Do non whites seriously think that whites are on cloud 9 24/7 because they are white? Lol

Do non whites seriously think that whites are on cloud 9 24/7 because they are white? Lol

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Nobody is on cloud 9 but to think whites and east asians don't have it better than everyone else is pure ignorance.

They're like children and shit lmao.
They also see racism and tribalism in everything whites do because they themselves are at heart deeply racist and tribalist, so they projectively view the actions of everyone else according to their own standards. It's like some Dunning Krueger type shit almost, the same way dumb (tribalistic) people view everyone around them as dumb and intelligent (socially domesticated) people assume everyone else is intelligent.

>intelligent (socially domesticated) people assume everyone else is intelligent.

yes. they've literally fabricated this conspiracy theory that everyone and everything is out to get non-whites. of course the reality is that they have more privilege than anyone; affirmative action in jobs and education, more welfare and social programs, companies tripping over themselves to have ""diversity,"" society congratulates you for being a minority, it goes on and on.
and these people claim to be OPPRESSED. it's a fucking mental illness.

that's exactly what it is. universities trip over themselves to get minority students. these students have an 8th grade reading level, and professors aren't allowed to correct their assignments. so there's an entire generation of blacks that have been given EVERYTHING on a silver fucking platter, and think that they're extremely intelligent. they're not. but even though they've received all these benefits and shit, they STILL believe they're fucking oppressed.
yes, it's Duning-Kruger on a massive scale. we are so fucked.

Explain the unironic obsession whites have with enlightening shitskins by """spreading democracy""" which only works if the group of people participating in it aren't air conditioner temperature IQ morons.

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It's a backdoor for Christianity

>tfw poor
>live in a run down shack of a house
>freezing cold
>no money for gas
>family has always been poor growing up
>can never land a job
>never felt powerful in my entire life

Yeah, life is a dream.

>white privilege.

Female privilege is far bigger than white privilege. Change my mind


White's aren't oppressing anyone.
White's aren't robbing anyone.
White's are getting genocided by zionist kikes and mindslaved leftists, white or minority.
White's aren't living in paradise.

Also facts:

White's and east asians have it better than everyone else.

Is this hard to comprehend? There's no blaming, it's not even in anyone's control, and it's not an inherently bad thing. Whites and east asians shouldn't be brought down because of it. I'm not even saying that everyone else has it bad. It's just life.

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Life is majority shit, everyone knows this.

Answer this. If you had a choice would you honestly rather live as a black person or a white person? I social climate is getting tougher for white men recently but black people have that every day. I'd rather be white

I would go black if I could fuck slutty bitches. I wouldn't want to be stuck with a crazy single mother though.

>literally have institutionalized racism propping you up from birth

yep its called white privilege. the same reason a brown guy with a phone gets shot to death by police while a white guy with an AR gets arrested with no injuries by taser or tackling. these biased decisions douse every facet of life.

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>be white
>go to party
>food is always in good variety

>be Asian
>go to party
>it's the same food you eat at home and it's not even the good food, it's the bitter food that only old Asians enjoy because it's traditional food that's hard to obtain in third-world countries (beef tripe soup, only kill a cow/pig when it's someone's wedding, etc)

Why don't blacks just start their own banks and approve their own loans?
Institutions BTFO

If you're Chad you can pump and dump too. Girls will just be grateful for the opportunity

Well, they do think that. And it isn't exactly false, ya know..

i wish i was a ghetto black and i fucked hoes everyday, they may be lower iq but ignorance is a blessing

If it wasn't for whites your country would still be a desert with people with birds on their head hunting with bows and arrows. Everyone alive today benefitted from racism. Fortunately the actual racism is now over, and the only white privilege left is just society functioning as it should.

In other words, blacks are poorer because they were born poorer. It has nothing to do with race anymore.

>Do males seriously think that females are on cloud 9 24/7 because they are female? Lol

>myth of white benevolence

lmao this is what you get for believing your ownpropagandized history. Whites only spread genocide, invasions, disease, slavery and oppression. Colonization was literally nation parasitism. Any infrastructure like ports, trains, factories they left behind was just there to steal shit faster. Fucking dumb white boy thinking he ever did anyone good.

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This is like telling people that being tall or having a big cock doesn't make your life easier

Kek try again sweaty. White colonialism was demonstratably the best thing to happen to the majority of this shithole world. Nigs even had a 10,000 year head start on us and they STILL never accomplished a fraction of what we did in less than a couple hundred years. Shitskins can't even live together in large numbers without transforming their environments into crime and poverty infested hellholes like Balitmore or Detroit.

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>Whites only spread genocide, invasions, disease, slavery and oppression. Colonization was literally nation parasitism.

