does Jow Forums like muscle girls(female)?
Does Jow Forums like muscle girls(female)?
fucking vomit
why so mean desu?
Hnnnnng those thighs
Yes, of course I do
Why wouldn't I?
Theyre great
Just fuck a boy you closet fag
>look user! I'm so pumped I can't even flex haha!
I want my face crushed between a muscle girl's buttcheeks
No that is rather unattractive
Girl on the left is legit attractive. Who is she?
pretty sure high testosterone can lead to ovarian cancer
Yes. Freaky big ones especially
What reasoning lies behind this? So if you like a well-developed athletic woman you like dick and need to switch from vagina which can reproduce with you to a poophole which shits up your dick? Maybe you are the homo
Well I'm pretty sure that a lot of FBBs live to old age
i bet u wouldn't say that in front of him
Gigachad vs Gigastacy. Their sex must have seismologists wondering what is going on near their dwelling place.
Unflexed looks so much better.
I do but like any other girl they don't like me.
This thread makes me feel better. I felt like nobody would like me when I got addicted to working out
Please post pics!! I'm so attracted to girls like you
are you a varbie from Jow Forums?
Varbie? I just work out every day, I'm too shy to actually talk to anyone at the gym.
Why are her shoulders so ridiculously wide? That is a very masculine body. I like them fit but they should still have hips so its still a legitimate female body.
anavar makes girls grow pumpkin delts
Would you date a skinny manlet robot?
A-asking for a friend
Who cheated more in the Tim Kennedy versus Yoel Romero fight?
A muscular woman is preferred, but there are other conditions that must be met to incorporate muscle into an attractive physique.
>feminine body fat
Issues to watch out for are body fat percentage below 15%, fat distribution i.e. more even across the body (avoiding man-hands and man-face) and extra deposited on chest and ass.
>feminine frame
Narrow shoulders, narrow rib-cage, wide hips.
Other important things are making sure that the neck stays this and not muscular. And longer-legged keeps things more balanced.
Men are scary... I don't know if I could
I think I'm not scary at all but how would I be less scary so you could?
Nothing really you can do. I just have an irrational fear of them. Always have. Even though I have these arms now they still terrify me
pls fembot show us your qt guns
Maybe you just need a little exposure therapy.
iktf desu fampaitachi
That's what the gym was supposed to be. But that failed, I still walk away as fast as possible when one starts talking to me.
I could just be quiet until you're comfortable
Well then I'd get all anxious about saying something wrong and all panicked because you're not talking. It's just easier to not accociate with boys.
You could just tell me when to speak then
I'm sorry I just don't mix well with boys, I'm just going to stick with lifting my feelings away
I hope you find happiness in lifting then
describe you ideal gf and I will try to find the muscle girl version for you user
Muscular necks and big shoulders are fine
> big nose
> huge legs
> big arms that are still dwarved by legs
> no implants
> big muscle ass
> dark hair
As long as they are not roided bodbuilder level.
>does Jow Forums like muscle girls(female)?
Muscular women are disgusting, although I hold some degree of respect for them. I still think women should be barred from gyms though, too many time wasters not enough equipment.
Post a tall one with long straight black hair, maybe showing abs
>Girly and cute
>Big boobs
That's all I really care about
try Brigitte Goudz
>tfw muscle girls only date even more muscular chads
>tfw none will ever mentally and physically dominate a short skinny little twink like me
Is anyone else fascinated by the idea of breeding and uberchad like Eddie Hall or Half-thor (cba googling) with some uberthot like Serena Williams and just seeing what an absolute fucking unit their kid grows up to be?
Would be cool, but I'm only really into this fantasy for the femdom aspects tbqh.
She's only like 4' 10".
try @eeemilian
>broad shoulders
>large hips
>black hair
>thick thighs
try Shelby Dueitt
>preferably Ethiopian
>can cook
Tall and kinda thick with a bitchy face but still feminine
Tall with a shredded back, and a decent ass.
>ideal gf
Someone who loves me.
try Kristina Nicole Mendoza
Beyond attainable for me. I dont even hAve enough discipline to exercise
try Qimmah Russo
try Sky Kinsman
try Vika Pogribnyak
a woman in peak physical condition with a shit ton of stamina? who in their right mind would want that jesus christ
Like dog breeding?
>a woman in peak physical condition
You know they're all on var though right? Women don't look like this.
try Melinda Lindmark
Don't worry, no one liked you in the first place.
Oh I know! I'm too neurotic to be loved
But boys don't have muscular pussies that can vacuum your cock like a penis pump then suck the cum out.
massive delts are a sign of steroid/ test/ or growth hormone use. When they start to turn spherical and bulge outward like that its almost 100% chance its not natural.
but it's so hot tho
Well ya, I was just saying its a sign of people obtaining muscle unnaturally. Plenty of unnatural things are attractive.
var pumpkin delts are top tier on women
no fucking ugly
varbie delts make me diamonds but I can't explain it
Whats so scary about a little boi you could pin down and sit on his face whenever you wanted?
Humans are naturally attracted to strength and ability to survive. seeing a woman like this in any other time in human history but the present would be like seeing an angle.
>impossibly strong
>able to acquire vast amounts of nutrition
>has pussy
What more could you ask for.
>What more could you ask for.
Idk, maybe a functioning reproductive system which you wont have at that low body fat% and that amount of gear in your system?
Nah mate I think it's unnatural and bloody disgusting. You can like them though because it's your preference ;)
It's hot because they want it. They pump themselves full of hormones because the want to get swole. There is nothing hotter than a pumped varbie miring her gains in the mirror.
That's the face of a girl who used to be fat.
Nah it's just water retention/moon face from all the roids.
based honest but accepting poster
no she used to be jacked but she stopped juicing
i sure hope Jow Forums women wan ttheir men to be braphog slampigs
imagine if your musclefu said degrading things like this while she pegged you?
just know i dont want you to peg me because you're muscular
i want you to peg me because you're a girl
That's why women become more hungry when they get pregnant, to build fat reserves for and after pregnancy so they can produce milk for many months without food should the need arise. There is no excuse for women to be fat before pregnancy because they should be showing off their muscular system because it a representation of their genetics. that's why it attractive to a lot of people because only 0.01% of the population could achieve this naturally and if they where natural it would indicate they are among the most genetically superior humans that exist. But you are right that it is an illusion.
yes but the only ones who like me are bi and eventually decide they like girls more
I love them. I always check Jow Forums and /gif/ for muscle girl threads
>their high test makes them yearn for a thicc dude
if only
Kachi is the definition of strongfat and I love it
>dem veins
It's their attitude, how they look, something about men just frighten me. I don't know when they're angry, and I'm not really one for violence.
Unless you're talking about niggers, physical violence while in a fit of anger is rare among men, especially towards women. You should be able to tell when a man is angry because he'll make it clear. If you're having trouble telling whether or not he's angry, he's probably not. Being annoyed can lead to agitation and that might seem like anger, but it's usually pretty easy to blow off just given some time away from whatever is annoying him.
Take some anavar and get big
>Jow Forums tier robots are so pathetic that we don't even register as men