Why do I hate talking to or being around adults but like talking to kids?

Why do I hate talking to or being around adults but like talking to kids?

I could spend all day around kids and never be upset but I despise even being near adults and have zero desire to initiate conversation with them.

I just spent a weekend camping with a bunch of parents and their kids and only ever spent time with the young ones, barely even saying a word to any of the parents except my aunt/uncle. I've tried to rationalize but cant figure out any reason.

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Its because your feminity booming inside you user. Endorse it

I don't understand, you're middle aged, but you're hanging around parents and children?

>middle aged
I'm 21

Same happens to me. I have younger brothers who behaved terribly when I was a teenager and they were children. They behaved so bad every day that every kid is a saint in comparison.

On the other hand, I remember being a child and people treating me like I'm a dumbass just because I'm young. I recall thinking that I might be a kid but I'm as intelligent as anyone else, and that those people probably dont remember being kids so that's why they treat them that way. Kinda never forgot that so I treat children like people and they're always awesome towards you when you're fair to them.

Those are the two reasons I think I get along with children. As to why I don't relate to adults, that's a slightly more complex issue.

Why are you hanging out with parents and their kids?

I got invited to go camping with my cousins and aunt

I love little boys. I don't know why tho.

Maybe because you're a fucking pedophile?

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>posting this comment even if it's a joke

Yeah but I don't know WHY.
It's true.

You're fucked. No one like pedophiles, hope you get locked up

>I recall thinking that I might be a kid but I'm as intelligent as anyone else, and that those people probably dont remember being kids so that's why they treat them that way.

You think I wake up in the morning and say "What a beautiful day. I'm going to be attracted to kids!"

If there was a pill which gets rid of sexual desire I would get a prescription ASAP.

if this is serious get the fuck off this board and seek help. If I knew who you were I'd take a pole axe to your face

>If I knew who you were I'd take a pole axe to your face

Really don't care, the fact is you're attracted to kids and no one will accept that about you

I think it's kids can be more tolerable, when a kid does something retarded you can just chalk it up to "oh, just a dumb kid." But when an adult does it most people think "yo, what the fuck is wrong with this retard." or at least thats how I feel about it

because you're a nonce, which should be punishable by death

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>No one like pedophiles, hope you get locked up
Pedophiles commit child molestation at a rate 10x higher than non pedophiles.
Black people commit manslaughter at a rate 10x higher than whites.
Do you think we should lock up all blacks?
And lock pedophiles up for what? Being attracted to children is not a crime because it is not an act, it is a mental disorder. You can't lock them up because the great majority of pedophiles never molest children. There exists no method to distinguish those who will molest and those who will not - even among pedophiles.

>Do you think we should lock up all blacks?
who's going to tell him?

Not everyone can relate to the experience of being black. Every single person can relate to being a child, so no you've just made a false equivalency. Disgusting that you would defend being a pedophile

That's why I'm here and not elsewhere.

at least half the pedos on here are actually trolls, it's not even worth taking it seriously

Go seek help, you won't find sympathy from anyone though, not even a therapist

>Not everyone can relate to the experience of being black. Every single person can relate to being a child, so no you've just made a false equivalency.
Ok I can tell you're retarded. It has nothing to do with being able to relate to something. This is from a top down perspective. Because group x is more likely to do something bad, does that mean you should lock up every member of group x, even if 95% are entirely innocent?

>Pedophiles commit child molestation at a rate 10x higher than non pedophiles
Why would a normal person molest a child?
Only pedophiles do that.

Theyre all in the rat race which means being rude and selfish except to their loved ones. Kids just wanna chill.

Why did you go? Dont you have plans with your friends?

>immediately assumes that love means sex when talking about kids
No but you the pedo.

>dismissing my argument as retarded
There's a good reason why pedophiles are way more hated than blacks, and I gave you one of those reasons.

>defending pedophilia

The adults have hardened their hearts to God.

>Why would a normal person molest a child?
>Only pedophiles do that.
This is simply a misunderstanding of pedophilia. Anyone can be a child molester. Normal people can molest children. Pedophiles can molest children. "Pedophilia" refers to the sexual 'preference' for prepubescent children.
Kinds of Child Molesters (ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Digitization/149252NCJRS.pdf)
>Situational Child Molesters
"The Situational Child Molester does not have a true sexual preference for children, but engages in sex with children for varied and sometimes complex reasons."
"Such an offender usually has low self-esteem and poor coping skills; he turns to children as a sexual substitute for the preferred peer sex partner. "
>Morally Indiscriminate
"In the author's experience, this is a growing category of child molesters. For this individual, the sexual abuse of children is simply part of a general pattern of abuse in his life. He is a user and abuser of people. He abuses his wife, friends, coworkers. He lies, cheats, or steals whenever he thinks he can get away with it. He molests children for a simple reason: "Why not?" "
>Sexually Indiscriminate
"Sexually Indiscriminate This pattern of behavior is the most difficult to define. Although the previously described Morally Indiscriminate offender often is a sexual experimenter, this individual differs in that he appears to be discriminating in his behavior except when it comes to sex. He is the "trysexual'-willing to try anything sexual"
>Pedophilic Child Molesters
"The Preferential Child Molesters have a definite sexual preference for children. Their sexual fantasies and erotic imagery focus on children. They have sex with children not because of some situational stress or insecurity but because they are sexually attracted to and prefer children."

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okay go back to /b/ then cunt

because children are innocent so you don't have to feel less-than because adults are so filled with expectations for you and children are not.