IncelTears members are more pathetic than incels are

IncelTears members are more pathetic than incels are.

I literally didn't do anything this week. I spent the entire week in my apartment posting on internet forums only going out to grab food and bring it back. No matter how much of a loser I become though I can't imagine signing up to a forum that's entire purpose is to attack a group of people whose existence has no real impact on my life whatsoever.

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>I can't imagine signing up to a forum that's entire purpose is to attack a group of people whose existence has no real impact on my life whatsoever.
except crying on the internet about it.

i think normalfags may just not have real human brains. gosh they make me so darn angry.

>no real impact on my life whatsoever.

If people live in fear of you guys going ER, that's a negative impact on their life. Using the incel logic for "justice" every normie is entitled to flay you alive for causing them slight insecurity.

I made one single thread about it. I didn't sign up to a imaginary forum called "tears of inceltears" which is dedicated to mocking the members on inceltears, I just made one thread about it. Their forum has 200,000 people on it though that post regularly about hating incels lol.

If they are so scared of incels trying to kill them all. Why aren't they trying harder to do something that will actually solve the incel problem? I guarantee you that joining a forum to mock them ain't gon do shit to alleviate their fears.

Normalfags are just idiots. Its clear that they are just really fucking stupid. We can't understand them and they can't understand us because our brains are on a completely different level of existence.

Any incel who would go ER is already too damaged to be helped by any one normie. Actually talking to incels is gross and dosen't solve the problem. The right solution would be to jail or chemically castrate all male virgins over 21, but I doubt you'll find that "edgy" solution as much fun a government gf.

I feel like the whole incel hysteria has pigeonholed a lot of "us" (khv adult men) into being part of that 'group', even if we never considered ourselves to be before and never participated in any red/black pill incel communities.

So before all this I never hated ALL women, just had a lot of angst for some, but mostly just bitter at the way my life turned out. No one I hate more than me. But now I'm "incel" because others say I am and it feels really shitty desu. It's really not good for my depression and already shaky mental state.

Feeling like you're unworthy of even base empathy that is given out to most people, simply because you're a depressed loner who got left behind and always struggled with life.

>The right solution would be to jail or chemically castrate all male virgins over 21

That will not end well I assure you. Enjoy your mass murders happening ten fold.

But you can go to the sub right now and see that there's no threads like this. Almost every post is a screencap from an incel forum. If you don't post on incel forums, you will never be noticed by inceltears. There's just not enough time to go after harmless losers even if they wanted to - there's an never-ending supply of truly crazy incels.

I'm lead to understand that chemical castration "neuters" most of your aggression, as well. It works fine on pedos, it's good enough for incels. Oh, wait, don't like being treated like livestock? Think about that before you call for others to be treated the same way.

The problem is that normies are completely unwilling to listen to incels. That's why the ER thing began to begin with, because of people constantly acting like this major problem is not a legitimate one when its actually about as serious as people not being able to eat. We have food stamps programs because we don't want anybody to truly starve to death but we don't care if scores of people are so starved of sex and affection that they literally lose their minds from touch deprivation induced insanity and do crazy shit like commit suicide or go ER.

>An entire subreddit dedicated to bullying
Of course it's ok by the reddit basedcuck alliance because the victims in this case are mostly white males that might not be far left leaning.

I've seen inceltears type postings all over the internet as of late, you can spot them easily because if someone has any criticism towards women whatsoever they break out into hysterics. I've seen them trying to "recruit" people going on about how apparently being too ugly to get sex means you are ready to rape and murder the next girl you see.
Thankfully it seems like most rational people ignore these freaks.

The hysteria over incels and supposed 'incel terrorism' is getting utterly ridiculous.

The percentage of people in the incel community that would actually commit crimes or acts of violence is absolutely miniscule. For whatever reason people feel the need to generalize and caricature all incels as some kind of hyper sexist rapist paedophile ticking time bombs that are all mere moments away from commiting the most unspeakable atrocities. It's hilarious. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When I look at the incel community all I see for the most part is a bunch of socially isolated virgin shut ins suffering from mental health problems with dashes of distain for the opposite sex, partially due negative experiences of women throughout their lives and partially because they adopted such views to fit in with the community and find a sense of belonging. That's really all they are.

It's funny how r/cuckold has the same amount of subscribers as inceltears

To me, the whole thing has shown me that normies are irrational and not willing to even consider doing something to help. The fact that it took mass murder and terrorism to make people realize that there's even an incel problem to begin with is really telling. Normies take sex for granted so much that they literally can't seem to comprehend a person being unable to get laid. I think my resentment has come from the fact that even if we were to become normies and start having sex like them, shit would still be fucked up. You would have no idea who actually loves you vs who just cares about your social status. Look at the way that normies treat each other. They just use one another for their selfish purposes and then dump that person when they are done. They literally compete among each other subconsciously to be the person who cares the least and needs each individual the least. That's why they brag so much about one night standing people, because it shows how little they need someone by being able to dump them after a single night of sex.

