Why do white women get upset at the idea of guys being into Asian women? Do you want our dicks that badly? I thought you guys weren't interested.
Why do white women get upset at the idea of guys being into Asian women? Do you want our dicks that badly...
We are supposed to watch in pain while she dates achmed and tyron so they can get entertained by our hatred.
Because they want us to look after their half nigger baby.
Don't flatter yourself OP. I don't care what a white guy is into or not into.
Please tell me about the time that you've personally experienced this hatred.
They consider Asians to be lesser, and they thing that dating an Asian woman is like kicking an animal. After all, why would somebody reject them? Obviously, women of other races must have it worse with a white guy, according to their logic. My preferences arent really either way.
white women say they dont care but then they call every white guy who dates an asian a "creep with yellow fever/race fetishist" pretty funny actually
i dont find asian girls attractive tho unfortunately so i dont really have any skin in the game, just my observation
>"creep with yellow fever/race fetishist"
I have never heard a white friend say any such thing and only hear that from guys. Just so you know, I have friends that are asian and they don't care either. A hot guy is a hot guy.
>tfw no thick pure coinslot gf
ok well im just telling you what ive heard/seen. not every city is the same, and of course asian girls dont care if white guys date asian girls? asian guys do not like it tho from my experience, i live in a city that is like half chinese so i feel like i have a decent amount of irl anecdotes
I've seen it happen. What i don't get is that i have never EVER heard the same level of vitriol from white women towards a white guy dating a black, hispanic, or middle eastern woman and is actually praised if anything. The hate only comes towards asians. Why is that?
The white woman recognizes the superior female.
youve never actually heard that either
>tfw bf's computer full of Asian girl porn
>tfw he tells me repeatedly "you are the first girl with red hair I've ever dated.. BUT I LIKE IT THOUGH"
>tfw know he wishes I were Asian
I hate you fuckers for giving me a complex
Pro tip: He means it you stupid fucking cunt. Otherwise he wouldn't be with you. I know from experience.
>tfw together 5 years and still like this
I love my jungle asian gf even though I find north-east asian girls more attractive; don't worry about your bf, I'm sure he loves you too, even if you disappoint him.
pro-tip: men find literally every race of women attractive, sometimes you just fap to a certain race cause you're in the mood and then another time you'll fap to another.
it's like flavours of ice cream idk
It's mostly imagined. I celebrate the fact that asian women will take our garbage and leave the qt asian boys for me.
>white guy
>chubby, balding at 25, doesn't bathe, works as a car mechanic, walks around belching, wears basketball shorts and a dirty T-shirt
>hateful and rude
>hobbies are watching football on the television and drinking beer
>asian guy
>slim, groomed, dresses nicely, keeps in shape, nice hair, pharmacist or doctor or programmer
>worships me like a goddess and treats me nicely, appreciates what I do for him, has nice manners
>hobbies are piano, literature, and tennis
Please, take all the white guys you want.
I can attest to this. I've never met a man that didn't want to fuck a woman from every race but I know women that flat out refuse to with men.
Because they can't handle the disgruntling feeling of being outmatched as they are entitled little shits.
I stopped bothering with whores long ago. They're never worth it.
Lol you reminded me of the white guy I dated once that never wore anything except basketball shorts. 8 dates, just basketball shorts, not kidding. All he did was play video games or watch sports
Sounds exactly like my white ex. Aaaaaand that is why I'm /team asian boys/. I don't even mind the slightly smaller cock, asian guys are just better in bed. They pay attention to the needs of their partner and work to please her. Plus they have cuter bellies, all slim and soft. White guys go from lanky to beergut with nothing in between.
And asian guys have pretty eyes and soft skin. It's nice.
>tfw went to Taiwan as a Mexican American and got treated badly
Asian women are such cheap whores. What's the attraction. Literally anyone can fuck them and with zero effort.
This is true. On the off chance you can't easily fuck the 90% asian cheap whores on the first attempt, you just give that 10% some money. Oh and they do anything lol. Raw dog on first date? No problem. They also agree to you blowing your muck inside them. Cheap monkeys
Women get upset at everything. She doesn't want to fuck you.Girls just feels worthless if there aren't a group of guys trying to fuck her,
why do you keep making these threads? nobody cares what below 8/10 men do.
every guy just gets flak for going for asian girls is because asian girls are so hilariously desperate and have no standards. they are the fast food fuck and chuck bottom of the dating hierarchy because they think spreading their legs makes them accepted into society.
You just need to have money, they'll suck you dry and move on. They never find partners for life, even in their 60's they'll still be leeching off of old men.
