
nonce hunters are the enemy of /britfeel/ revised edition

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Warning that Amer is anonposting as he ban evades. Be extra careful you do not reply to him and so accidentally make him feel like he is welcome.
Red flags include dull yarns about being misgendered or asking whether doing something mundane is 'white' or not.

just ate a big chunky bit of ear wax tbqhwyl

>tfw lunch on Bournemouth seafront

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>tfw leave the UK for a month to get away from chemtrails
>tfw sprayed here like a bug also
>fuck this.

I really need to stop coming on Jow Forums. I hate how autistic and childish people are here. I have been trying to go on /mu/ lately and it's mostly people talking utter shit.

The Isle of Wight (the needles)

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I want to be a summoner so if people mess with me I can just summon ifrit to burn them alive

I touched a girls hand today and she is very pretty. She did look visibly disgusted when I said I did not have Facebook, and even more so when I then said I did not have wahtsapp either
Oh well I can just die alone I guess

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You should have said "nah, I don't have whatsapp but I can download"
Sort it out lad, you are cucking yourself

I loved this movie and I don't care what whiney reviewers say!

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Me too lad. Left brit/pol when it became shit and came here. Now this place is has gone shit apart from day posters

I dont even carry a mobile phone reeeeeeee

>using any social media.

Ok Mr Grown Up, fuck off to your big boy Reddit boards then

why dont you shoot yourself & get it over with if you are gonna keep self sabotaging then complaining about it later for attention user, im sick of people like you

my only friend is leaving the country today, feel like crying.

this board, and britfeel especially, really has gone to shit. Mainly attention seeking mentally ill trannies now

I doubt she felt as strong about it as you're letting on, she probably thought it was a bit weird, thats about it. Being the pathetic, annoying, self pitying cunt you are, you probably feel worse about it than you should.

>have little money
>no friends so no phone
>suddenly need one and dont have
>self sabotage

what you are doing right now can be considered using social media, you are talking with other anons difference being you dont have your face on a profile

as if this is social haha.

After carefully examining myself I've come to the conclusion that my clothing makes me look like a thug/delinquent, mainly a big fur hooded coat I wear. Only problem is I don't know how else to dress without looking like an absolute mong soft cunt

Tim is a very nice lad. X

I have a phone but I never carry it with me and only ever use it in bed.
I simply have no use for it anywhere else.

Anti-social media

Not really. Even something like Reddit I wouldn't consider as social media. If you have profiles using your own name and face you are using social media

Go for the flannel+t-shirt combo? That's a pretty safe bet these days

Anyone had a mental health assessment? Wondered what's involved. Is there any point in having one if you're not getting diagnosed to claim bennies and you're adverse to taking medication? Don't fancy getting myself sectioned atc.

>the mobile poster that cant use commas is samefagging meanie

I agree with this.
Social media is mostly about networking and connecting with people, if you remove all the personal aspects of it, its not so social anymore.

brit/pol/ has been shit for years mate



levi jeans + generic colour tshirts + hoodless jacket: welcome to the average joe look, suits most people

I use it for wanking, I don't post or anything

Jeans and T-shirt (normally black) with either a flannel shirt or a bigger coat if its cold has been my go to look for years.

>not getting diagnosed to claim bennies and you're adverse to taking medication?
any particular reason why? You wont get sectioned unless you walk in cutting yourself muttering about killing whores

>muttering about killing whores
they do need killed tho.

>workmates start whispering to each other mid conversation
Hate it when people do that, so rude. Like if you're gonna talk about me or talk about something private the least you could do is go to another room. Just makes it obvious that you're hiding something

>She did look visibly disgusted when I said I did not have Facebook
probably not disgusted but just thought it was weird. It can work in your favour to be 'the guy without social media' though, she'll remember you more than one of her random 1,354 fb friends

>she'll remember you more than one of her random 1,354 fb friends
Until Chad pops her up on Facebook and he'll be erased from her memory.

I mean I dont know exactly the situation but I assume they'll see each other again at some point and she'll remember him. Not saying he's gonna get his dick sucked or anything but this doesnt have to be a negative experience

if you are looking for advice, try to not always wear black t-shirts all the time if you can avoid it, buy a multipack of base colour tshirts like reds, blues, greys, whites to get started, jeans go with all of that & it makes it look like you have halfway varying tastes even though its pretty simple, you can layer shit like flannels if you are feeling fancy, but the base stuff should carry you through.

I don't know who you're quoting but it certainly isn't me.

Yeah I left 2.5 years ago

But why are you listening to them lid

There's a new barmaid at my local pub and she has the worst teeth I've ever seen. They were spiky and flared as fuck, really yellow and I swear I saw barnacles on them. She noticed me looking at them too, I can't get the image out of my head

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I'm not fussed about it, who gives a toss really.
I genuinely have 5 sets of the same outfit plus a couple of shirts and jackets.

>giving a flying fuck about co-workers
meanwhile I barley remember half the staffs name & I have been there for nearly 2 years - who cares user, stop being a bitch for a second

yeah teeth are one of my tell tale signs of people. if they are bleached, person is so fickle they risk health for image, if they are slightly yellow it's natural and well looked after, very yellow is just grim. anything beyond is also grim.

but yeah, structure is important too. northerners give england a bad name in regards to teeth, they tend to have very individual teeth as a post to a nice well formed line.

