Are young men refusing to marry making a huge mistake? Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever? Do you seriously believe any women will want anything to do with you if you suddenly change your mind at 40 or so?
Are young men refusing to marry making a huge mistake? Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs...
>making yourself susceptible to divorce rape and alimony extortion
afaik in countries like canada you even should ditch your gf periodically to avoid being force to pay alimonies even if you are not married
>Are young men refusing to marry making a huge mistake?
Young men aren't refusing to marry, women dont want to marry, fuck or date us.
>Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever?
>Do you seriously believe any women will want anything to do with you if you suddenly change your mind at 40 or so?
Thats not the question. The question is women dont deserve the right to turn around at age 25 and suddenly decide that they want to settle down after riding the cock carousel.
Men are the ones with the power in this situation. Girls can eat, prey and love all they want but in the end men win. The solution is for women to be stripped of their rights, sexual freedoms and forced into marriages at young ages with childhood friends at the behest of their parents.
>Are young men refusing to marry making a huge mistake?
> Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever?
>Do you seriously believe any women will want anything to do with you if you suddenly change your mind at 40 or so?
I don't think living to that age is on the agenda for robots
>Are young men refusing to marry making a huge mistake?
No, I think they're making a wise decision given the current legal system and culture against men.
>Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever?
Not forever, but the freedom of not being a slave to the system will let them pursue goals, dreams, and hobbies to their heart's content.
>Do you seriously believe any women will want anything to do with you if you suddenly change your mind at 40 or so?
If he's successful or stable in life, sure why not? Though I think after years of autonomy, he'd have difficulty making compromises to his lifestyle. Doubt they'd change their mind after seeing what friends and family had to put up with
this only occurs if you sleep in the same apartment/home for 365 instances. after one years worth of this, you're common law married.
why should i even marry? if i had a partner who truly loved being with me, wouldn't she stay with me despite not having a contract on my life?
not to self, if i ever get to live for a while in canada i should dump any roastie i supposedly can get there on the 364th day
female roommates also get lumped into CLM. the more you know.
Why the fuck would anyone who has ever been in a relationship want to marry? Everyone falls out of love eventually and it fucking sucks. I'd rather just not have to give her half of my fucking assets when it happens.
i would marry asap if any woman who wasn't obese or super fucking ugly showed any interest in me. i'm not fat, i work out, i pay attention to hygiene, i'm financially independent. sorry for being autistic as fuck but i'm not going to marry some fat ugly fuck with a double digit IQ, i'll keep getting stoned and masturbating until i meet someone who has their shit together or until i die
falling out of love is a meme. there's more things to do on this planet than you can do/accomplish/master in a lifetime, even if you were born and started widdling the list down. pick anything and start some new hobbies. go take a dance class, learn instruments, take up BDSM or something. if you don't stoke the fire, it will burn out.
A marriage is of no advantage yet brings tremendous risk for a male.
Even trying to lump it in with enjoyable things, like sex and vidya is manipulative.
i don't want anything to do with women, and they come to you if they're worth having anyway
Leaving aside that most of us have enough trouble even securing a gf:
What does a wife have that a woman who loves you and wants to live with you WITHOUT trying to hold your finances hostage you does not?
>tfw 42 and never married
nah, no mistakes here. there's a lot more to life than that crap that you listed, tho some of it is okay to kill time with in between the fun stuff. getting married though, that's just closing the door on your life, locking it, shoving the keys up a dogs bum, then defenestrating the fucking dog
I'm not refusing to marry. Women don't want me as I'm not a giant football player with a six pack that works on Wall Street and spends all his time traveling.
I don't think its a good idea. I'm not a great guy, so I can't get a great girl, its that simple.
>Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever?
They Will satisfy me temporarily while a woman will make me miserable forever
>Young men refusing..
Implying i can even get a date , Hell i cant even get someone to reply. I have been using a dating app +3 years. No one has ever wrote back anything. Im going to have to go out to bar and make a fool of myself.
I didn't choose anything, it has been chosen for me.
This meme needs to end, most men do not fit that description and can find a woman. You're making excuses for yourself or chasing literal stacies.
I know it's not the majority opinion around here but done right, marriage is pretty great. My wife has never had sex with anyone else, and her puppy-dog enthusiasm for it, untainted by baggage, is enough to make me happy.
>You're making excuses for yourself or chasing literal stacies.
Now you're being dishonest. Most guys don't have high standards, they just don't want ugly fat bitches. But I agree that anyone can get married if they are willing to fuck the ugliest woman and be a doormat beta provider, but even robots have more pride than that.
Yep. But that's like saying "You know, robbing a bank ain't that bad when done right and you don't get caught".
I'm 32 now. It's not worth it to invest my time in women at this age. The chances of finding a good partner after 15+ years of loneliness is fairly low. I know what I want in life and it doesn't involve making a drastic change to find a partner. I refuse to be desperate scraps to anyone.
You get a nice tax break from it, but otherwise I agree its pointless. If you can find someone, sign a prenup, and live comfortably, why not get that tax break?
Yeah, and I feel like I got away scot-free after emptying out Fort Knox. If there was even the remote possibility of feeling this good, it makes all the years of lonely sadness worth it in retrospect. People use this same logic on the lottery and I know they're wrong, but some of our best friends are another couple as head-over-heels for each other as we are. It's been sad seeing some people pair up and other left out. I remember when we were all single.
>Most guys don't have high standards
Exactly, most guys aren't like you and see these ridiculous extremes you're putting forth. You're either being intentionally dishonest to rationalize your failure/high standards, or really are another delusional picky faggot who feels entitled to his dream stacy.
Same thing for murder, winning a pro sport championship, or finding the perfect job. It can certainly happen but its rare and takes luck and hard work
*don't see
Yes, they are missing out.
>Marrying a white woman
LMAO enjoy your alimony
>Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever?
Neither will marriage.
>hurr your high standards!
Stop eating, fatty.
I would even HELP you lose it, if it were not a given you would bang Chad after I do.
Its really crazy how not wanting to fuck fat woman means you have high standards nowadays.
>You get a nice tax break from it
This only applies if one partner makes significantly less than the other. In fact, taxes will likely be worse if you're both making a good amount
>If you can find someone, sign a prenup.
Prenups get thrown out all the time. Also in many states, they can only protect assets acquired before the marriage. Anything acquired after must be split evenly. You could be an excellent husband, yet she can still divorce you on a whim (or maybe she was cheating on you) and take half.
>Do you really think cheap sex/masturbation, drugs, video games and the internet will keep you satisfied forever?
>Implying that early marriage is worth even though statistically less then half of marriages work out
get the fuck outta here
>does not give you the right to stop her from cheating
>does not give you the right to stop her from leaving
>does not give you a right to regular sex
>does give her the right to your money
Why should I agree to something that gives me no advantages AND a disadvantage?
I'm kind of conflicted about marriage at this point. On one hand it is a oart of growing up and being a mature human. On the other hand I don't want to get chopped in half at age 45 and be miserable for the second half of my life. Not only that but I feel like it's part part of carrying your responsability to raise children but I don't want to have kids outside of marriage and also I wouldn't want to have kids if they would just grow up with divorced parents. And as an user said in this thread some places have messed up laws even for prenups.
I'd love to get married but I'm in my early 20s and already pretty bitter and jaded. By the time I'm 30 I'll probably be so frustrated that the thought of doing things for a woman will disgust me beyond what words can describe.