Can someone be a robot by choice? As a guy, not female.
Can someone be a robot by choice? As a guy, not female
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Yes, and staying a robot is a choice too.
Not just a cope to say so?
you need to watch out for shitheads that'll try to scream reeeeeeeee and reeeeeeeeeeeedefine "robot" as whatever suits their fancy at the moment.
in reality it's totally fucking meaningless, so just go nuts.
Is there a word/category/ethnicity for eyes like that?
Like the girl in the pic?
Is that the skelly girl from Stranger Things? I don't remember her being cute.
Caylee Cowan, a 10 in my books
I'm a slav and I have eyes like that.
Looking up the Stranger Things girl, they actually don't look all that similar.
Ye I know, here is this chick
Yeah, the shape and the slight puffiness underneath. Frequently (always?) hazel. Every time I see a girl with eyes like that, it feels like I know her somehow. I think I must really like them.
It occurs to me that perhaps some girls just all read the same makeup guide in the same magazine or something. e.g. maybe those are "happened to receive a copy of teen vogue in March 2009" eyes or something.
I think it's the butt chin. Or whatever the more flattering word is for a butt chin.
cleavage chin
that's green gray or hazel w/e you believe it is
yeah they are common for slavs but for western europeans too
Maybe there's just a bunch of stoned girls walking around and I think they look cool.
Theres a video of her giving head
You cant be a robot if you have been a normie first. You can be a robot, turn normie then turn back however.
Girls can never be robots. Theyre just attention whoring cunts.
You know, if we keep repeating this, there will never be any honest, humble, cool af "robot" girls for our little brothers and nephews. That kind of thing can be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>Born in 1998
>Already dont full frontal nude modelling
Fuck I hate women.
>Daddy i had to do it to further my career stop being such a patriach
There's no such thing as "'robot' girls," you fucking retard.
That doesn't mean there can't be, short-sighted idiot. I know we've all given up, but that doesn't mean we can't leave the gate open on the way out. Seriously. If you want there to never be cool girls, then meme it into everyone's heads that it's impossible.
Actually retarded in the worst sense. Not based and blue pilled
>That doesn't mean there can't be
Yes. Yes it does.
Yes it does mean that. Any girl can go out and find someone to fuck end of story.
>Born in 1998
>Tits hanging down to her knees
Black-pilled. The ultimate black pill is that you're fucked, and the only way you can fight back is doing your small part to unfuck the next generation even though you won't personally benefit.
Women are completely different to us you mongoloid. They're all vain, attention seeking whores. No matter how much time you spend with them, trying to educate them they are only as good as some pet going through the motions. You think any of them will genuinely be "cool" as you say, they'll only do it because they want attention from you. Are you so thick ?
>Born in 1998
>Already has saggy granny tits
You are mentally weak, enough of this white knight shit
Why would anyone in their right mind want to be a robot? It is absolutely not a choice. No sane person would choose such a fate.
>"You know what I'm gonna do lads? By choice, I'm gonna be a totally dysfunctional human being that cannot form social, sexual and romantic bonds with other people. I will also choose to fail to integrate and find purpose in society, leaving me financially disadvantaged and most likely incapable of attaining long term independance. All of this will result in poor mental and physical health and will ensure my existence is one of complete isolation, dissatisfaction, disillusionment, failure and misery. What more could someone possibly want out of life? This is most certainly a path I am keen to venture down."
> You think any of them will genuinely be "cool" as you say, they'll only do it because they want attention from you. Are you so thick ?
At least their idea of cool can be someone who gets attention from my little brothers and nephews. Are you?
>but that doesn't mean we can't leave the gate open on the way out
I'll demolish the building and salt the earth.
At least I philosophize about the future in between my shouting matches with a computer monitor. You think it's *impossible* for there to be women would be compatible with us? If you do, it's just a cope. Because we're all fucked. Doesn't mean everyone like us has to always be fucked.
>At least I philosophize
Thanks for that. I haven't gotten an opportunity to do a "phantom wank" in a while.
