Got nothing to live for, killing myself tonight

Hey r9k, got any good advice for killing myself? I'm seriously considering the train. I live very close to a train track. Should I decapitate my head or just jump in front of the train?

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train should be pretty quick no matter what
enjoy your ban

Why do you want to do it?
anyway, its your choice, if you TRULY want do it be sure its a 100% effective method like jumping from a 50 or something like that.

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what makes you want to make that decision?

If I jump from a high building I will regret it mid-air. I just want to end it now.

not op, but how reliable is it to cut your own veins? would alcohol make the pain more bearable?

Read the Gospel first it's 1 day read if you really pay attention then decide

Call the suicide hotline. Come on man, don't commit suicide. It's not the right thing to do. Why do you want to do this?

Holy shit, that's brutal. What'd he get crushed by?

>If I jump from a high building I will regret it mid-air.

Then you don't want to die you stupid nig,
Don't do it user,not worth it,there are still nice things in the world

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I feel like a pathetic weeb and I can't have my waifu. Laugh all you want.

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The guy got crushed by a bulldozer as far as I know.

is it physical or emotional depression?

>What'd he get crushed by?
Your mom.

you wont get to Valhalla if you die by your own hand, but if you're a jew(muslim/christian) or a buddhist go for it

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daily reminder that odin drank the semen of dead slaves on midgard.

Anonymous, that's awful. That guy died for this "your mom" joke.

wait are you that poster from a few days ago that said they were going to kill themselves? if you are, glad you're still alive bro.

It's worth it to keep living, you just gotta make it that way

nice cope cuckold boy, now go pray to Yahweh

Seek help user. What you have can be reversed.
Don't let your life rot away due to a stupid chinese cartoon.

everyone says bulldozer but it's obviously an excavator

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Why did he drink it bros

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Yes it's me. I've had a gastric lavage since then and my parents have been worried sick. I feel these urges again, I need help.

>If I jump from a high building I will regret it mid-air.
Don't do it then you utter fool.

>Worshipping mortal "gods"
What happened to them ? Oh yea they are probably dead as we speak ;)

check the suicide line, is OK to seek help and get better, don't do it user, we are here if you need to talk but I really recommend you to call, you don't lose anything

Between the two I'd pick decapitation, but it doesn't really matter where you lie on the tracks. You'll die just about instantly if you let your chest or head be crushed.

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>too pussy to live
>thinks some quick release or some all forgiving god would be an actual solution to a temporary problem
Get a fucking life. At least try to do some cool stunts before you die like dive into water from somewhere tall or grab hold on the wheel of an airplane.

Do it like the guy in this story

Joining the church of euthanasia would help since they encourage suicide. From my POV Islam says suicide is taboo so look for another religion before killing yourself at least :)

dear friend,
anything but the train, I do not want to be delayed to my next stop, if you are going to die, don't bother us the living with it
thank you
your friend

aspirin + few beers + hot bath and cut your veins (thats how i'd do it myself)

Don't kill yourself call a hotline, come on bro no matter how bad your life is at least you have a life. Don't go to a void just enjoy your life move abroad do what you want everyday and make yourself happy.

if you're gonna die might as well do a steam giveaway

read about the etoro tribe, they're an isolated tribe in the pacific ocean and they think the same way

op you should take down as many possible people as you can before killing yourself/being killed

Please don't do it. Just try to make yourself feel better. Learn a new hobby. Learn to code, play an instrument, sing, etc.

why the aspirin? anticoagulant?

medfag here to say it's a platelet aggregation inhibitor, shit tier anticoagulant that affects small shit like vasculature not major hemorrhages. not even worth taking to kys so disregard opinion

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Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and a fuck ton of sleeping pills. Emphasis on the fuck ton, because you do NOT want to wake up during that time. Car in garage trick works well.

I'm curious if you have nothing to live for. What stopping you from just going and doing whatever you want?

lol what's up ahmed long time no see

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I want to die, but I dont want anything gruesome like that OP's pick, fuck that shit.

Neither faggot. What did the poor train driver ever do to you?

Found the normie. Kys.


I'm a white anti-zionist. Fuck off kike

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haha based my dude maga amirite??? shadilay

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Age? Only allowed to commit suicide at 25.