>be playing a game and reach character creation
>make my character brown black (like me)
>after a while decide to recreate my character and change his features
>accidentally make his skin white
>looks 10x better
Be playing a game and reach character creation
Blacks usually have different noses, jaw shape, head shape
I think changing your skin color would only make everything look out of place
Damn, it feels good being white!
I go out of my way to pick nonwhite characters. Real whites look like shit on average they need hollywood propaganda to trick people they are desirable.
Stop being a mentally colonized pussy
I wish I was white too. Then I could not be harassed by the police.
user, perhaps you're just not creative enough to make a good looking character. I only ever make brown characters, but they tend to have white features. Its unfortunate but white people are the gold standard of beauty. If you're brown and have white features you're the epitome of perfection. ...just be thankful you're not white. Its no longer okay to be a white male. You're 100% user. Embrace it.
>be black
>regularly interact with police on my way too and from work
>not one single time have I been unfairly singled out, harassed, beaten or even talked down to
I kinda feel like you people do it to yourselves. A sizable chunk of the police are non-whites, if they're treating you like shit maybe you should act like a civilized human being?
Don't blame your skin blame your parents shitty genetics
>play sims 3
>sims in the hood are randomized
>most look like black skinned dark blonde brazilians
>I hate this
>try to alter them as little as possible and not make them all white
>they all look fucking weird if I keep them black because they have white features or some giant jim carrey size chin on a woman
why did they make such weird looking fucking people jesus
I have a pro tip my nigga. Don't be a criminal and you will be left alone
>Real whites look like shit on average
Are you seriously implying real indians, blacks, gooks, whatever look good on average?
AHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAHA oh lord. The level of cope you guys resort to NEVER fails to make me laugh.
Lol sure thing sheriff.
>post the whitest looking, most diluted neegers in existence
I can't even tell the difference between the false flagging, shit posting and the genuine misplaced beliefs of the wog anymore.
Yep you literally look like goblins but believe you look like some celeb because of inflated ego and entitlement
Yo momma' a criminal
Our egos are inflated because people won't stop fetishizing us for our features. I'm sorry but your flat nozzled copy/pasted black hair brown eyed brethren will never be the standard of beauty the rest of the world strives towards.
I feel especially sorry for your women, they are just unfortunate looking.
>people like us intrinsically
>we didn't force eurocentrism on everyone but this isn't sustainable so we are now unspeakably getting BTFO
lmao go home whitey
It's all about bones anyway. White skin is like icing on the cakes. If you ice shit, it still going to be shit.
TL;DR: stop being self hating cuck
Why aren't you with your proud darkskinned brothers of Israel over on tumblr you koolaid slurping wog.
>we didn't force eurocentrism on everyone
Correct. The East willingly bought into Hollywood media and western fashion/beauty - nobody forced them. Nobody forces the wogs to immigrate to majority white countries either.
We simply do things better than everyone else and the world idolizes us as a result. That's why you all continue dress like us, that's why you're speaking our language to this day, instead of whatever click noises your malformed ancestors came up with.
They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery; you can argue in my language until you're blue in the face but you've already lost.
Mayos utterly BTFO'd
>"Latin" men
>95% white
>literally indistinguishable from a Spaniard
already senpai