> wishing his problems on the next guy this hard
I'm not wishing my problems on anyone, I'm merely pointing out that you're a twat.
>Caylee Cowan is estranged from her biological father.
>She worked at Tilted Kilt for a week when she was 15 years old. They fired her when they realized it was illegal. She kept the uniform.
>She then moved to Hollywood, California at 18 years old, by herself, to pursue acting as a career.
>She is of Russian-Jewish descent
Adds up.
Its impossible for women to be robots. Stop pushing the meme. Even the cunts who post on here admit theyde never fuck an incel.
of course you can try and be a robot, but it will hurt. your body will suffer from the lifestyle you choose, your whole neuroendocrine system will scream at you constantly to get some of dat pussy. but you will get nothing.
if you choose the robot lifestyle, be prepared to die from a very slow and painful death in a young age.
Robots used to be the unnamed group of guys posting about feels on /b/ back in the day. Then this board came, and tried to be a board where all spam was eliminated. That experiment failed when it was found that adding a single letter or changing one word would bypass the filter, and then spam came here too. The guys posting about feels came here, leaving /b/ to be the useless board of porn and spam that it is today. The moniker of robot simply comes from the name of this board, robot 9001. It has no relation to being like a robot, it's just the name of an inhabitant of this place.
Another post needed, because the character limit is fucking dumb
You find it convenient to circumstantially frame me as a twat to justify your dismissal of difficult ideas. Complaining without even a notion of what systemic change you'd like to see is just complaining.
Announcing, day in and day out, "women will never get along with us and we all agree that they're physically incapable" is not how you fix the systemic problem of women being attracted to dumbasses. I'll admit I've probably been guilty of that myself, though.
>Even the cunts who post on here
I think you mean "the men who post on here and pretend to be women to get a rise out of the gullible."
Then came the incels. They were based on reddit, until their meeting place got canned. Then they found this place and shit the place up. I'd argue that while the usual incel probably was from reddit, they still may be compatible as robots, however, they may need some better knowledge and understanding in their current state. The problem comes from the guys on the extreme ends of the spectrum. Far on one side are the cuckolds, who will do absolutely anything for a wet hole to put their dick in, and some white knights are here, unbeknownst to themselves. Far on the other side are the ones that want to legally rape all the women they can and be a huge fucking degenerate like everyone else. These people would be more suited to /b/, ironically. The original robots have, for the most part, either moved on to other chans or killed themselves. Some may still lurk around here, though I can't imagine why. As such, the term is meaningless now, as said.
I find the whole state of this board to be fairly laughable. The majority of incels could probably drop their old ways of thinking and claim what the oldfags left behind, but they're always preoccupied with fighting amongst the more radical elements of themselves, trannies and fags attempting to "convert" them", or the same people that kicked them off reddit in the first place attempting to bait and shame them. If those elements were gone, the radical elements on /b/, the anti-incels on their own sites, and the trannies and fags in gas chambers, then the problem would disappear from the board and it might gain a second wind, as it were. But nobody sees this and they wallow in their shit.
>"women will never get along with us and we all agree that they're physically incapable"
That's not synonymous with "women can't be robots," you fucking moron.
Can you rephrase what you said into something that makes sense?
No I mean the actual abundance of female lurkers who post here.
And by "the gullible," I meant "you."
>Then came the incels. They were based on reddit,
Wrong. Why do you new cunts keep pushing this fake history? The term incel grew here. I remember as far back as 2011 before r*ddit was even a thing the term was being thrown everyday here. That being said there hasnt been an influx of incels,theyve always been here. What there has been an influx of us sluts, feminists, faggots and trannies. None of which are welcome. Incels are at home here. You need to leave.
Those cunts who post on here are a lot closer to Captain Saveanincel than you think. If you really read what they say, half the time they're basically telling you the "transformation" you could spoof to fuck them, if only you could find the spoons. It's not lost on me, that there's some tautologies with the spoons and talking-to-women-ever-to-begin-with elements, by the way, but like I'm saying: Doesn't have to be that way forever, and I suspect the distance to "more attractive than we realize" is shorter than we understand. We can at least avoid *reinforcing* those barriers, for Helper's sake.
