Oof dude. Ditch her now, even if you're helping her with grades.

10/4 my man orbiting is not my objective.

stop txting her

move on

Not a rejection since she couldn't accept.

Dont listen to this faggot OP
It is a rejection.

>The autism ask out.

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how should I have asked?

So you're a little bitch. Okay. If you cant man up and handle an awkward situation and own it, then you don't deserve an benefit from it

>ask crush out
>we have a wierd "date", mainly due to me being awkward
>we visit some place intended to be entertaining, turns out to be boring
>she's bored
>having a walk
>try to touch her hand
>she restrains
>"you know I have a lot of other people who ask me out"
>already feel like a failure and don't wanna live
>moving towards the end
>riding a train together
>my station is close
>wave her goodbye, she doesn't even look back
>leave the train, go around a corner, sit down and burst in tears

its been about 7 months and its still painful
can't forget, depressive, daily suicide ideations
never in my life a crush liked me back
why am i such unattractive and awkward
is it supposed to be like this?

holy sHiT she ended you its so fucking over for you bro Ill pass the rope!!!

>qt in physics
>Start talking to her
>Get to know each other quite well
>Doing all the 'textbook' things a girl would do if she likes a guy, playing with my hair in class, random touching, 100+ snapstreak
>School formal rolls around
>She says 'I love you user!'
>Uh ok thanks
>Continue getting to know each other, she's inviting me over all the time, and asking if she can come over. Fuck if this wasn't rural Australia maybe something could have happened
>She gets rejected multiple times by another guy, who we'll call Chad just for this circumstance
>On an excursion, she asks me out (ironically as a joke I assume)
>'uhh maybe later
>Hang out with each other for the whole of the trip
>Bus ride home she ends up sleeping with head on Chad
>Gets rejected by Chad again, gets depressed
>She cuts off all guys on her SC, lose 150 day streak (pointless I know)
Heads up: I'm also pretty good friends with Chad so I get invited to a number of party's that qt isn't usually invited to
>Chad says "hey qt can come as long as she hooks up with user!"
>The other guys all agree but she's banned from the house from a previous incident, host says no
>Get very drunk and spill my spaghetti over Snapchat to her
>Haven't talked to her since last year

Don't get drunk and spill your spaghetti anons. If I hadn't of done that then we would probably still be good friends. But I think she was using me to boost her ego and make Chad jealous

This is typically how every conversation ends up with girls on dating apps.

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you didnt get rejected she already had somebody
move on or keep it platonic

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>He doesn't know about Tinder

I had a girl literally tell me she loves me, only to have her say she sees me as nothing more than a friend

I really don't get women. Can't imagine just saying stuff like that

here's one from tonight that's got me drinking:

>am 32
>match with some 20 y/o thot on tinder
>she messages me first, pays me a bunch of compliments, says she's an artist too (it says I'm an artist on my profile) and asks if I want to see her art
>I say sure, she sends me a link. surprise surprise, her art is extremely bad (because most people are bad at art, especially 20 year old women on tinder)
>I tell her that her art is "cool" and send her my website in response (which is filled with much better art because I am 12 years older, I went to art school, and I am just generally about a thousand times better at this than most human beings because I've worked at it my entire life, you know, the normal thing that happens when you spend a lot of time working on one skill)
>she unmatches me

there are two distinct possibilities here: either she changed her mind about how into me she was (seems unlikely based on her compliments + the fact that I am actually pretty cute and deserve those compliments), or she got spooked that I'm a much better artist than she is and decided to ghost me rather than face up to the shame of speaking to someone who probably thinks her artwork is what a dog would do if a dog had hands and could paint.

I've gotten this reaction a lot from many girls (the only time in my life where this did not happen was at art school because most of the girls there were on the same level as me or way above it) and it always pisses me off because like, hello, I am only trying to fuck you. I am not trying to critique your masterpieces here. and if you really want to become a real artist who can make stuff that people actually want to look at, maybe you should try asking me for help rather than getting pissy that I've lived longer than you have, or worked harder, or whatever. fuck.

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You got led on nigga

She baited you into opening up your emotions to her. As soon as you took the bait and felt a smidgen of affection towards you,

She walked away and watched you follow her like a weak ass dog. You're a fucking pet and she used you.


So did you love her or not? And how could she say she loves you while she tried to hook up with chad?
I know you might need a (You)

this is how you handle rejection, anons. well done, OP. persistence is key; eventually you'll get a yes, and hopefully that girl that does say yes has huge milkers.

>two hours
You require too much attention and lack patience. Guys like that are more like to get ghosted. Two hours is still okay user, she might answer later.

hey user, the fact that you've even been on a date puts you ahead of the curve. as I told OP, persistence is key. work on yourself, improve your mind and body, and never give up. it might take 5 years, but eventually it will happen. and you might just get really lucky and score a gf with giant fucking mommy milkers.

Oh there it is. You tried and at least you took it like a man.

>persistence is key. work on yourself, improve your mind and body
The thing is, that not having a gf is not really a problem for me. The problem is that I'm obsessed with that one person. I think she's incredible and miraclous and even thinking about her awakes some really bright feelings. I even had a dream about her today, we were holding hands in it and I felt so happy. Its a oneitis in a nutshell. On the other hand, it me depressed beause we can't be together. I broke all the possible contact, the only thing is left is memories and imagination.