That's what literally every civilisation has spread. Colonization was just the most successful example of it, and since then whites have been the most opposed to those things.

Every single nation did this stuff, the only difference is that whites seek to put an end to it more than the rest of the world lol

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If you're not on cloud 9 you're not white.

>e-everyone d-did i-it
>s-stop n-noticing w-white sociopathy

lmao whites trying to hide their bloodied hands. if real history was taught every white would be quartered the minute they stepped onto nonwhite nations.

>a few port cities for the warlords and collaborators while the entire nation was enslaved

fucking lmao. idiot has no idea what he's talking about once again. ever after you left you still kept colonization alive by funding extremists who will sell out their people just like you do with the middle east. fuck you you lying cunt.

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And alternatively, you're not on cloud 9 and you're not white too... t. Not a retard

Yes and no I don't understand it either. I know they aren't retarded but I can't seem to figure out why this happens.

>nonwhite nations
Do you mean like Germany or Africa? Lmfao stop running away from nonwhite nations like the people there are cancer and the entire place is on fire lmaoo

Its a fucking disability now oooooh my fuckin god kek

Yep, everyone did it. You're just mad because whites made a huge success out of it. A success that you and the rest of the world enjoys today. White basically just succeeded in doing what the whole world was attempting to do, but by some grace they turned it around into extreme freedom and easy living for everyone possible.

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You mean jews not whites. Pig faggot kek

>we were literally school shooter: the race
>proud 2 be psychokiller jokerz xD

yep you're a low intelligence mayocel alright. The funny thing is the white elite is turning these systems against even the white middle class but you're too stupid to notice the boiling water frog.

you don't even make any sense. also all the wealth and innovation western nations have were only possible because of all the resources and labor they stole from minorities. immigrants and poc deserve everything and more western nations have to offer.

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Why is whitey so eager to have non-white approval? They tell us we should be thankful for volonization or whatever the fuck and then they call us shitskins because we're not kissing a fat nerd's feet. They want to act as if they're doing things for our benefit and then they turn around and call you a sub 80 IQ shitskin parasite. Unironically fuck whitey, I don't get how these shitters can act all high and mighty, claim whites are superior, claim minorities are privileged because they have a few programs meant to help poorfags in general, and THEN go onto r9k complaining about "tfw no gf". Fuck whitey and fuck jannies.

>you don't even make any sense
How is it my fault you don't understand the shit you read or say?

Whites are just superior, like it or don't history is proof of this.

We are the best at everything.

you are truly an incel, you should be ashamed of yourself

colonize me daddy

Have some empathy.

As much as we try to sugar coat it, the reality is some races succeeded, in fact most did, but others failed spectacularly. I'm sure hurts the psyche to belong to one of the races that was not so successful. As such, they construct elaborate coping mechanisms to make themselves feel better about their present situation, and their history as a people.

Everyone else just kind of gets on with life and succeeds, and that's the way it's always been. Take Japan, we nuked those gooks into the earth and within a century they're right back at it again, with a society that equals our own, same with the krauts. Conversely, we leave vast amounts of advanced infrastructure behind in South Africa, throw money and resources at them hoping against hope that this time, things will be different, but they just cannot succeed. Perhaps it's unfair to expect them to.

It's simply indisputable that modern day American wogs benefited from slavery.

>best at being war criminals, thieves, mass murderers, planet killers, liars, hate sowers

don't worry earth is going back to equilibrium from your bullshit. in a free market white males get btfo economically, socially and sexually. which is why all you entitled crybabys are throwing a shitfit 24/7 nowadays.

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>bad at being war criminals, thieves, mass murderers, planet killers, liars, hate sowers
>bad at everything else too so need to force quotas on employers
w e w

>hire only other whiteys because incredibly insecure
>forced to adopt fairer practices

lmao shutup and enjoy your walk to irrelevance

>hire only other whiteys because incredibly insecure
>except its illegal so you don't
dumb as FUCK son

>"have it better than everyone else"
>live in pristine conditions and become a useless beta

>best at being war criminals, thieves, mass murderers, planet killers, liars, hate sowers
Whites are bythe best at war, they've perfected killing and conquering on a scale no other race could even fathom. In a free market you go back to being slaves/rapestock and whites go back to doing what they do best - steamrolling other races and taking what they want.

It's hilarious that you're looking forward to this, read a fucking book nigger. On the off chance it's the Asians that dominate next time you can look forward to even less leniency.

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Imagine being this upset. Stop acting inferior and act like the black man on the left. You're just showing us how insecure you are about having go compete with whites. You'll get nowhere in life this way buddy.

that could happen to anyone from every race
just curious, are you actually black or you are white and baiting?

also the whites that boast about their superiority here are the same ones that complain about people going where white people live

I told you the world is going back to equilibrium. It's not the 1960s anymore lmao where you had a wealth and tech advantage from being stealing savages.

