how hard is it to get away with murder in 2019?
How hard is it to get away with murder in 2019?
Hmmm it depends, what's your zip code, OP?
Pretty easy (and free) if the child hasn't been born yet or they are depressed 60 year olds. You can go to your local murder clinic in the US.
If you dont know them? Easy.
If you know them in any way? Impossible. Motive links you.
Virtually impossible for you now, I'd imagine.
A large portion of murders go unsolved in the US, most murder victims knew their killers and a lot of murderers are big dummies who leave evidence behind and don't seem very concerned about being caught. I imagine it's very easy to kill a stranger and get away with it if you are careful. The hard part is living with it.
oh yeah? just wait until tomorrow
If you took the proper time to make sure the police couldn't find any evidence (hair net, buying the murder weapon / clothes with cash and ditching them, taping up your hands / wearing gloves so no prints, removing fingernails if they fought / scratched you) and you killed without a motive, I doubt the police would have a good time trying to catch you.
Ofc nowadays you have to watch out for that e-footprint as well, so no googling "how to get away with murder" - at least not on anything other than a buffer phone / pc.
Kill a hooker in some run down American city and as long as you don't leave obvious evidence no one will care.
This. Television shows and documentaries will make you think every murder gers solved, but in actuality about 1/3rd remain unsolved. A lot of police departments are either too overburdened with cases or have virtually no experience with murder cases to solve one.
Almost impossible. If you do it in an urban area your guaranteed to get caught unless you plan it meticulously or a member of a powerful organized crime group and you know very few people will fuck with you. Everyone has a smart phone these days and theres camera everywhere.
Out in the country you could pull it off but youll still get caught itll jst take longer. Eveutally people will report the person missing, cops will come, canvass the house etc. Theyll find something, piece of skin, hair folliciles from you. Sreach dogs, theyll find the remains. In the meantime they already narrow down the suspects, who would do it, who seen them last, was the suspect in the area at the time, alibis, license plate, have they turned up anywhere, tried to leave the country etc etc.
Easy, unless you're a retard. You robots will probably kill someone you hate and get caught in half an hour though.
You don't have to do it like on your netflix series. I can just go up north, smack someone with a hammer, and leave them to be buried in the snow. Maybe the one police car of the area will find them three months later, who knows. Literally impossible to track me down for that.
Bro you have no idea what you're talking about. Urban areas are most murders are committed. In 2017 you had a 40% chance of getting away with murder.
Yeah but what happens when the snow melts or an animal finds the body and moves it out?
Fucking amateur.
Yeah its also where most homicides are solved too. If you shoot your bitch gf in the head with a shotgun in your home then people will hear it and call the cops wholl be there within 5-10mins.
What do you expext New York has the population of a country, is full of jews and niggers too boot.
>Yeah but what happens when the snow melts or an animal finds the body and moves it out?
The body will hopefully be too mangled/decomposed to identify.
If you shoot your bitch gf in the head with a shotgun in your home then people will hear it and call the cops wholl be there within 5-10mins.
That's why serial killers don't kill people they know.
It's relatively easy if you're unconnected to the victims.
Pretty much. You basically just can't kill any who you'd want/have reason to kill.
>The body will hopefully be too mangled/decomposed to identify.
Thats not something you bet on bro. Theyde still catch you. Some where along the way to crime scene would be a camera or a witness who noticed someone from outa town or who notices their friend, loved one, co worker is missing and gets nosey.
>That's why serial killers don't kill people they know.
Do you know how much effort goes into doing that shit man. Planning, prep, getting all the gear ready, tracking the target, escape routes, backup plans, emergency planning, cleanup. Most murders are done in the heat of passion or in relation to crime.
>Jow Forums putting a scary amount of thought into this
>The hard part is living with it.
Bullshit. Thats just what they say to keep people from doing it. A stranger is no different from an animal. You wouldnt have feelings for him.
welcome to the asshole of the internet
>Most murders are done in the heat of passion or in relation to crime.
We're not talking about most murders you dipstick, we're talking about how to get away with one you planned. Also nigger if you just chop up or melt a body and throw it in a river then you almost certainly aren't getting caught. Go look at how many unidentified bodies are found in the Hudson river every year. Shit is crazy. There is also not that much surveillance in America.
