Have you ever lied so much that you dug yourself into a hole of lies? if so how did you ever get out of it...

have you ever lied so much that you dug yourself into a hole of lies? if so how did you ever get out of it? did you tell the truth or have you just cut out whoever you lied to out of risk of them finding out?

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i only ask because i have a history of lying to people just to seem interesting i don't know if any of you also struggle from this

Ive had about five online and real life relationships with highschool girls. Im married. All of them are semi happy.

Yes, I won't go into detail but ended up telling the truth and lost a lot of good people.
Since then I've stopped lying pretty much and made a new life for mtself

I had this problem growing up. I created elaborate fantasy lives for myself. In the end, my real life got so weird that it overtook my lies and telling the truth became the better social strategy.

Oh and I lie starting with my name. Everything else is a cleaned up version of the truth minus my marriage.. minus my lack of real feelings for them. I guess I lie about all my reactions and feelings. Lies are just social shaping.

I spent several years doing some stuff on craigslist where I had to lie about and hide my identity. Some tried to find it out so I had to go to some great lengths actually in some cases. Almost, but I was never caught even through all the lies.

I lied about losing my virginity, and although the story I made up is pretty fool proof, if anyone dug a bit too far they'd easily find out I'm full of shit. I've become so paranoid of the lie that I no longer talk to anyone I used to know.

who do you tell these lies to? to yourselves or just to random people? when i lie its usually just over the internet

I really never lie on the internet because it's pointless. I lied irl because that's what matters

i struggled with this as well
i was always told i had to "be unique" and "stand out" so i started to tack on little lies to anything i did just to seem cool
the reason i got "good" at lying is because as a very young kid i learned that i couldn't trust anybody with any secrets or thoughts that bothered me because anything i told my mom in private would get repeated to me by some other adult, so i eventually learned to lie to protect myself
i am now 30 years old and don't really know who i am anymore, and i know lying isn't a healthy thing to do but i can't stop sometimes
i pretty much sit home all day and minimize contact with people so i don't have to lie about anything

I only lie on the internet when I'm bored and want to talk about something i usally forget these lies a day later and i get surprised when someone remembers the lie i made up and asks me about it or something

I don't understand that, why lie to people you'll never meet?

I really don't know why I do it I guess just out of habit of being a liar and wanting to be the center of attention

Why do you want to be the center of attention? You should figure out the root of why you lie in order to stop lying

>everything's fine
I've been lying my whole life. The dumb fucks actually bought it.

I love zoomer chan

tl;dr post more zoomerchan

you fags. I was gonna say this. I love her so much. Every part of her is perfect. Every part.

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she's so cute!!! I wanna pinch her cheeks

I don't lie.

At most I make it hard to find out about what I would try to hide by lying.

I went to rehab for months to quit alcoholism when the real problem was being suicidal. I didnt do all that stupid shit cause "I was just drunk lol", I did all that stupid shit because I wanted to kill myself. Still do.

>how did you ever get out of it?
Cutting contact and disappearing.
I lied to military superiors and even the police back and forth. Only to vanish months later.
Same with private relation- and friendships.

I literally can't stop lying unless I think the other person is genuine.

this is the same girl in the OP picture? ruh-roh raggy

Why not blow your brains out? If I were American, that's what I'd do.

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I'm not american. Yeah I could just choke myself on a doorknob anyways. I had some moments that I was about to do it but fucked it up due to alcohol by getting distracted or passing out. Then some bizarre fucked up shit happened and I tried to change, to be a good man. That lasted a while.

Now I'm back go just wanting to die and I'm up to doing it any day. I'm a shut in NEET playing vidya and wanking. Cut contact with friends cause fuck em. Don't even feel guilty for my family anymore either, fuck em. But this life style is decent while it lasts.

Well, I was neet for 10 years. I can tell you that it is worse than suicide. It doesn't just kill you slow. It actually rots your brain. Your personality will change. You'll stop feeling things, but you'll have random outbursts of emotion. You'll forget things. You'll even miss your own birthday. It's better to either keep fightin the good fight or kill urself. Get busy livin or get busy dyin. I actually quit drinking 50 days ago, and everything is worse. I think it's best for ppl like us to just end it. Only problem is that it's scary and almost all methods don't work. Wish I had a gun.

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Been NEET before. Used to love it, but I needed pussy.
But yeah the main reason I'm alive is cause I don't dare to do it. I want to but my head gets full of thoughts that stop me from doing it. I hope that I get the guts to do it someday cause I know future has nothing good in store for me.

Yes. Came clean on my own after years, apologized, wound up not being a big deal. Don't lie to anyone I care about anymore.

Sometimes I'll still fib or exaggerate without thinking, which for me is the road to winding up in a web of lies, but I always catch myself now and just immediately mention I was just lying. It can be funny, mostly because the things I automatically feel the urge to lie about are stupid.

Life is hard. And when it's already bad, most likely gonna get worse. Inertia and all that. Not like an outside force is gonna be powerful enough to change things. I hope you get your peace bro. And I hope it's quick and painless.

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Poast moarrr tarpz.

stfu that's not a trap

I've never lied.
If telling the whole truth isn't good for me, I either just say nothing or a fraction of the truth in a way it would be interpreted differently.

To lie is to save the little piece of reputation I have left. No one understands, and they don't want to understand. People want to hurt me for who I am. I'm not a pedophile, nor a murderer. But I've hurt people. I have ruined lives. I grated the wrong side of the law with those who play the game for money, not for morality. All of which has culminated into me being a monster. Who am I without these lies? I do it to protect the ones I love and to keep people from knowing the darkest of truths. I do it because I can no longer bond without it. It's become an addiction. One day someone will dig up something on me and that will be the end. People will find out, I will go to jail and be forgotten by both friends and family. Though with my past I'm sure jail will be a godsend.

I used to dig myself into holes of lies all the time, only over trivial things tho, I'm bad at conversation so I just lied here and there to make the conversations go smooth, I usually feign ignorance and since it was minor things nobody cared.

Nowadays I'm autistically honest and clear instead.

I lied my way out of the hole of lies. It is possible, it just takes years and at least a cyborg-level understanding of humans.

As George Costanza once put it, "It's not a lie if you believe it." Those words have served me very well.

No, but I lie to others and they believe it.

>tfw you cum to zoomer trap