>The right solution would be to jail or chemically castrate all male virgins over 21,

I would 100% go on a shooting spree if this was the case. Robowaifus, legal prostitution, and state sponsored gfs are the solution to inceldom.


I think that is good. radicalize both groups too so there can be more violence.

>Think about that before you call for others to be treated the same way.

But I haven't? You sound like a nutcase yourself.

Go back to r*ddit


Believe me it would be the incels. The problem is incel is such a broad term with no specific attirbutes, it basically means an undesirable male/beta/robot/KHV/MGTOW. Even if men from those groups dont ID as an incel they may have affiliations with or OR even if they dont meet the criteria ofn an incel they may identify as one. I myself am not a KHV NEET, by r9ks standards Im a normie but I was once a KHV NEET and never forgot where I came from so my ,oyalty lies to the movement. And Im not the only one. The people on r/inceltears are a bunch of SJW faggots who are over weight with pink hair and take HRT. Alot of us dudes go to the gym, own firearms and have normie chad tier jobs like military or policing.

Watch your 6.

Another thing that pisses me off is the complete hypocritical standards. The fact that chad can get away with shit that would put an incel in prison and have his life ruined.

Women expect this absurd dominant behavior and to come up and be sexually assertive with them. When chad does it its apparently "sexy" but when an incel does it he is a creep and potential rapist. Those conversations I've seen of chads on Tinder saying the creepiest shit and then women being like "oh mah god, just fuck my pussy right now" just infuriate me. If I sent those messages I would be blocked and kicked off of Tinder. The fact that those girls are applying clearly different standards to chads and incels pisses me the fuck off. It would be one thing if they chose to fuck respectful chads and then punished both disrespectful chads and disrespectful incels. But instead, they choose only to punish disrespectful incels while straight up rewarding disrespectful chads and that has caused me to lose a tremendous amount of respect for women.

take your R/eddit drama where it belongs
this is our fucking board, not for incelfags and whiteknights
robots /=/ incels
>>Jow ForumsBraincels
>>Jow Forumsinceltear

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Its retarded to act like robots do not share a lot in common with incels to the point that they are almost indistinguishable.

There is a clear difference. Incels are angry and entitled and delusional. Robots are apathetic and know their situation is their own doing.

Incel just means involuntary celibate. The incels who are on the verge of going postal are "stereotypical incels."

The main thing that I distinguish is that robots are not necessarily incel but rather just anybody who is a socially awkward "loser" so to speak, of which many are incel.

>types like a roastie
why do women come here? get a life desu haha is the only way you can forget that chad doesnt like you is bullying virgins? and you guys think we are the edgy ones ahhahaahha

If you get laid you're not a "socially awkward loser", no matter how much you delude yourself into thinking you are.
Being a loser isnt cool at all normalfags are so fucking retarded.

castrate them and ill promise you they will go on killing sprees dumbass

lmfao tard reddit history revisionist

Didn't say it was cool.

There are plenty of socially awkward losers who have managed to get laid at varying points in their life. Getting laid once or twice or three times just doesn't really change your life all that much. Its a good place to start but it doesn't end your problems. If you got humped and dumped then you will still struggle with girls because you don't know what actually works. You just happened to get lucky, congratulations but you're basically back to square one.

>I'm lead to understand that chemical castration "neuters" most of your aggression

yeah retards filled with rage against women will even become more insane and mad. you fucking compare pedophiles to potential mass murderers, are you even aware of your autism?

Dude you're a normalfag stop trying to "fit in" with losers. I dont even care. You're anonymous for fucks sake. Why do you feel the need to justify yourself? Is your ego that frail?

No I just disagree with your extremely narrow definition of what constitutes a socially awkward person. You should be more open to listening to somebody who's gone through an experience that you haven't.

Let me ask you this. Would you say that somebody has to be completely unemployed, living in somebody else's shitty home, and making no money whatsoever and piling on debt to be "impoverished." What if that person started making $100 a week, just enough to be able to make the rent payments and nothing else. Their yearly income is $5,200. Is that person not still impoverished? Sure things got a little better but this hypothetical person is still in deep shit.

That's what losing your virginity is like when it was a one night stand. All that happened was that you got lucky for one night. Now what? You still don't have a girlfriend, you still have pretty much no social life, it could be months or even years before you get laid again. Now tell me, how normal are you going to feel when everybody around you takes sex for granted while you feel like when sex happens that its a literal miracle?

I'm not saying our situation is as bad as yours is. I can agree that its worse to be a virgin than it is to be very inexperienced. What I am trying to tell you is that its not nearly as much of a leap forward as you think it is.

>What I am trying to tell you is that its not nearly as much of a leap forward as you think it is.

This. For some reason most robots think they'll turn into chad after getting their dicks but it doesn't work that way. I've only been with one girl and I'm still just as awkward as before I got laid. I'm just a lot less egotistical since women continually build up and crush my self esteem when I get to know them.