>before r*ddit was even a thing
You should probably refrain from calling people "new" when you're obviously new to the entirety of the fucking internet.
If you want a girlfriend, you're not a robot.
I was using the internet before you were born fuck head lol. Go back to r*ddit
Yeah, I'm sure you were using the internet before 1985. That's a totally plausible thing that happened, I'm sure. You've been on the internet for almost 34 years, but you still think Reddit was started in 2011. Sounds legit. Idiot.
Reddit was founded in 2005. Nice attempt to hide the truth of your origins. Then again, this may just be what I was talking about. You lot are wholly disorganized and don't even know your own history, let alone the history of this board.
Are you a moderate, or are you one of the extremes? Hm?
>Yeah, I'm sure you were using the internet before 1985
Yes I was. Deal with it.
>but you still think Reddit was started in 2011
Yore a retard. Fuck off new kid. Also fuck plebbit, go back to where you belong. Shitty piece of shit new website lol.
>Reddit was founded in 2005
Yeah I know dipshit. Maybe go back and read what I wrote. Did I ever say it wasnt?
Fuck off both of spastics. Take your screenshots and leave.
Not that user, but to be fair, it could easily be that it started here, went to reddit, we forgot, and it came back here because of reddit. I will say that it absolutely has not been a continuous thing here since 2011.
Go wash out your filthy cunt. Women and newfags are not welcome on r9k.
>Did I ever say it wasnt?
Yeah. Right here: when you said, "I remember as far as back as 2011 before r*ddit was even a thing."
I don't know if it's worse he was part of the Digg exodus or if I'm worse for being able to identify that.
I have a penis and you have a small brain if that's your only view of the world. You have potential and need to expand, or you'll remain here forever.
Anywhere is better than here, isn't it? That's what I offer to you. Take it or leave it, I couldn't care less.
No I said 'Reddit wasnt even a thing' which is wasnt. It was just some edgy shit house trying to compete with Jow Forums. Nice try fuck wit.
Now if youll excuse me I have more important threads to tend too.
>I have a penis
Yeah in your mouth.
>or you'll remain here forever.
Why would I want to leave? Are you implying this is a bad place? Why dont you fucking leave? I didnt invite you here.
>Anywhere is better than here
>isn't it?
Says you and if you think that way then leave.
>I couldn't care less.
Yes you do thats why you keep replying to me and will keep replying to me.
Alsoits ibvious yoiu are not a man. Only a female wold care this much about trying to change someone. Its a typicalmthot thing to do. You come here with no interest in the board, hate incels yet you cant help yourself but try and 'fix' it even though the only problem is you.
They call this getting BTFO'd. See ya later dick trap.
>I have a penis
>Yeah in your mouth.
I guess sucking dick is just what you think about normally
>Why would I want to leave? Are you implying this is a bad place? Why dont you fucking leave? I didnt invite you here.
I mean mentally, tard. You get worked up over femoids, but for what? You're only needlessly getting angry. I bring acceptance. Not acceptance like women say, where they mean using you for their own ends. I mean freedom from this shit world, even if it's only in your mind
>Anywhere is better than here
This site has always been shit, newfag
>isn't it?
>Says you and if you think that way then leave.
Make me fag
>I couldn't care less.
>Yes you do thats why you keep replying to me and will keep replying to me.
That's a lot of smugness for someone who thinks about cocks in men's mouths by default
>Alsoits ibvious yoiu are not a man. Only a female wold care this much about trying to change someone. Its a typicalmthot thing to do. You come here with no interest in the board, hate incels yet you cant help yourself but try and 'fix' it even though the only problem is you.
I've always been here. I want to improve board quality, because I have to tolerate brainlets like you being the norm, along with the disgusting fags, the roasties, and whatever other shit your ilk brought here when you came. The least you could do is make amends for your vile entrance, and yet you can't even be bothered you stupid son of a bitch.
