If you could choose your own name, what would it be?

If you could choose your own name, what would it be?

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narcissa ravenwolf ofc


I can legally change my name right now.
Once I'm swole and my dick goes from a meaasely nine inches to ten inches and I go into porno, look for the new male talent called

Jamal VonShlongenstein.

I don't mind my name, it's the rest that's a problem.

John Paul. Space not a hyphen. That is a first name not two names

Unless you have a stupid name, you have no reason to change your name. Do you think people will be your friend and talk to you if your name was Wolfgang Thunder ?

Man Beefneck. Thots and roasties would be powerless to resist.

The terminiggor. Need a name that fits my job


Earth Turtle

Akhmed Muhammed

I chose my name, it's Ash. Not tellin you what it was before so don't ask

>it's Ash

Only someone on Jow Forums could choose the name of an eternal jobber.

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Rape Drill

chief sexrex

no wait

commander sexrex

What was it before?

Carlito Von Longdong69 Trim Chaser

Black KANG

Peepee McPeepee

Maximum Power.

just some generic biblical name that's considered normal. my parents named me some edgy special snowflake celtic name and it makes me very insecure as an american.

Ok, Cassivellaunos.

I'd keep mine. I have too much love and respect for my parents to change it.

Sup Vercingetorix.

The King as my first name

My arch nemesis...

My name but spelled with a "k" instead of a "c"

Shaggy, Destroyer of Worlds

Chad, later virgins

Yeah kuck is a lot cooler that cuck

What up Maolsneachta


better than having a hebrew kike name, lol
>inb4 "muh heritage"

I know that feel very well, don't even like saying my name out loud or hearing it. My fucking mother gave me this retarded name, worst thing is my father wanted to give me a Chad name and my retarded mother chimped out because he named my other brothers, and the fucking wimp conceded and allowed her to give me this retarded name. He wanted to give me a Chad name of a Chad futball player that today even is my fucking hero, and that bitch ruined everything. Who knows how different my life would be, maybe I got inspired to play futball too if I knew the Chad earlier, I only got into futball too late, maybe I would mimic that Chad player, maybe I would be a totally different person. But noooo, that fucking bitch man I swear

Anything but Philbert.

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originnilly fucking CHECK 'EM

Aw shit, Cu Chulainn up in this bitch

Long time no see, Dumnorix.

>tfw have Roman name, Celtic name, and Christian family name