The answer to bodies is simple water and lye. It works for farmers and it will work for you.
Almost impossible.
Iceman knew what was up. Kind of dated, but some things never change. Nowadays I'd say your primary issues are your possible relation to the victim, DNA and security cameras if it's an urban area.
Would not recommend you actually try and do it though. Chances are you can't get away with it, and even if you do, it takes a certain mental fortitude to fight the guilt.
First of all do it to someone who isnt related to you in any way possible.
Second of all do it somewhere remote, at the fringes of a Rural Area (Fringes as in Rural > Middle of Nowhere)
Third of all dont do it in the first place, a Pet is alot more Worth than a Corpse. Even if its for more Primal desires like Food. Or Decadent ones like Pleasure.
I feel like people overestimate the amount of cameras and witnesses there are around. If you're in a big city, yeah, be on high alert. But in the ghetto small town I live in there's hardly any outside surveillance cameras to be seen - other than ones in stores. There's cars, of course, but far less at night and if you do it while everyone is at waging away at a 9-5 chances are you snatch someone into an alley and get it done quick before too much noise is made.
I'm not a wannabe serial killer or anything but I walk home from class and that kind of shit runs through my mind every time i walk past a stranger on the street.
*and you could probably get away with it in broad daylight if you do it while everyone is waging at their 9-5s
What's it like having an IQ below 60?
Ffs I just woke up and i keep forgetting to proofread.
Keep in mind though that killing people is way fuckin harder than they make it look in the movies. Squeeze a half empty bottle as hard as you can. Now do that for 5 minutes. That's probably what it feels like to strangle someone, and that's without all of the struggling before they finally pass out.
People also scream really fuckin loud id you give them the chance. Sometimes there'll be tweakers that get a bad trip and run down the street yelling at the tops of their lungs. It only takes 1 of those yells to have the entire neighborhood listening from inside of the house, checking the blinds.
If you live in a neighbourhood full of scared white people, they'd probably have already called the cops.
How are you gonna stuff a body into your trunk with the whole neighboorhood lookin outta the window? You really think you're gonna have time to rip out their nails because they got a good scratch in before the cops get on the scene?
You think no one is gonna get too nosy and write down your plates after they notice the blood stains on your shirt?
Are you *sure* your hair net was on tight?
That no one thought you looked suspicious when you were looking for your victim?
Murder is fuckin hard unless you do it in bumblefuck nowhere.
well the idea was to see how it quietly and swiftly I could kill a person. Like slit their throat and be on my way. the reason why I want to murder someone is because I want to experience killing someone so I might as well have fun with it.
honeypot thread
Depends. I have zero experience or expertise in criminal field but i still think that i have good guess. If you are a nobody and just want to get a kill it will be easy. Location outside of city where there are no security cams, where you have never been before, in winter when its dark but solid ground with no footprints, quickly stabbing some random nobody when theres an opportunity, 99% you get away with it as long as you never tell anyone. If you have specific target in mind especially if theyre connected to you and people involved arent nobodies the odds of getting away quickly lower towards 0%. It mostly depends on your own competence and some luck factor of no random observers.
75% of murders in Chicago are unsolved (they never catch the killer)
80% in Detroit, literally 4 out of 5 murders get away with it
60% across the entire USA
Granted a lot of that is gang shit and many police departments don't give a shit about nigs nogging. If it's a small white town and you personally knew the victim, I'd bet that rate goes up to 95%+
I think people massively overestimate the amount of crime that gets solved, I recently watched a youtube video where some former NASA engineer built a package thief trap after having his Amazon packages stolen multiple times from his doorstep and the police told him they weren't going to investigate, even though he had security camera footage
>Duke professor tells student to speak english
lmao based
they got fired for that btw
it was chinks speaking mandarin during lecture. I've personally experienced this, but as a proponent of accelerationism I've stopped caring
>they got fired for that btw
Okay, now I am angry.
It' depends on the country you're living in. In Mexico and Brazil something like 80-90 percent of all murders go unsolved. If you are living in the United States you are for more likely to get caught for murder. To get away with it you have to have it extremely well planned down to every last detail.
If there are no witness or dna you don't get caught. Most of the time the police need a confession