Imagine being a fucking wagecuck. I SERIOUSLY hope none of you guys do this.
Imagine being a fucking wagecuck. I SERIOUSLY hope none of you guys do this
Im posting from my job during graveyard shift where fuck all happens. Free money to just sit around. And you dumb shit neets think this is hard lmao
I'm actually looking forward to what the long name caps guy thinks up to post in this one.
What is your do you do for work user
Call center at night when everyone is asleep. Get like 4 calls in the span of 8 hours
Damn I need that job. How to get?
>no EBT because government shuts down
fuck i would kill for a graveyard shift at some gas station or grocery store. i've gotten turned down from like 25+ entry level shit-tier jobs despite having a bachelor's degree. currently working on a master's but i'd drop out in a heartbeat if i got any sort of actual job, i'm so fucking tired of school.
I worked at OfficeMax once. They wanted to make me a manager. Now I work as a plumber and have never been happier. Wageslaving and white collar jobs can get fucked
So I just got a promotion, my new salary will be $105k. Better yet, I negotiated my weekly work hours down to 35 hours (from 38).
I'll be retired by the age of 35 with my own property and annuity to provide a passive income.
But yeah, enjoy your mother's basement, you fucking NEET.
I get ZERO calls a night because I'm not a pathetic wagecuck
You also earn ZERO dollars, dumbshit nigger
What job?
Original comment yesnt
You and NEETs will die the same, so it really doesn't matter.
I'm Data analyst (until I finish the handover). Though the new job is considerably easier.
My new job is basically consulting. I'll be telling business areas how they can improve their data practise. So I'll spend all day talking to people, drinking coffee and attending conferences.
>getting paid to do something you don't like
>getting paid to shitpost, watch anime, eat food, jack off, and play video games in your undergarments
Wagie reporting in. Phoneposting from my comfy job in a library.
>make a lot of money doing something I genuinely enjoy
>have a good time getting to know and hanging out with coworkers
>get invited to drinks, dinners, board game nights, etc.
>you will forever remain alone in life, especially once your parents die
>I have a big titty wife and a vibrant social life
>you'll probably kys or something
yeah wow so jealous. it's not too late to turn your shitty life around, user.
>I can't find a job with my degree, so I figured I'll go into debt to get MORE of that valuable education
ok pal, just don't fucking complain when it's impossible for you to get a mortgage or a loan and you're still 80k in debt at 40.
clean that mess up you slacker. libraries are supposed to be orderly and neat. imagine sucking at being a fucking librarian lmao
It's not a public library you turd. It's the one of a museum and it's perfectly fine the way it is.
Oh look the wagie is gonna have material posessions just like society told him to work for now hes going to be happy!
This would make you a literal normie and bragging about it.
100% bait post.
i'm wagecucking right now and i'm phoneposting from my job. ask me anything
Hello there fellow wagie.
What do you think about the fact that your wife is being fucked by Tyrone in this exact moment while they laugh about you and your pathetic wagie existence?
i don't have a wife or a gf. remember, this is r9k
105 will get you nowhere
Im about to go wagecuck in about an hour until 4:30pm and after that I have class 60 miles at 6pm until 8pm. And then have to drive 30 miles back home to sleep. And next morning i have class at 9AM. Fuck American life
>also single
the absolute worst life possible. have a nice day
>tfw mommy been paying my rent for over 4 years
>tfw finally have a job interview this week
I no longer feel free as a neet, I feel crippled and left behind, a drain on my family. If I don't get a job soon I will kill myself so I don't inconvenience them anymore. I wish I could suppress my shame like you guys
I seriously just want to become president just so I can abolish disability checks and make sure NEETs die of starvation.
I would rather be a normal than you pathetic pieces of shit. There's a reason why trannies target you people.
>being this ragie
Just you wait you dirty parasite. NEET genocide soon.
Stop posting and get back to work slave. My neetbucks don't grow on trees.
price you arent a neet
You'll rue the day you become a virus you piece of shit. Give me a few years.
>Just you wait you dirty parasite. NEET genocide soon.
Does it help you get through your day to fantasize about that?
My wagie and neet brethren, we must stop this vice between us and come together to eradicate the true enemy of us all.