Shit culture.
Thirsty dirty spic fuck off
cheap asian sluts date ANYONE.
middle aged
tiny dick
shits in his underwear
Doesn't matter. An asian whore is yours
damn was really hoping you offed yourself during that trip
In Canada it's not like that at all. Asians girls are pretty much the classiest and hardest to get.
Bullshit. Just give her money and she'll do the nastiest shit you can imagine. They will rim an obsese man and let him shit in her mouth lol
Agreed. Cockroaches have more worth
They think white male = high social status and latch on the first one willing to pork her. Meanwhile there are scores of qt azn bois salivating over the prospect of tig white biddies.
>inb4 fat
I weigh 110 lbs.
>why do white women get upset at asian women
>every white women in the thread proves OP right by getting triggered
kek white women are pathetic
l o l... yea no
Yes. They think ANY white boy is good. So they get druggies. Old men. Retarded men
So you know one Asian hooker good for you I know 100 white hookers. I don't know about Asian Americans, but real Asians are not whores
You've never been to asia. They fuck any white man
Yeah cause they are hookers they want your money not your white skin
>Plus they have cuter bellies, all slim and soft
>tfw Asian guy with Asian gf
>she likes my soft belly
I never mention it as an insecurity or anything. She just randomly tells me she likes my smol belly. Weirdfeelsman
This. Look how upset roasties get too. Shit ain't a meme.
Exactly. Ergo all asians are whores
lmao tenda fuck off man
Because the stereotype associated with Asian women is the complete opposite of the stereotype associated with White women. When you say "I'm more into Asian women" they translate it as "Asian women are 20000% better than you because they're everything you're not and that's exactly what I want." They also know it's a cheap and effective way out for the white guy to simply date the gook. There's way more slant eyes than round ones in this world which means white men are essentially through with white women's bullshit.
Except like i said I'm in Canada which is basically 3/4 chink. And most of the hooker are white, the Asians are very expensive
But they're still whores that fuck ANYONE with money
Abs and hips desu, pure aesthetic
I have a bit of a thing for some specific Asian body types and it pains me inside because I actually am against race mixing. Not that anyone knows this irl, and I live in a place that's probably 98% white aside from the random exchange student or ahmed/tyrone immigrant so it's not a problem but still.
Pic related and also you're retarded. Men say what they mean unless they're 1) playing their cards right and concealing the truth so others don't get hurt or 2) they're faggots (either literal trap material or fuckboys).
Why the fuck would somebody tolerate your insecure ass for 5 years if they didn't like you? If I was in your bf's place and you kept being insecure after all this time I'd probably just end it tbqh. I personally hate people who are insecure about something even after an explanation.
what the fuck is a tenda fuck off you pol schizo
>calls someone Jow Forums
>is racist against asians
>I have a bit of a thing for some specific Asian body types and it pains me inside because I actually am against race mixing.
t. angry chink
Japan has more virgins than any western nations and they don't need christian indoctrination to pull it off. White women are slags.
Yes. Their men are virgins. female gooks fuck anything with a pulse
I'm pretty sure Japan has an highest fertility rate than a lot of European nations
Why do I have a thing for Vina Sky or why I'm against race mixing?
1) I don't know there are certain combinations that just work for me. No idea why the large majority of Asian porn just turns me off.
2) I don't believe in the Jew plan to mix all races into one weaker race. However fucked up this may be, different races have different strengths and weaknesses, and by combining them you very rarely get the best of both worlds.
I'm sure most people would call me a bigot or polack or something, but I just believe that the different things that make each race unique should be preserved. Just like with religions and cultures.
sure tenda, stay obsessed you ugly chink incel
I love my half filipino girlfriend
>tfw have flip wife and will make qt hapa babies soon
can't wait desu
Hey OP what is the name of the girl in pic?
>failipino mail order hoe
>ugliest women in the world
>spineless turboparasites
lol I feel sorry for you and your kids
She's very pale skinned. They're gonna be pretty gorgeous desu. Don't be jelly Tenda.
>post thailanders instead
lmao feel so sorry for you. flip bitches don't even have asian culture. they're like brazilians
You could just google and hapa celeb in Philippines then. Same shit desu.
they are not hapas they're mutts lmao. stop using asian terminology for hispanic larpers
How to spot the angry chink subhuman 101
you know there's different subsets of flips, right? Some are hispanic-ish, some are full on malay like my wife.
>Why do white women get upset at the idea of guys being into Asian women?
