hows your typical day look guys? anything you like to do or something you wanna work into your schedule?
Hows your typical day look guys? anything you like to do or something you wanna work into your schedule?
heres a template 4yew
>wake up
>get ready for work
>read for half an hour
>go to work
>arrive home
>read for half an hour
>do some household chores, eat
>read for an hour
It works
Different depending on the day but this is my schedule for mondays typically.
dang user you have a full day whats your major?
I think 12pm and 12am are placed wrong but I am pretty sleep deprived so maybe I am being a brainlet
the whole template sucks youd think that itd be arranged like a clock but it starts at 1 instead of 12
No real typical day. This is sorta the average considering the main things in my life.
My life is one of abject horror
Orange - work
Purple - sleep
Black - college
Cyan - rest
when do you eat?
also some times i play piano during vidya or tv/yt time
Shit from work (restaraunt), homecooked stuff (parents cook for themselves) and occasional junkfood.
I'm underweight lol.
eating in between
life is better than it has been before
very sad when you see how little free time you have
How can you masturbate 4 hours? Maybe cut back a bit on that.
My life is good senpai. Better than stupid neet life , desu
I hate working
Current Uni holidays schedule. Big gay
This really works for me. I'm able to sleep in almost an entire 5 hours, and still be able to get do stuff the next day.
>tfw you realize how fucked you are
Is it normal for people in this thread to have as much sleep as they do? I always thought people have less sleep as they get older or something.
Ah, working out late in the day so that its vacated, know that feeling though prefer early mornings on a hard shift.
Fuck, flip the AMS, PMS. Didn't read it correctly.