
What are some fun and semi-practical hobbies to pursue? So far I've welded, machined, roasted, baked, brewed, and distilled. I'm kind of burned out on most of them and want to start up the the creative process of absorbing new information and mastering techniques.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Gemcutting, if you have the money
>Blacksmithing, if you have the iron ore
>Woodworking, preferably in oak
God tier when combined
>Hacking, Just to fuck with people in other countries
>CAD, for 3D printing
>Demonology, The lesser and greater key of Solomon
>Advanced Researching, boring skill but extremely useful.

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>CAD, for 3D printing
I have CATIA. I'm considering buying a mid range 3-D printer just to play around and maybe sell a few niche items.

I'm a sucker for the occult, but most of it is garbage.

I've played with the Lesser Key of Solomon and can confirm it's real. My little bro and I have seen some shit. If you are brave enough it's worth it but you'll have demonic night terrors for weeks.

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What's the benefit?

I know it sounds far fetched but I used it to cancel college for days on multiple occasions. It never failed to do so and the school shut down for days because all the shit that was happening on campus. Also, everything was literally smelling like sulphur and full body apparitions and poltergeist activity was occurring. Enchanted items were created that could somehow return to me when I lost them. Confirmed that was real. I also used it to pass tests with an A by "guessing." But I would make a request that I pass the test no matter what. I've seen a physical portal open up in my room and I was struck by a strange purple lightning. It sounds retarded but if you don't believe me try it for yourself.

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have you ever done a Really Big Project like building a full custom motorcycle or sandrail from the ground up? now that I think about it, it would be fun to build a hidden powerful FM transmitter into my car and use it to run a pirate radio station that plays nothing but eurobeat

oh fuck, I know, have you tried sailing? that's fun.
hacking was a lot of fun back in the day before everything became so dependent on the internet, but nowadays it's fucking dangerous because you don't know if you're going to step on some TLA's dick and get bagged
can you use it to summon a double reverse trap succubus who will suck your soul out of your anus and make it feel good?

I wonder if I'm asking the wrong board.

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>Pirate eurobeat radio
I know what I'm doing for the next Gambler.

>Enchanted items were created that could somehow return to me when I lost them

I'll believe THAT when you post a pic of such an item to prove it's not lost. Ha!

I made an RF jammer before because I had the worst neighbors.

>Build a pirate radio
>overlap the most popular frequency in the area.
>Play racist music


?? But I can technically take a picture of any item. Reguardless, if you don't believe me summon a demon and figure it out yourself.

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you should probably ask /diy/

You mean like David Allan Coe?

I knew you lost them. And I will summon a demon idgaf I'm no sissy who needs to skip class because of anxiety

>semi-practical hobbies to pursue
Fuck I wish I had the energy and motivation.
I just listen to relatively obscure music and jack off to camwhores others pay for

You don't even know what I lost you tard. It was a summoning ring forged from copper used for rituals. I lost it. And a few months later it literally reappeared on my nightstand next to my bed.

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I used to make up excuses to skip classes before.

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But you don't have your summoning ring now. Ha! Retard..

I know and I'm not against you, just that rude demonologist punk

It's pretty fucking obvious that you are a troll. You do a pretty shitty job of it too.
>Have a (YOU)
>Pic related

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Anyone know how to rekindle an old passion that brought you so much joy?

I'm not trolling I wanted to see enchanted items that never left you. You just don't have any. Your mom probably found that ring in the washing machine and put it in your room, you dip

It's pretty satisfying indulging in your handiwork.

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I don't even live with my mom. Also, you're acting like a major faggot so I won't show you anything just because I despise you. Like I said, figure it out yourself if you want to know so badly.

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I look up sex positions and think about doing them to a girl when I finally lose my virginity.

Hey, my Lemegeton nigger, what's up?

Too bad you lost your ring you big baby

What's up my dude. Know of any other high magic systems that won't get me killed.

I'm thinking about growing some plants in my backyard after the winter. I'm thinking about growing some San Pedro cacti, salvia divinorum, and maybe grow some cannabis indoors.

I've come a few ways since then, but I seemed happier when I first started out. I like starting over again and returning to the fundamentals.

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Also, I already know of the Enochoian but heard it gives you deadly bad luck on default

I always wanted to grow Salvia, but I've been burned by sketchy sellers. I like how it looks like a typical sage plant.

>San Pedro cacti
Pretty simple to extract if you have the right methodology and lab equipment

> cannabis indoors.
I've never used weed, but it always intrigued me. I like the challenge of growing it and earning goodwill with people who use it.

Try learning a language. Great way to keep yourself busy, if nothing else.

>So far I've welded, machined, roasted, baked, brewed, and distilled. I
Which was your favourite, user?
Which was the easiest to get started?

Spent a few years learning German only for that to become a waste of time.

Radio control models is very fun and there's a niche for everyone.
I personally enjoy crawlers the most, scaled down versions of popular 4x4 vehicles like Land Rovers or Jeeps.
There's a lot more fabricating and creativity involved when you want to be unique and detailed and don't chase the last little dollop of performance out of them. Of course, you can do that with competition stuff but that just puts pressure on you and ruins the mellow fun IMHO..


Welding is probably the easiest if you have the right equipment, I worked my way up from a MIG monkey to specializing in FCAW and getting my CWI license in less than three years with some bullshitting.

Machining requires precision and you have to learn how to read blueprints quickly and how to translate them into what amterial and tools you have available. Also some screwing around with carbide flutes and RPM.

Baking is mainly about temp, time, and accurate measuring by weight. Plus some hand techniques.

Roasting is a clusterfuck. You have more variables like the type of roaster you're using, the temp, the drum speed, the varietal, the water content, and you can waste several thousands of dollars by extending the roasting time by a few minutes by less than ten seconds. You want the most development and an S curve is idea.l.

Distilling is my favorite since it's the most complicated and yields the most chemically complex product you can taste.

Anyone ever felt completely alone in a city? Even though you're surrounded by countless people you interact with?

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Nice try agent cooper.

Faggot doesn't even know what the actual meaning of that card in the tarot is

What in fucks name were you roasting?

Maybe try pic related.

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Panama Gesha, Limu, Yirgacheffe volcan de Fuego, Guama, Danta, etc.

>advanced researching
Is that an actual thing?

Tonight has been more fruitful than most, but i desire something more substantial. A linchpin to hold all trepidation and doubts at bay.

grow shrooms, pf tek is ez if you're careful, then move on to stuff like casing.

I have a glovebox and have mastered aseptic technique..

>aseptic technique
you don't need to be that careful, this is a good guide for complete beginners.
you can also buy kits if you're in the u.s.

I've done ascetic compounding before and have a few microbiology labs under my belt.

Aseptic,piece of shit auto correct.

i'm but a humble bush wizard mr science man, are you looking for something more advanced? the most i've done is large casing grows so i'm not sure i can help you.

forgot pic, the best shrooms from my first flush of some new cakes i got. only just got to drying them.

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