Tfw robot

>tfw robot
>tfw dad is rich
>always talk about how money isnt that important even though i have a lot of it
>actually studying physics and philosophy and don't have to get an engineering degree like everyone else
>dont have to wagecuck during uni
Im lonely and tfwnogf but other than that life is good robots. Its feels so good to be so lucky

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>Non stem
Holy fuck lad what are you doing

Same, I'm studying arts and think of starting a music course once I graduate. Other than my loneliness and constant mood swings I'd say my life is pretty decent

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Learn to read friend
I am studying physics and philosophy
As in physics degree and philosophy degree

>complete opposite side of the spectrum
>dirt poor
>working class grandparents left a little money in the bank for me
>druggie shit mom took it all out and spent it before i was 10 years old
>too mentally ill to work thanks to traumatic childhood
>25 years old, cant keep a job
>getting NEETbux and food stamps
>going to live in a shuttle bus and never have to wagecuck either

Damn thats horrible guy
If youre already at rock bottom and getting neetbux why dont you go and get an apprenticeship somewhere like a bakery or something

i can't handle any social interaction with strangers without my brain freaking out

Parents are poorfags but daddy gubmint is paying for my college and will give me a job afterwards.
Suck my asshole, taxcucks.

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Well shit
I guess the only solution for you is to go live in the woods or on a farm

>pointless existense
include me in your future suicide letter

Isnt all existance pointless? Isnt the point of existing the one we set for ourselves? I am quite happy living this way and doing what i like my man. You should leave me your name though in case i will go for the rope at some point

im going to live in a bus

>>im going to live in a bus
Well i guess you have everything figured out then

You like physics and philosophy?

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>going to university even though you're rich

What are you going to do with a philosophy degree

I don't think he's going to do anything with it. I think his point is that he can study what he wants, though that kinda defeats the purpose of going to university in the first place.

>studying what you want defeats the point of going to university
I always thought that WAS the point

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You should go to uni with the intentions of getting a well paying job. Not just studying what you want. You can learn everything and more on the internet without wasting 100k

What if he is not an amerifat and his higher education isn't expensive

that's npc-tier thinking, universities were first made to develop knowledge not to get you a job, researchers don't want to "work as a researcher", they just want to study on their field. If you're only reason is to get money and you can learn everything you want on the internet, wasting 100k seems to be the bad idea

the ultimate redpill: Uni it's own version of wagecuckin, constant work, no pay, set hours, interact with normies, etc

there should be a word for it Uni-cuck? doesn't sound right..

t. Highschool dropout
Keep telling yourself you're better off, brainlet

it can be pretty fun desu

No... I'm going back to school for the social aspect, but if you don't think it's not laborious then you're a fucking idiot.

I hope I make friends.

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It doesn't matter what they were like 200 years ago. Today you take a course that will get you a good job. If you want to be a doctor you wouldn't study law. I'm not saying you don't learn anything at uni but you're essentially only there to get that fancy piece of paper. If your interested in being a doctor but also like law, pay for medical school and study law online for free.

i hope you do too. are you going to be dorming? thats much easier. i lucked out and went to a big state school that much of my high school went to so i got to meet their friends and didnt have to do much legwork myself

This, in the end you only get a fancy piece of paper.

No, I'm 21 almost 22 and dropped out due to mental illness so I lost a couple years/all my friends. Moving to a new state and going to community college. It'll be nice to be around people again. But I will be the hot older guy with a good job around a bunch of 18-19 year old girls B)

good luck to you. i wasted years of my life drinking and came back to finish undergrad last year. going to graduate this may at the ripe old boomer age of 28but im glad to be back. hopefully you have a good time user

Congradulations man! I couldn't imagine graduating anything, I never got to walk in highschool so my parents would be so proud.

thanks, thats really nice of you. it is kinda wierd to be so late but i spent so long feeling bad about myself im trying to be more positive. i hope you can graduate too soon user and make your parents proud. thats one of my main motivations

It's gotta change how you look at your self. You're a inspiration to anons everywhere

alot of philosphy factorys in my area are always looking for new people

Not OP but I used to be friends with a guy who was studying philosophy. Works in teaching, nowadays he writes books on the side as well.

>go to law school or medical school right after
Youd be surprised the prevalence of philiosophy majors in medical school

>>always talk about how money isnt that important even though i have a lot of it
you know man? thats exactly how i behave, i even say to others that i dont really work for the money i just work so i dont end up being part of societys worst

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