28 and can't grow a beard. I think that means I'll never be able to

>talking to a girl
>"ive got to go ill message you soon"
>doesnt message back

why even lie

I only actively remember the name of the guy I work with and my manager.
I go to work, to work. Its not a social thing.

No matter where you work people will talk shit about everyone else, I'd be alarmed if they're doing it right in front of me though.

Beards are for hipsters anyway lad

Feel like shit this morning. Didnt even enjoy being drunk last night. Had some nice dreams though was in a submarine with a qt

was working the bar last night and some seriously fat weirdo was staring at my teeth. You should have seen the amount of sweat underneath his man tits. I'll tell Big Kev to ave a word with him.

women have to worry about being dragged off & raped so they develop non confrontational ways of rejection user, like if you even argue with a man you know if it gets to a certain point there might be a fight, thats not an option for most women.

>as a post to
not 'as opposed to'


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its facebook for fuck sake.

please stop being an idiot for one second

They're in the same room as me I don't have a choice
I work in a team with them so to a point I have to give a fuck. Personally I don't give a fuck about them and don't interact with them outside of work in any way. I don't talk about other people behind their backs because I don't care for gossip. So the least I expect is for people to not talk about me. Especially not in the same room as me.
I know but that doesn't make it right. It's at a totally toxic level here. Mostly because most of the people here are women

Watching the lady ghostbusters movie. It's pretty shit tbqh. The neon colour palette is comfy though.

>I'm never going to message you again becuase you're ugly and boring
dont pretend you'd prefer that

I'd actually prefer this, Okay I'd feel shit for the rest of the day but at least I know why.

back to back, instant replies, three days of conversation then boom

this is why AI is needed

im neither ugly nor boring, im just a nutter

Same here lad, I ended up pouring it down the sink.

I dont know the situation but I assume she thinks your life wont revolve around her messaging her again and you'll just forget about it

Not a fan of slam poetry lads. There, I said it.

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To be honest, I probably wont ever have a girlfriend or anything.

Fair play lad. Cant say I care much for it either

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I had a gf at 16 for a month or two, havent had any romantic interests since then and im now 23

You'll always have me

Don't you know how to quote a post? Are you the same lad who said "a post to"? He was right, you're a brainlet.

>tfw this time of year constantly haunted by the memory of your dog dying a few years back after suddenly having a tumour burst inside of her and her tummy filling with blood

I wish I had died suddenly as a child with no bad memories

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alcohol is a bit of an overhyped meme, its alright now & again with close m8's for a laugh but I will never understand people who go out every weekend to get plastered, sounds boring as fuck

I mean I don't really know you.

wot shud I get from corner shop lods

pot noodle faggot

>tfw memed into shagging a chubby manlet by myspace angles
he has a cute face though, and he is submissive
maybe i can build him into a sweetheart from the ground up

The problem is your mind thinks staying in and not drinking is boring

I'm in a loop where every Friday and Saturday night me and my mates chip to and sniff 700 quids worth of a coke a weekend

got all the parts ready for my rc glider build, got the 40 pound goggles and the 10 pound camera

gonna mount this camera on my 80 pound electric prop glider and just fly it around fields and shit

looking forward to it lads

How tall is he?

Sorry about your doggo lad. He would want you to be happy though

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>Sainsbury's, Asda and McDonald's are among those warning stockpiling fresh food is impossible and that the UK is very reliant on the EU for produce.

>The warning comes in a letter from the British Retail Consortium and is signed by several of the major food retailers.

We can't let this go through lads. If this happens all the common people will starve to death. I think it's in everybody's best interests that we stop Brexit now before innocent men and women will wither away. Food banks are already stretched to capacity.

But what is funny is now that the wolves are at the door, I'm going to have the local povvos in my community scramble at the gates and beg me for the food that my family has stockpiled in case of an event like this. Who's laughing now, Brexidiots?

>make phone call
>phone fucks up and they can't hear me
>get hung up on

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This glider

>common people
>fresh food

Lee Anthony Hoyland scraping earwax out of his ears and spreading it on bread in a discount Paddington Bear cosplay.

Please don't arrouse me like that, lad

>fresh food

I bet they've got a backlog of about 2 years worth of frozen food they can fall back on

five and a half foot

Looking for some fun exploration games. Metro Exodus isn't out yet, so tell me your favourites please.

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Strongly considering having a wank

when I was 17 I used to read PUA forums and think I was an alpha male when in reality I was pretty much mclovin from superbad

Dude just farm more lmao.

I feel really cold. And I mean from the inside out cold. I have a cold core

Anyone with a hot penis Wana fuck me to heat my from the inside? Make sure you can reach my core

really disgusted by how many apus have been cloned the past few days. My fucking gutter is filled with their decomposing bodies and when they form in large groups they can be really boisterous, had two spit at me the other day. Some of them are dealing drugs and fighting late into the night.

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Any other lads here just sleep most of the time because they're too apathetic to bother with anything else?