ITT: I reply to everyone who posts

ITT: I reply to everyone who posts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

say u love me

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hi op

I'm scared and I don't know if I'm ever going to be alright again.

I don't want to do the next 50 years. I have no interest in it. It takes so much effort to be a human being and it has no payoff.

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I love you, dude.
Howzit going, user?
Why are you scared? Is there something I can do to help you?
The payoff is doing things. Do something different every day. Take interests in different things like tea drinking or something calming and relaxing.

>tea drinking
Fucking faggot OP

Is tea drinking inherently homosexual or am I missing something?

OP is inherently a faggot

I actually do like tea user, that sounds quite nice.
Fuck you I like tea. OP made a good call.

Would you rather lose your penis but still be able to have kids or lose your balls but never be able to hold an erection again?

And I like tea too. So fuck you, user, and not tea. I hope and expect for you to apologize.

i know you keep refreshing the thread waiting for me to reply to you. here is your (You). I'd rather lose my penis because I want to have children one day.

op your a nigger

Is the "its only downhill from here" meme true?

no I am white
If you let it be true it is

am i doing it right? i'm not sure

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"downhill" as in easy or "downhill" as in getting worse

Should I restrain myself from all electronics to focus solely on studying?

We're all in this together.
All of us.

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how's life my guy

my lvl 8 orcish paladin died rip

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>Do something different every day
I'm a fucking wagecuck, I am doomed to do the same thing every day.

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If you reply to me everyone you love dies, if any of them died already they get ressurected and killed again.

Good me luck op I have been enlisted in serving a 2 years military duty for my country at 22, I am a weak beta faggot my whole life, my physical is shit, I have no hobby, zero social skill, and will be a punching bag in the camp, which is 2.5 weeks later from now.

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Godspeed, dropped out of uni on 1st year at 18yo and now enlisted to man up because hate myself more than anything

I hate being a faggot.

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Use headphones and turn up the volume and read the description

Don't you reply to me you little shitter. I'll rough you up if ya do.

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I failed my Chemistry class
>tfw brainlet

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if the girl im seeing sent me this, is there a hidden meaning to it or does she just like the music?

Will you weep when I die?

Please tell me I'm a cute girl. I'm male and a fag but I want to be one.

i feel a big sad like most of you, but meditation makes me feel clearer and more interested in life again. so i recommend it brothers

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