Find a single flaw, you basement-dwelling virgins

Find a single flaw, you basement-dwelling virgins.

Attached: Siri_Lehland.jpg (1080x1080, 85K)

the hairstyle

Shit hairline

got a bit of a 5 head

her mouth is like mr popo

woah anons, we got a fivehead on our hands.

>she has a vagina not a penis

shes not naked, pls fix

I could land a plane on that forehead.

>Female pattern baldness

libs way too big

Not a Japanese high school girl.

Fucking checkmate op

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fivehead, upturned piggu nose, eyes too far apart



She's a whole ass dude my nigga

>No tits

It probably sucks to get your photo randomly posted on Jow Forums.

It looks like a manfaced gorilla tranny with white skin. It is also probably a chestlet.

She doesnt have a big black cock in her mouth

Bottom lip is way too big.
Extreme forehead.

she is a model so its ok..

>ultra masculine headshape
>huge blobfish lips

Eh id still fugg

It probably sucks to be a model if you want people to like you for who you are rather than what you look like.

why do i feel like you are an ugly fembot?

Uh, yeah. I'm a total woman. Whatever, kid.


shes a whiteoid, that is a huge flaw

>ugly face
>bad sense of fashion
>what the fuck is that tan?

He had dubs, unless you get trips, he's right

nope, check exemption

>drawed eyebrows
>monkey lips
I can find plenty more

Nigger lips
Bad shirt

>Find a single flaw, you basement-dwelling virgins.
Her face is being posted on Jow Forums

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her jaw makes her look inbred.

She's white and her body is more than likely garbage.

She isn't a cute alternative, slim, short haired

Human being

She's not a black girl

that's a risky thing to say when on this board lol

>that ratio of shoulder to boob
Plus her lips and cheekbones are a bit too much for me I like soft featured chubsters with dark or red hair so I am probably an outlier.

she is beautiful desu

Some hard cope going on in this thread. Girl in Op's pic is a qt. All the people talking shit know that if they met her in real life and they asked her out they would be rejected. This is r9k after all. Only uglies, fatties, and retards live here.

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She has a loser like you posting her pictures on the Internet. Also she looks kinda "meh".

Lips that look like they got punched, hairline way too far back, dumbass sculpted thot eyebrows, pig nose, dumbass combover.

She's cute but imperfect, if you ask us to find a flaw what do you expect us to do?

nigger lips and hairstyle makes the forehead look huge as hell

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