I need to quit the obsession yet I crave for it.

pretty good, know don't stay orbiting around her thinking she could be with you...
talking from experience

she's probably lying about already being in a relationship

confront her about it and ask why she isn't honest. Ask her if she think you're ugly

sorry bro, you gotta get over her one way or another. just stop. force yourself. as long as you're focused on her, you'll be blind to other opportunities. she's off getting throated by some dude, and you're pining for her. just stop.

I need to destroy that ideal image of her in my head. I have to realize something somehow.

Guys why do some of you spend hours texting a bitch? If she is even decent looking she may have other guys texting her. She is gonna use you for validation. Texting should be short and quick to the point. Y'all be waiting for her to reply and shit also like she's super important. Unless you have really got to know her, relax. Next time you get a girl's number call her. Has a better impact. If she dont like you OP, fuck her. Be straight up. Only text a little bit. You can like a girl, but don't bend over backwards and worship all girls. I made the mistake in the past and recently. Over Summer a 10/10 gave me her number. This rarely happens. I did not follow up because I developed "I already like someone else." Guys be hitting on every bitch who walks through the door at my job. Work on yourself, than pursue a girl.

Charge your god damn phone dude. What if it shuts off and she sends you a message?

Why are you replying to her then?

>5 years turn into 10
>10 into 15
>15 into 25
>nobody came

Wanna know why she won't go out with your ass? Because you're the kind of guy who uses the laughing crying emoji.

This dude is right as fuck

>Get super drunk on new years
>drunken retardation takes over
>text my only female friend if she wants to "hang out" during the week
>phone runs out of battery
>wake up next morning with the mother of all hang-overs and a message from the cutie.
>get super tingly and can't get myself to look at it for at least a couple of hours..
>finally look at it.
>it was unironically a picture of her naked in bed with some random chad

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you idiot

if she treated you like that she is nothing to obsess over and you know that damn well yourself

pull your head out of your ass and find someone new to obsess over while you try as hard as you can to improve yourself

dont be a sad piece of shit man....... i know you can do better than that

>try to flirt and shit with a druggie girl
>goes okay
>make out
>walk her to her place
>she live with parents
>what the fuck
>kiss for goodbye
>thank You Jesus
>two days later
>text her about going somewhere or meeting up
>she didn't respond since October

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that fucking sucks major league ass
honestly stop being friends with her, its clear she doesnt respect you at all

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Take the lunch offer and get her to cheat. I made an asian girl cheat on her asian bf with me last year

>Apologizing to a girl

thats where you went wrong

Well done OP. Way to just make it casual, no big deal. Who knows if she really does have a bf or not, but regardless, you did well.

Ask out 10/10 blonde qt last year after class, "i have a bf", ff to now. See herconstantly, always making eye contact. Went to party and she was there talking to chads in the same circle as me. Dont have the balls to approach. Fuq

post some of your art mate

why is this bad user. not op

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Why you gotta be retarded
>Ghosted for 3 years and still asks her out

Fucking hell, this sounds so similar to stuff I've experienced. I'm a violin performance major at Juilliard and whenever I match with any musicians ESPECIALLY female violinists its always unmatch instantly

Most of the time she initiated and I just took the random contacts from her as something to do. I'm more aware of the "seeking validation" angle she was pulling with me now.

You should realize tinder is 95% of women just looking for validation and 5% sluts being sluts. The second you send them your art it destroys the art hoe.

>you know I have a lot of other people who ask me out
Who the fuck does she think she is? Fucing roastie. God this made me so angry. You should have called her out and tell her to fuck off.

You got the century wrong, idiot

You have to say you are glad that you wasted her time

A girl rejected me after on our first date after hearing that I was in the Military Academy
She was a stoner with pink dried hair tatoo all over the body and probably we weren't the best combinantion
They are my weakness and yet my life choices made them even more inaccessible for me

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There's also the risk that the Yellowstone park blows up tomorrow and half the world goes to shit.

I want to see your art user

Stop texting her you thirsty retard

>Are girls just afraid of confrontation?
That's not a girl thing, that's a human thing. Despite what this board tells you, most people don't want to hurt others' feelings, but since she also doesn't want to date you she is either trying to come up with a way to reject you and not hurt you at the same time or just doing the classic ignoring my problems hoping that they'll go away.
It's also true that you probably wouldn't be very upset, but it's not like she can know that for sure considering you just met.

>imagine actually being such a newfaggot

I did, although I never technically asked her out, but at this point if I did it would result in rejection.

Shame because she was a solid 9/10 who seemed (acted) like she actually gave a shit, and was the first girl who I've seen was half interested in me

Search her number in Facebook and find her. See if she has a bf. If not then it was but why would she offer to still hang out and keep up a secret bf act, no girl would. The majority of hot down to earth girls have bfs. Once you find out you dont ditch her like everyone is saying. You can stay in touch through social media and rarely chat or be friendly. Doing the first allows you to be in a good spot to steal her when she is single. No one here would know that though since they cant even get a girl, but they will complain about never finding them. These girls are usually grabbed fast and dont want to live the single slut life. Position yourself to be able to grab them and go for it when they become single.