The fact that you got lucky already implies a lot of things. It implies you go outside. It implies you have some sort of daily activity or at least some friends. It implies at least a little bit of social life. Which implies there's t least someone who tolerates you and enjoys your company. Lots of people haven't had that in their lives.
It also means you're functional enough to talk to a woman you don't know. And attractive enough that she'd decide having sex with you is a good idea. This whole thing, which is perfectly normal for normal people, is completely unimaginable for an actual outcast.

Your impoverished dude is whining to starving african kids about how poor he is cause he's in debt.

nothing is more pathetic than incels

>Your impoverished dude is whining to starving african kids about how poor he is cause he's in debt.

Okay but what you don't understand is that those starving Africans don't make any impact on the impoverished man's suffering. He is still working 40 to 50 hours a week, barely able to make ends meet in his life while some rich people have enough money to feed every person in the country for an entire year. We're talking about 1st world problems.

Getting laid is better for your psyche then not getting laid ever for sure, but I still feel like an outcast when all my friends are bragging about all the sex they have, and I just have to sit there quietly thumbing.

Hello r*ddit. Now fuck off.

> I still feel like an outcast when all my friends are
Do you not realize how normal you are?
This is fucking ridiculous. You have friends. More than one. And they're normal people too. You're not a socially awkward "robot" you're just a retarded bored normalfag. You'll never belong here and I dont know why you'd want to either. Maybe cause your ego is so frail that you need to belong everywhere like the normal fucking parasite you are. Fuck off.

Yes but you're refusing to acknowledge that there's a wide spectrum. Yes, you're on the extreme end of the loser end of the spectrum. The spectrum would have the categories outcast at one end, normie in the middle, and popular/famous at the other extreme end of the spectrum. And there are layers within all of those as well. Non-virgins are not on the absolute extreme end of the outcast spectrum, but we feel a lot closer and more sympathetic to the outcast point of view than the normie point of view.

You feel closer to the "hey guys I'm so quirky and weird xD" spectrum of the whole thing because you like video games instead of playing football. You're such a nerd right. Totally socially awkward, yup.

Stay mad lololol

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No I feel closer to the incel point of view because I was really frustrated over continuing to be a virgin past the age when pretty much everybody else I knew had already lost it and meanwhile I wanted a girlfriend really badly already when I was 13. I didn't have the casual "this would be cool attitude" about it. I was already thinking about what traits I wanted in a future wife, and what I wanted to name my kids and stuff like that. I still don't have a girlfriend and I'm 22 years old. I have wanted a girlfriend for almost a decade and am nowhere closer to having one than I was when I was 13. I'm sure you've gone through your own shit and I'm not trying to say that I've had it worse than you or whatever. But I do not feel remotely normal having never experienced the life that the normies have. I have never gone on a date, I have never been with a girl when I was sober. The only thing I have when it comes to experience with girls is a couple drunken one night stands. Those just don't mean hardly anything. The last time I even had one was so long ago its like a fleeting memory now. Its not just being a little quirky.

People would just ER right before the castration date and then an hero you idiot
Obviously a lowiq toastie would come up with a solution that would vastly increase the problem

That's impossible. One cannot be involuntarily celibate. Are you saying incels don't exist?

>let me write my whole biography to explain why I belong here
Dude first idgaf, second you're a normalfag, third I have no idea why you'd want to fit here, and lastly GTFO.

>IncelTears members are more pathetic than incels are.
indeed. it's beyond me why anyone would want to deplatform any group of people (and not only that, make further efforts to deplatform the websites they migrate to). they also think they're the saviours of the internet, when really they're just a circlejerk of bullies with the help of mainstream society at their backs -- no competition at all.
i will never understand the normalfag, especially the reddit white knight species

>No matter how much of a loser I become though I can't imagine signing up to a forum that's entire purpose is to attack a group of people whose existence has no real impact on my life whatsoever
You mean the same thing you're doing now? Damn you're beyond cringe.

>implying I live in your fourth world shithole

What do you want, really? Hooker stamps? You will never be able to force anyone into a relationship with you.

Bitch you are stupid af. I just want to be a normal ass fucking dude and not some weird freak to people. Why do people gotta shit on me for literally just existing. Fuck

>its only ok when we do it

Same with muslims desu

>how to fix incels going postal
>jail or mutilate male virgins over 21
>governments starts doing this
>riots begin
>people start believing incels
>normal male virgins become violent incels
>beta uprising begins
>entire world is overthrown through the power of autism and virgin rage
>totalitarian incel new world order is set up
>ugly women put in concentration camps
>eugenics begin and people start breeding big tiddy gfs
>free big tiddy gfs given to everyone
>new gfs bring incels confidence to improve themselves
>world peace
>humanity thrives and colonizes galaxy by 2044

I think this guy is on to something

ER was a government false flag. If anything, people should be afraid of three letter agencies

>the government will instantaneously neuter everyone before they have a chance to react
Roasties logical deduction at its finest.

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It's fucked up that they make fun of people who are suffering. People just don't care in society. The majority of people are sociopaths who don't care about other people suffering.

not more pathetic, but probably younger. remember that incels literally live in basements and all they do is hate. laughing at someone else is preferable to being angry