Because they can't stand the idea of actually having to act like women to attract a heterosexual male.
the thing you dont understand or where you went wrong is.
these women love to see you in pain and being tortured they want you to be alone and not have sex. it makes their lives seem more special it makes them feel powerful.
if a white beta man gets with an asian girl it bothers them alot.
white women are very hypocritical they want you down and if you rise up they are going to cry about how bad you are. they want you to be bad at all time.
white women say they dont care but i had an asian gf before. i took her to a mall and we were walking around and all these white women looked triggered and shocked.
i want to CREAMPIE that hot asian woman
Many white women are fat and made poor decisions (like getting fat and pump&dumped by chad) and benefit from weak, lonely single men being common so that they can take advantage of them. Singles also pay more in taxes
>hates asians
>but have to lower himself to get pussy
lmao I can read your mediocre bottom barrel entire life from here. You will forever be reminded of your failure to not be attractive to white women.
Don't stress. Asian woman are easily attainable for white guys. If he wanted an Asian girl he'd get one
you mad tenda?
good lord, i could operate a salt mine from this thread alone.
what this thread tells me, is that White men are hurtin' bad inside, and they N E E D a man to heal that pain with love.
tfw women are slut shaming asian women
>If I was in your bf's place
>blah blah blah
Do you actually think I give a fug
The proof of WMAF couples being degenerate is in their children. Children are a beautiful thing. Two people in love can work together to make a physical manifestation of their love, a hybrid of the two of them. It's incredible that such a thing exists in the world and we take it for granted every day.
The fruits of WMAF are Elliot Rodger types. It's clearly not a strong pairing.
they need to get on HRT and get fucked their sissy bottoms by my big black cock, that'll set them straight.
>muh elliot
>meanwhile there is a new white or mutt school shooter every week
hapas are fine. we need more hapas in the shitty state this world is in desu.
elliot roger is one bad apple in a rotten orchard of incels.
see this misandry is precisely why White men left for asian pastures. they arent appreciated.
I wonder if people on this board are actually surprised to learn that most people don't like asian women. Their faces are flat and nondescript. They lack assets and are almost all a small petite build. They're not as expressive emotionally, at least as far as interracial recognition concerns.
The ones born in America can be totally normal, obviously, and can be great partners or just friends. It's the ones born in Asia proper who are totally incompatible with us. They don't know how to dress or do makeup, have poor social skills, and have a horrific accent.
Your only choice at this point, is to go to Thailand and fuck as many ladyboys as you can before you send yourself to the shadow realm. Wreck their bussy, this is what you were made for.
Just grow some balls and date a black girl, faggot.
Kaiba, you must stop this behavior immediatelt.
Don't tell me you actually think Chads go for Asian women.
Jow Forums is one of the only places on the Internet that fetishizes AW. It is also a place full of trannies, literal pedophiles, and unironic Nazis. We are the scum of the Earth, so to speak, and we're the ones going for AW. That alone should be all you need to know about the value of AW.
>The ones born in America can be totally normal, obviously, and can be great partners or just friends. It's the ones born in Asia proper who are totally incompatible with us. They don't know how to dress or do makeup, have poor social skills, and have a horrific accent.
>westernized asians ever being better then FOB
is this bizarro Jow Forums?
yeah. i read a couple non-troll posts about dating asian men to get back at White men for dating asian women.
it definitely feels like bizarro Jow Forums
>surprised that a board originally dedicated to japanese culture and anime has an asian fetish
Why are you even here?
>Jow Forums is one of the only places on the Internet that fetishizes AW
oh lord. pic related.
Imagine being this retarded. Asian women are no different, you're unironically better going after a sjw landwhale than an east Asian woman. They only care about money and will suck you dry in just a few years. They are soulless and are raised from birth to worship money above all else, that is Asian culture.
why are white women so much better at "asian culture" then you tranny?
>defunct dating site stats for bottom barrel 30yo
of course they'll be looking for a meal ticket you idiot. are white men this fragile
it says nearly every race of MEN prefer asian women. Asian women are the new trophy women, so I'm not surprised desu. White women were on top for a while but it looks like they got some catching up to do. Hopefully this is a wake-up call.
me in the bg
Ethan? origigansljo
>People saying it's easy for white guys t get asian gfs
...How, exactly? Or is this just a "robots don't count" kinda thing?
I wouldnt know firsthand. My theory isnt that white wonebare jealous of wmaf, but that they dislike Asians so much that they are disgusted by it.
They don't prefer asian women because they are top tier you idiot. They go after them because they are bottom barrel easy and submissive stereotypes which they live up. Literally modernized mail order bride industry