I-I need female attention. W-Wait, women are trash be-because they keep rejecting me. I-I need to post this on r9k...

I-I need female attention. W-Wait, women are trash be-because they keep rejecting me. I-I need to post this on r9k. I-I need to atleast know that-that i'm not alone. AAAAAAA I NEED A GIRLFRIEND REEEE HELP ME R9K. I-I CAN'T LIVE ANYMORE WITHOUT KNOWING HOW A VAGINA WORKS. WAAAAA I-I'M LOSING IT MY LIFE IS UNBEARABLE. I-I NEED A GF. T-THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME. HELP ME !
Here it is you failed faggots ! Your own containement thread.

Attached: 13.gif (838x650, 241K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I thought you guys would enjoy a nice thread to talk about women :C

this is me unironically, but i'm only larping as a joke to hide the truth which is built upon a lie of the actual reality based on a faux simulation of delusions

Why don't you have compassion for my suffering? I just want to be happy and loved.

What are you even saying, you schizophrenic freak?

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Shut the f*** up you lain faggot

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Can someone explain this new following of serial experiments lain? It was one of my first animes in like 2005 and seems to have just now gained traction. Why? As a woman I don't appreciate it being posted and diluted on this board, of all boards.

Imagine thinking r9k is just one person.

Imagine being this retarded.

>as a woman

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I-I need money so badly. W-wait, rich people are trash be-because they keep firing me.

Yeah its a real mystery why we're like this OP

Attached: 500_F_2297457_0yDaTUVW2G9WXPvoBhZaTqDjcUVW2H.jpg (500x375, 45K)

>As a woman I don't appreciate it

get the fuck out of here

you dont help at all, you think r9k is r/incels when most browsers dislike both groups. please dont post more shit threads

Imagine being this retarded and assuming that i'm saying that all the retards here are incels or this is an incel board. It still represents a large chunk of what this shithole became though.

If my girlfriend ever leaves me and I know it's truly over I'm going to shoot myself in the head and call it a day. She's brought the only happiness I've ever known. It would be impossible to go on without her, now. Be careful what you wish for, user.

The "super cool surreal lain gifs" you attach to all of your posts are the cringiest shit I've seen in a long time. It had been done to death years before and now you're poaching a dead meme because you're ironic weeb reddit cancer

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It's not rocket science people get mad when they are missing basic needs. If you saw a kid starving and begging for food would you mock and laugh at him? Cause that's basically what you're doing to us. Inb4 inb4 you just want sex. No. Human interaction is one of our most basic needs.

Thanks user, i'm glad you like it. I'll become an even better poster !

suffer more you fucking roach

>If you saw a kid starving and begging for food would you mock and laugh at him?
No i'll just laugh at this
>It's not rocket science people get mad when they are missing basic needs.
> Human interaction is one of our most basic needs.

Attached: maslow-5.jpg (900x670, 103K)

>Human interaction is one of our most basic needs.
Literal and complete retard

No if you put someone in a prison cell alone for 48 hours they are at high risk for developing mental illness. If a baby doesn't get human touch it gets sick and dies. Solitary confinement inmates kill themselves at a very high rate. Humans go crazy when they are alone

>If a baby doesn't get human touch it gets sick and dies.
[citation needed]
>Solitary confinement inmates kill themselves at a very high rate.
There's a difference between being alone and not having your freedom.
>Humans go crazy when they are alone
People can and go crazy for various reasons.

Thank you einstein. We could have never figured out r9k has sad people on it without you. Next you'll tell me /v/ has something to do with videogames or something. Your intelligence is absolutely boundless.

In 1944, 40 newborn babies were split into two groups. There was the first group who grew up normal (the control group) and then the experiment group. The babies in this group had a special facility where their basic needs (being changed, fed, burped, etc) were met. However, caregivers were instructed not to touch or look at the baby more than needed. No communicating with the babies, no extended interactions, just fill the basic needs and keep the place sanitary. But the experiment had to be halted after just four months. By that point, half of those babies had died.

>We could have never figured out r9k has sad people on it without you.
You need to dinstinguish between sad and pathetic. Some people are mentally fucked or/and have bigger problems. They don't want to know about your love life mishapes or your incel rant that never ends. I figured this is an elaborate way to contain you faggots. You should be pleased, friend.

Maternal relationships shouldn't be confused with romantic ones. Of course a fucking baby needs it but eventually he becomes independant.

Treat people the way you want to be treated.

I don't do this on here I just ask my self why can't I get the courage to ask a girl out? I've never been rejected so the fear seems irrational but it's there.

And we're all living rent-free in your precious little head.

Attached: jannie are you okay.png (774x850, 269K)

You think you won't suffer without human interaction because you're a faggot who's never had to live without it. Prove me wrong, beta fag.

Attached: bee u.gif (914x1091, 30K)

That's quite the opposite. I geniunely don't give a fuck about your feefees or if you ruin an already ruined board. I made this thread because i'm bored and i thought i should mess with a pathetic sub group. I'm not even kidding. You think after this thread eventually dies or when the cucked Janny closes it that i'll keep thinking of any of you ? Don't make me laugh, user.

I never had human interaction past 17 year old when I was kicked out of my home by a slut that was never home anyways. What now?

incels BTFO'd kek

I made this image my profile picture on facebook when I was in the depths of my schizophrenic delusions and one of my closest friends said "dude... he's feeding him estrogen".


i don't need female attention, i want females to leave or just all die preferably.

the epitomy of faggotry


GRRrr we need no men we are strong women, end the patriarchy, end toxic masculinity. Men contribute nothing in today's society, we can easily run it ourselves. Wait, but... I need some good dicking tonight, I cant just use a vibrator I need a man to show me my place and dominate me. I want to please my man by taking his manhood into my mouth, Wait NO I am a strong women who need no man. Wait...

Meh, another cuck thread.

Go console yourself screwing proper non beta dick on Tinder

How deluded. Cute.

Easy bait, were you even trying?

Thanks for the generous dosage of cringe

Thank you for fighting the incel subhumans dearest lainposter

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You're welcome, moe poster. I'm just doing my duty.