When did you first realize your dick was small?
When did you first realize your dick was small?
When womanlets under 5' tall are able to take me balls deep into their mouth.
when people talked about inches instead of centimeters
Most women go straight to the "small dick" argument when the relationship is ending... none of mine did this.
I never measured myself. Didn't really care. Until one of my exes said, "If it wasn't for your dick, I'd have left you months ago!"
Yeah... I'm not worried.
i can grap my dick with both hands and the head is still poking out
just too much of a faggot to make use of it
After I was flirting with a girl and she asked for a dick pic. Sent one and she blocked me afterwards.
That doesn't mean anything. I can do that and my dick is barely average size.
then he wasn't a ''''girl''''
It was girl. She sent nudes.
Im 6.5x5. It's weird being this size because some girls will think it's big others will think it's small so I don't really know.
Could have still been fake, there's a bunch of catfishing pic packs floating around
They were on snapchat. Cant be fake.
I'm 5.5 inches and no girl has ever complained. They kept coming back for more too. I don't even have money.
Something in these dick threads doesn't add up
It's not always about length if you have a thick 5.5 girls will find it bigger then a 7 inch pencil
That might be it, my dick is like an inch thicker than the average in my country.
When I measured it without bone-pressing (im not fat so doesnt make sense to do) and got less than 5 inches. Still, the girls I fucked never had a problem with it so I always thought it was average.
When my blood aunt on my Dad's side made fun of it to my mom and then Mom told me about it when I was 13. Hurts.
Well they're obviously not going to complain to your face unless they're mad at you or a complete bitch.
well they both came back for more and only one of them was a "small-girl". Im still like and inch below average so not saying its not small.
Why would a girl keep coming back for sex while getting nothing else from me if she's that unhappy with my dick though
Being able to do this depends on hand size as well as dick size
ever since i was a kid since all my friends went through puberty before me and i didnt go through puberty until very late they always said my pp is smaller than theirs as a joke
When I first did gay shit about a month ago. We touched dicks while he jacked us off. He was almost twice my size
Thought I was average until just now when I saw this video. Around 5.8 inches here but looks like a micro penis when flaccid.
I didn't. It's big :(
I guess 7 by 5.3 is good enough for most girls.
You are fine. I am about the same, a bit more girth. Honestly you are in the ideal range. Basically you can fuck almost every woman well, not too big and not too small. A few size queens might bitch but honestly what they have been told is 9" is usually 7" so they will think you are 8". I doubt anyone could honestly say something that ends up being in the 90th percentile small or even average. Plus you don't have to deal with the issues of a huge cock, toothy blowjobs and getting half fucked like the guy in OPs webm. Not to mention huge guys really are limited in partner selection. I know a lot of women who won't go near a real 8"+.
Rampant insecurity. It is fucking so stupid. Add ignorance of real world women and porn overload and it is the perfect storm. Doesn't help that women are also watching porn and can't measure for shit.
Is that supposed to be big? It looks like an inch longer than mine but it cant even go half way into that pussy so all that extra length is unnecessary.
5.5 is not an inch below average it is a quarter inch above average. It is close to self reported average which is bullshit. 4.5 - 6.0 is the average range that covers 80% of cocks. At the two ends you have 10% smaller and 10% bigger. To put it in perspective moving up to 6.5 puts someone in the top 3-4%, 7.5 top 1%, and these 8's that everyone acts like are everywhere are .01% at best most likely closer to 1/500 or less. Anything above that is pretty much unicorn and also mostly useless.
Girth is even more tightly clustered. Average is 4.35 to 4.85 and anything over 5 starts getting harder to come by. At 5 you would already be in the 85th percentile. At 5.5 it is close to 96th percentile, which is why condom manufacturing ignored large girth for so long, it is an exceeding small market. People with truly large girth above 6" are not only limited in partner selection but also condom selection and are just rare, maybe 1/100 - 200.
When I looked down at it. I always suspected it was small, and I measured it once when I was a fat teenager and it was 4.5". I didn't have any self-esteem before, but that really fucked me up. Measured it again recently, now it's 6.25", and 6.5" bone pressed. Looks the same as ever to me, and every time I've posted it in a rate thread I got called small. I expect women will be as dissatisfied with it as they are every other aspect of me. I just wish it was big so I could have more fun with it on my own.
When I measured girth and got a stunning 6x4
Why don't you guys just save up and get penis enlargement but keep in mind it is pricey
To be a white man must be suffering. Seriously thanks Grindr
this desu.
I'm 17 cm but when you say 6/7 inches it just makes it fucking sound tiny.
when pic related happened
Really, for me it was when I went to the FKK Oase (upscale brothel in Germany) last summer. Most of the guys that were fucking with girls publicly (instead of going into a room, sauna or whatever) had like a good inch on me. I thought six inches erect (what I am) was "big" but apparently not.
Compared to shit in porn, pretty simple
i've read stuff like this before. one girl on lolcow or crystalcafe had a bf with a gigantic dick and it took them like an hour of foreplay to get her wet enough to get it in, but when it finally got in she'd have orgasm after orgasm. they couldn't have quickies, and she couldn't give him blowjobs because it was too big. i guess it was too much work because she left him. i'm pretty sure stuff like this is why they just want big dicks for one night stands, they don't want to deal with that shit every time they want to fuck
One time I was in the changing room when I was like 12, everyone else my age I saw naked had these long penises, and there was me with my shrivelled little baby cock. I felt so embarrassed I wanted to cry.
im 8.25" but my dick still looks small when i hold it cause i have big fucking ape hands, makes me self concius desite knowing im above average
im worried its too big, length isnt much of an issue because you can just not put it all in but girth very much is
never, mine is huge, it is fun to humiliate dicklets though.
tfw 6'5 but have a 6.5-7 x 5 size dick
It looks small to me until im fucking a girl and nailing the wall. (both exes were like this)
Second ex though said its tied with the biggest she was ever with but she won't go any bigger than that
6 inch dick on a 6 ft 3 guy looks very small
To make things worse, big foreskin