Every country has nukes now and China has already overtaken the USA.

>y-you w-will never h-have i-it a-as g-good than w-with w-whites
>d-divide and c-onquer yourselves
>I said s-stay d-divided!

lmao more fantasies. even chinese partnership in africa in the last few years have helped more than centuries of white colonization

It's funny how people can come on their computer, (invented by whites)with their electricity(invented by whites). In their Air conditioned house(invented by whites) and come on the intetenet(invented by whites) and have the nerve to bitch about white people. Like fuck off if you hate whites so much nobody's stopping you from moving back to your shithole hut in Africa where you can be with your own people.

t. retard

except you guys fucked up in some of your conquests, had you not been obsessed with religion they would have been more clean

Arabs also invented western math but you don't give them credit

All those technologies are now headed and manufactured by Asians and Indians so go back to your 56k and 50mhz computers if you want white technology bitch.

Also the reason you had time and money to develop those was because you stole from everyone else and forced them into slave labor.

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mayo was invented by whites and I hate mayo

right, but the idea is if you were this poor and non-white you'd be even worse off

If you could hack the game of life and program yourself to be any character, I do acknowledge that the best (read: most advantaged) character you could be in the western world would be a wealthy, tall, attractive, able bodied, straight white man, preferably from a very well connected old money family like the Bushes or the Kennedys.

Having said that, the worst thing you can be in the western world is not a minority or a woman. The game is actually rigged to favor them over the people who really have it rough, which is poor straight white men. You have absolutely no power--none, zero, zip, nada--but are vilified by every other player in the game due to sharing superficial commonalities with the people up top. There is no affirmative action to get you into college, no United Negro College Fund or minority scholarships to help you pay for it, no racial or gender quotas in the workforce to help you get hired in the name of everyone's favorite buzzword at the moment, diversity. No, you spend your life at the bottom just trying to scrape by and your struggle is never acknowledged, least of all by well off minorities or the largest beneficiaries of affirmative action, white women.

I do acknowledge that being gay and black, or gay and Muslim, must really fucking suck, especially if you are a socially autistic virgin like most of the people on this board. You'll spend your life being hated by your own people, who incidentally are easily the most homophobic in the world but seldom called out on it since they're not white. Still, at least you still have some leverage in the game of identity politics. Victimhood is becoming the new currency in the western world. If you can spin a yarn about how oppressed you are, you might just make something of yourself (with some generous help from wealthy liberals suffering from white guilt).

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guns where invented by whites my people kill each other with guns all the time omg I hate them so much

Am I the only one that isn't impressed by Arab maths? That shit is like discovering fire, its not an invention

look whitey, im not impressed by your invention of the telescope, what's so useful about stargazing?
lmao whites are PATHETIC

>tech advantage from being stealing savages
I see wogs come up with this and I've never understood the thought process. Could you explain it? Yes, white people stole "your" shit (giving you the benefit of the doubt since I guess your kind happened to be squatting there) and used you as slave labor. How is this responsible for their feats of ingenuity such as inventing the light bulb, or the telephone, or their naval fleets and warfare tactics which enabled them to conquer most of the planet?

They accomplished this because they were simply more intelligent than their contemporaries. They will continue to use this advantage. As western society collapses, the ONLY laws that currently protect the lesser races will also collapse and whites will go right back to enslaving and exploiting them.

>even chinese partnership in africa in the last few years have blah blah blah
Have you actually been to a single African country? The wogs DESPISE the Chinese, I promise you this as someone who has lived there for years. The reason being is that the Chinese simply have no qualms telling them to accept the pittance they pay and the terms they set or fuck right back off to unemployment. They are exploiting blacks on a scale even whites would be impressed at, and you're so stupid you're actually grateful for it.

You guys are straight fucked. You have never succeeded on an equal playing field and you never will.

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>Also the reason you had time and money to develop those was because you stole from everyone else and forced them into slave labor.
Lol implying China doesn't enforce slave labor. That's the only reason they manufacture our shit cause they are slaves by their own people. Whites didn't even enslave blacks, they were already enslaved by other blacks we just bought them.

>That shit is like discovering fire
Honestly, you have to see this from the liberals point of view. They don't have a whole lot to work with so they just grasp at whatever straws they can to support the fallacy that we're all equal.

