Do you think very beautiful and at the same time very intelligent women exist?

Do you think very beautiful and at the same time very intelligent women exist?

Or do you think some attributes need to be sacrificed to increase other ones?

Attached: smart-young-woman-feature.jpg (1920x1080, 262K)

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I don't think about it at all. The existence or nonexistence of intelligent and/or beautiful women in no way impacts my life.

Of course they exist. But why does it matter? Are you just curious?

Usually intelligent men have an easier time finding success. Successful men, throughout history, have taken the most beautiful women as their wives. They then have children who are both beautiful and intelligent. By that logic, not only do beautiful and intelligent women exist, they're somewhat common.

Point buy is bullshit. Roll your stats in sequence and take what you get.

Yes I do think they exist people like to think that no one can truly "have it all" but superior genetically gifted people exist

>tfw neither

Anyway, smart women will probably see the value in being perceived as attractive or ateast maintained, like halo effect shit and all the research on attractive people leading happier, more succesful lives. So they'll try to look good. A rich 4/10 with a good head on her shoulders can become a 7/10

Attached: 1532209345113.jpg (633x758, 56K)

>Intelligent women
That is an oxymoron, and you're a dickless faggot for thinking otherwise.

Without a doubt, for the reasons this user said .

Attractiveness is positively correlated with iq.

The number of huge tit turbo slut bimbos in the biostatistics and epidemiology phd program I worked in was crazy high. They hide under their clothes.

I've met many women who have put me to shame intellectually. I love it. It's like being dommed, but my fucking brain.

Shit rules, my guy.

Yeah, but it depends how intelligent and beautiful. If you're talking truly intelligent/gifted nearly mensa level females who are also attractive like your pic, you're probably talking less than 0.2% of the worlds female population. If you're talking like around 105+ IQ there's plenty of attractive women that are that smart.

Either way a woman that is mediocre intelligence and attractive is already being taken care of and is not accessible unless you're an elite member of society.

There is no logical reason why they should not exist. It's the genetic lottery and some people just hit the jackpot for no other reason than simple luck. We were just unlucky that day.

>hurr durr muh genetics
You can be genetically predisposed to being smart and still be a dumbass, you know.
Im sure women that are smart and cute exist, but putting on makeup and worrying about fashion (and etcetera) probably bites into the time that have available to study.
They exist, but they're probably rare.

They definitely exist. You need to snap them up as early as possible though. It is likely that, despite their beauty, they had insecurities during school due to not quite fitting in with the rest of the bimbos, so if you can meet them at that time, and mind you, you need to be pretty attractive yourself, you might be able to forge a relationship with them. Otherwise they will be instantly siphoned away by the highest tier of chad.

I don't know how intelligent she is exactly, other than being an arithmetic prodigy, but Rachel Riley is an example of an intelligent beautiful woman, even though the wall is soon coming for her

You are absolutely wrong for a number of reasons.

First of all you conflate intelligence and success. They are two very different things. Of course to an extent there is an overlap between intelligence and success, but they are different things. One does not necessarily equate to the other. It is a lot more complex than this.

Secondly genetics and hereditary traits are a lot more complex than you are making out. Plus you ignore the impact of environmental factors on these traits. A beautiful person will not always produce beautiful children. An intelligent person will not always produce intelligent children.

Beautiful and intelligent women(or men) are not at all common. Exceptional intelligence or attractiveness are by definition uncommon. Finding these two traits in combination is therefore even more uncommon by several magnitudes.

In conclusion highly intelligent AND attractive women (or men) do exist, but they are exceptionally rare.

Depends on what you find beautiful, which isn't as clear cut as you think it.

>Intelligent women.
Hehehe hohohoh.

Attached: Tanya2.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

If anything, intelligence seems to hurt your chances of getting laid. Idiotic men with no brains seem to have a much easier time getting laid than the Albert Einsteins of the world. Stupid people rely on their instincts to get them through life rather than their brains. Following your instincts is what gets you laid. A lot of smart people's problem is that we have literally learned to stop listening to our instincts to the point where we wouldn't know how to listen to them if we tried. Smart people instead, plan and theorize everything. Stupid people don't think about things they just do them.

As for the OP's question. I think that high academic intelligence much more frequently comes at the expense of social intelligence than it comes at the expense of beauty/attractiveness.

