Hey guys how are you going mouse here again and just wondering how you going.
>if you were aussy did you enjoy australia day
>have you found any new sad music?
I found an album someone suggested today, like it.
>low I could live in hope
was one and is full of great music.
>why are some of us mnetally ill and unable to enjoy anything... its not fair man
Mummy said she wont ever buy me alcohol again so im fucked.
at least ill save all my money now.
some people think im incapable of caring and that hurts....
Free (you)'s
i've lost all control now and i just live in madness i spent endless hours cleaning the whole house now it is spotless and my body is too sore to move but i still feel the same kind of dirty everything still feels dirty i feel like a dirty organism i felt no sense of accomplishment or happiness for something i always told myself would make me feel better now i am watching myself decay just 6 months ago i was so so much better off my mind state was better but my life was worse but now my life is better and my mind state is so horribly wretched now my hair is so long it covers my nose and its so brittle from dehydration and knotted from not showering i can't tell if my hairline is getting worse naturally or if its because of my neglect but i look older and older more exhausted and dead everyday stopped shaving my face and my beard makes me look even more diseased its so pubey and fucked and the acne all over my face only comes from drinking because i can't even muster the will to try not to drink and it wont go away my face is red and scaly again from neglect its been a long time since its been this bad ive been sober a long while because of poverty the withdrawals are over but i woke up this morning feeling more sick and depressed than when i drink i had cold shakes and i heard crying sounds exit me but i didn't remember making them so i laughed i'm so weak i feel so weak i feel so depressed i feel so retarded and helpless but i do it all to myself because i can't escape such a simple loop that anybody with feelings beyond the void could and all i dream or think about anymore is vices vices vices addiction its all i dream about every night it tortures me i do it it doesnt feel good but it feels better than the most hollow maybe sometimes for just a split second thats all i got now but i get punished and all i do is lie all the time all the time to please people it makes me ill makes me die faster makes time pass slower makes the earth a horrible horrible place
I like drugs.
Now give me my (you).
Take the suicide pill already
Australia day was ayt but since I work for customer care I had to attend work. Less calls though.
Thank you for the music sauce m8 /pat
Eh, Trauma is a big factor. My ex broke up with me last year and I still feel fucking dead.
> tfw u try to do the things u used to love doing but it just makes you feel more dead
sup user. low? silver rider is a great track.
have a comfy day.
>mouse here again
just use your real name, gunjy.
>just wondering how you going
i'm doing okay for the moment.
heading home from uni soon.
left side of my chest is red and hurts where my mom threw a wooden candle holder at.
bro it gets better, just hang in there. my gf of 8 years left me, married a month later (that fucking sucked) and I thought my life was over. but I held on. I tried improving myself, even in small ways, like reading more or cleaning a bit, if I didn't have the energy for something more. I just kept plugging along, doing my best. I ended up marrying a literal 9/10 big tiddy girl. if it can work out for me, it can for you. don't give up, user! I believe in you.
I feel you man but I do jack shit and I neglect myself a ton.
im sick of this shit, took my anti psychotic pill so I can just feel liek a zombie for a few days.
my bed sheets are covered in blood and my pillow as well, just stained and I wont clean it.
life is shit, my hairs fine but I shower so much im scaley .
>I like drugs.
I just took some to zonk me out..fuck existing
>Take the suicide pill already
its getting that way
>Eh, Trauma is a big factor. My ex broke up with me last year and I still feel fucking dead.
you will get over it I hope one day.
>have a comfy day.
its night and I hope I can sleep after I wake up
>just use your real name, gunjy.
>left side of my chest is red and hurts where my mom threw a wooden candle holder at.
hmmm, why did she do this?
be glad you have a life outside your room and the internet.
The only thing I want in life is 350$ headphones.
But I'm poor wagie/collegecuck so I'll only buy em in summer.
>my bed sheets are covered in blood
>why did she do that?
argument that started from the fact that my mom can't fucking answer questions and when people ask for a proper answer, she gets angry and starts spouting any and all insults her mind has.
except this time, i fired back some insults as well so it ended up with her going turbo autism and grabbing a candle holder and throwing it full force into my chest.
if it weren't for my dad stopping this shitstorm in time, i would've smacked the shit out of her.
>The only thing I want in life is 350$ headphones.
TFW on NEETbux and can buy what I want :)
I hope you get em friend.
changed my sheets once in 6 months and sometimes I bleed.
>she gets angry and starts spouting any and all insults her mind has.
best not to reply to brainlets man
your mums a bitch.
we all have fucked parents and familys.
if I dont respond im asleep...hopefully for a while
I want to have sex with you
user. It's all a game, let it not worry you so. Love, the void.
>I want to have sex with you
I cant even fap, sex with me would be boring.
I would just lay there and thats it.
no motivation.
im going sleep. take more anti psychotic so I can sleep like zombie tomorrow better.
fuck it alll
You are capable of caring when you want to, Gunjy. I believe i'm capable aswell but i've been indifferent to everything and everyone since i can remember. I'm not sure anymore.
i want job i want work
i want energy in my life
My country has only enough neetbux to sustain yourself. If you have an appartment.
You're either live on parents income, you work, or you die.
You instead of you're. Screw autoinsert
>MDD crushing me constantly
>random panic attacks and constant anxiety getting worse
>xanax barely helps anymore, fucking tolerance
>not even my family can stand me anymore, going to get kicked out if I don't find income in a few months
looks like it's almost that time guys
Good-day user, found a nice book on drawing buildings and such, pretty fun to go through. Surprised you hadn't discovered Low already to be honest considering your affinity for "depressing" music, great that you are enjoying it for the first time.