>They call this getting BTFO'd. See ya later dick trap.
>buh-buh-be tee eff oh, you're trap
>never mind that I just called you a woman
I wonder if a negative IQ exists. You obviously didn't even read my first post, or you're just baiting. In either case, your earned a brainlet wojak easily, because that's some of the poorest fucking baiting I've ever seen.
>I guess sucking dick is just what you think about normally
No it means YOU suck dick, like I said but nice try.
>I bring acceptance.
You bring unwanted new fagottry and cuntiness. Be gone whore.
>This site has always been shit, newfag
Typical normie NPC invader response. It hasnt always been shit, its always been about shitposting. It used to be great, now its shit because of you. Learn the difference cunt wit.
>Make me fag
Im not the one on a board she hates trying to change things that will never change.
>I've always been here.
No you havent.
Also thanks for replying to me. I knew you would :)
>lmao IQ,
>huur duur dumb dumb
What are you 6?
Idk, I'm 50/50. I am well enough socialized to pull off being a normie but I just can't convince myself to maintain. So it's both my choice and not.
fuck off back to plebbit, normand.
lol, didn't you say you have better things to do? I guess you really don't then.
>n-n-n-no! just because I defaulted to it doesn't mean it's on my mind!
Sure, and the women's lingerie is just a phase, right?
>You bring unwanted new fagottry and cuntiness.
The irony is palpable
>Be gone whore.
See, that's the thing. You always default to these tribalistic arguments based upon nothing. I disagreed with you, so to you, I am automatically a woman, or a trap, whatever your mind thinks. You can't even entertain the ideas I present and refuse to, instead metaphorically plugging your ears with your fingers and screeching so you don't have to listen.
Tell me, why is it that you think I am a bleeding hole? What have I said to indicate this in your mind?
>It hasnt always been shit, its always been about shitposting.
How fucking new are you? You have to be from reddit. What, did pewdiepie send you here? Come for le epic maymay, kid?
>Im not the one on a board she hates trying to change things that will never change.
I don't hate this board, and it's he, before you say "lool you didn't refute it" or some other childish shit. I hate what it's become. You aren't even old enough to remember 2007.
>No you havent.
I have
>Also thanks for replying to me. I knew you would :)
Just like you have to reply to me. I knew you would :)
In fact, you were the one who replied to me in the first place, so what does that say about you?
>What are you, 6?
>I was only pretending to be retarded!
So uh, can someone explain what exactly a "Russian Jew" is? Do they have the thing where they only marry other Jews? Do they only marry other Russians, for that matter? How many of them are redheads? Do their eyes really look like that or are they just high?
well if you are spending all of your time choosing to be on r9k, then you're sorta choosing to be a robot dontchya think buckaroo
For me, a robot is a misanthrope void of feelings and emotion. A broken being.
Either due to genetic, birth defect or traumatism.
A true robot didn't chose, but don't care about his fate.
Most people here are failed normalfags who would live a life of sins of they were Chad Tier.
It's called being a mutt
>it was le jews all along
Go back to /x/, you clinical retard
it's definitely by choice, i used to be a robot then i just decided i wanted to be more dumb
i regret it so much, im living much happier bt ive literally lost so many friends because i cant find what they find funny anymore, nor can i understand what they understand anymore
ive become so normie and i hate my life now, i'm content with everything but i feel so basic
Lmfao now THIS is an underrated post
I thought I was in /ic/ for some reason so I've just
been drawing this roastie the past couple hours.
You're forgetting the plot detail that when Moot canned the first Jow Forums, a lot of the people who frequented it moved over to Jow Forums, to the point where calling the board "/adv9k/" was a pretty common occurrence. A lot of cross-contamination ensued by the time Moot reincarnated this board.
That's impressive, but why are you drawing the saggy boobs instead of the pretty face? Seems like you have your priorities wrong there.