Technically possible. But extremely unlikely.
Because humans, like any other organism, always use the minimal amount of effort required to get something. And women can get sex and relationship quite easily, so they don't NEED to be smart, like men do. Even if they a genetically or psychologically predisposed to it, they usually never pursue and/or nurture it. So the only smart women are women who can't attract a mate by any other means, or women who don't care about finding a mate. So yes, there are a few women in that minority.

>Do you think very beautiful and at the same time very intelligent women exist?

Yea, and they're worst type of girl because if you think the game is easy for a hot dumb bitch, imagine how easy it is for a smart one. They're probably the most manipulative people and conniving people on earth aside from the jews.

The reason why women in general lack character, intelligence and ambition is because they never have to worry about working to get male attention. No matter how attractive you are as a girl, you will always have more male attention than you could ever need. This means that there is no need for self-improvement or even compenstating for your flaws with intelligence and interests. Therefore, the more attractive the woman, the less intelligent and interesting she will be on average. Of course, its possible to be both. But this is why attractiveness generally implies low intelligence.

Attached: 1533239999214.jpg (446x559, 42K)

Good looks correlate with intelligence, so a very beautiful woman would likely be smarter than most people here.

This is the myth of the "dumb blonde," it's just a stereotype that's never actually been shown to be true

You're objectively wrong, even your example is factually incorrect. Einstein had a very easy time getting laid and had a lot of women during his life.

this post is cope, it's not accurate in any way, and you have no good reason to believe it other than irl memes we're all taught from a young age about muh brains vs brawn and similar stuff
just fucking accept the blackpill

I'm sure its never been proven to be a "myth" either user

Men are taught to strive for the attention of females all their life. Women are taught that men will come to you, and its true, they never have to work at it. Even feminists will agree that women aren't judged on their personality or intelligence.

In general, the more attractive you are the less you need to work on your other traits. That's a fact.

Love is the most commonly observed subject in all the history of music and art. Women get love from men by having a vagina. They lack the incentive to better themselves for this purpose, unlike men.

They exist. The patterns you see of some trait values sometimes being traded for others is because of the sexual market opportunities available to those who mate, not because biology doesn't like them to accumulate in one place.

It also depends what you mean by intelligent. Booksmart? Cultured? Or just raw cognitive capability?

With regard to the latter, less women occupy the far right tail of the intelligence distribution (same story on the other side of it), so it can be slightly challenging on that front alone.

>I'm sure its never been proven to be a "myth" either user

Intelligence is heritable, not something you work at.

>You're objectively wrong
>this post is cope
Wait, so the answer to attracting women is to forget your instincts and go by some pre-thought strategy? What should this strategy be?

What good is "intelligence" if they never strive to use it or improve their character?

Yeah I met few irl
Trying to get one to like me

the answer to attracting women is to be more desirable than the competition
more confident, more intelligent, more attractive

Are you burning?

blackpilled and fpbp
If you're here you're either a complete normie that shouldn't even be here (greentext kids GET OUT), or you'll be lonely forever.
I know for a fact it is possible to be smart, attractive, and a woman, because I've met them. But I realize I'll die alone one day, if I don't neck myself prior.

They exist, I dated one.

>I dated one
Exactly what I mean by
>complete normie that shouldn't even be here

Fuck you fucking niggers. Just leave us alone. What's so enticing about crashing in on a robot party?

Someone sure is seething mad.

>person points out you're a piece of shit
>hehehe better use that word i saw in that greentext video
>"seethe more" hehehe that'll show them
You're retarded and I doubt you know what 'seethe' even means.
Not sure why I'm giving you (You)s anymore.

Shouldn't you be on r/incels?

Shouldn't you be on r/funny?

Idek what that means

There are definitely smart and beautiful women. But overall smart women are ugly and pretty girls are kinda dumb.

beauty and intelligence are correlated because smart alpha men make a lot of money and marry beautiful women, then breed with them. Their children are physically attractive, have good INT genes, and are usually given lots of support growing up to be successful (e.g. the best schools, connections, any extra help they need)

You would like to think one comes at the expense of the other because you want to see people who aesthetically have it all be missing something important, but there are some people who just have it all while some people don't have very much.

to add my personal experience, I've met a great number of very attractive, career oriented women, and of the women in my life I've considered the dumbest, there are no physically attractive qualities.

This but also all women are generally more stupid. Like the smartest women I know are nowhere near as smart as most of the guys I hang out with.

I don't care, I'll never get to be with one