>lmao whites trying to hide their bloodied hands. if real history was taught every white would be quartered the minute they stepped onto nonwhite nations.
Whites do have blood on their hands. So do blacks and every other race. Whites were simply more successful at doing what people across all civilizations aspired to do, which was to enslave, rape, and murder everyone outside of their immediate tribe or civilization. Spend some time studying the history of pre colonial Africa, or the ancient civilizations of the middle east, for that matter. Study the torture methods that the ancient Assyrians used on the people they conquered. You'll see that brutality and inhumanity are hardly exclusive to whites. For that matter, slavery was a global phenomenon. Whites bought slaves from, you guessed it, African slave traders who sold other blacks to the European slave ships. Whites didn't create slavery, but key white historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and Charles George Gordon gave everything they had to abolish it, including their lives.

Of course, slavery and genocide are still going on in the world as we speak. You'll mostly observe it in sub Saharan Africa and other nonwhite parts of the world.

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w-w-whites have a small dick!
checkmate whitoid

>have all the money and resources
>every other need is met
>leading to time and money going to research and other pursuits
>all this taken from the blood of minorities

all your other shit are decades old opinion not worth anything fucking lmao. its like you get your world views from white hollywood movies. fuck off already.

>whites going into circular logic, gaslighting and debunked excuses

lmao you really got rekt by this topic didn't you

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fuck back off to tumblr you dumbass fujoshi tier idiot

I guess im sorry, there was a lot of blood spilled on my mesoamerican reservation, but all in all we weren't completely fucked by the conquest.
my own kinds worst enemy is one of its own

Learn to shot post bro you can't just " durr your mad bro" I'm not mad I'm white. You're retarded

but i am mad you are white, you can't handle heat so you always crank down the thermostat and it gets COLD

Yeah cause heat is expensive get a job first nigger

>>have all the money and resources
>>every other need is met
>>leading to time and money going to research and other pursuits
>>all this taken from the blood of minorities
If the minorities already had these resources before whites took it, then why didn't they make the same breakthroughs whites did?

But we wuz kangz and shiet if not for da whita demon we wuud alredi be in space!!!

But that is true though, every colonized civilization would be miles ahead of whites if they weren't halted by them

Imagine being this desperate to try to find examples of "pathetic" behavior from someone else

>they projectively view the actions of everyone else according to their own standards
well if you're a nigger in a white country you should meassure up to the white people

"oh it's oky he's just a nigger, he doesn't know any better"
just evolve you ape

whites are the normie race. they have never ever lived their lives without trying to enforce some outgroup ingroup dynamic where they persecute and oppress someone else. If it's not blacks it's the irish, if it's not irish its non-christians, if it's not non-christians it's the poor. It will never end for these mentally evil faggots.

so if you ever believe yourself to be a true robot you should be destroying white culture and disenfranchising white people every way you can

Kind of begs the question "if they were so advanced how were they conquered so efficiently?".

You could apply this to almost any race, with only exceptions being isolated quasi-humans like the aborigines.

>white circlejerking false narratives

lmao we know what you're doing

>white projection
>desperate white need to say everyone is as evil as they are

nope only you are uniquely guilty of this.

>whites are the normie race. they have never ever lived their lives without trying to enforce some outgroup ingroup dynamic where they persecute and oppress someone else. If it's not blacks it's the irish, if it's not irish its non-christians, if it's not non-christians it's the poor. It will never end for these mentally evil faggots.
You just gave a word for word description of Brazil and any other nation that practices colorism in lieu of racism.

>nope only you are uniquely guilty of this.
Hmm, but what about the Mongolian empire? What about the Islamic State?

Show me where mongol and islam created colonization

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>Show me where mongol and islam created colonization
... Are you fucking retarded?

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White here, whenever I'm sad or depressed all I have to do is think to myself "well at least I ain't a darkie, nip, wop, chingdong, freddie, beaner, sandnigger or pooinloo"

I don't think of non-whites unless I'm watching porn

I dunno, little temujin did a pretty fuckin good job of it. He raped his bloodline into the planet so hard it'll probably be around for millennia.

conquered land is not colonization. lying whites again with their false equivalences

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lmao the ottoman empire? did your high school classes skip WWI?

You honestly can't even fucking comprehend the shit you're reading, it's fucking abysmal how stupid you are

>the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically.
Ok well whatever.

>missing the part with industrial parasitization (not just offerings)
>missing the part of cultural genocide and instilling race supremacy
>keeping a people in constant conflict in civil strife so you can profit

whites are as evil as the combine in half life

>keeping a people in constant conflict in civil strife so you can profit
Cool it with the antisemitism goy!

>missing the parts that have literally nothing to do with the term in question.

underrated post

Why do you think apostrophes are for plural forms of words?

Absolutely based and educated-pilled

Why aren't niggers mad at Muslims and Jews? They raped and exploited your people. We just hopped on the gravy train while the gettin was good.