We live in the best time ever thanks to capitalism and globalization, why do populists want to destroy our wealth by implementing tariffs and taking more money from the rich? Both of these things have never worked in the long run and has hurt growth, so why are these policies becoming so popular now when it has been proven not to work throughout history?
We live in the best time ever thanks to capitalism and globalization...
You are so fucking stupid holy shit. Sucking rich elite chad dick does not make you rich elite. Just a useful idiot they are stealing from by inflation and rising cost of living while they keep wages the same.
It's not the best time, it's the worst time.
>best time ever
kill your self
>Just a useful idiot they are stealing from by inflation and rising cost of living while they keep wages the same.
Looks like someone took the productivity vs wages graph on face value and didn't do any more research about the subject.
>It's not the best time, it's the worst time.
>kill your self
Explain yourselves, how is it not the best time, we live the longest, earn the most money, have more access to info and entertainment etc than ever in human history.
We were on the verge of a full civil war because of how thoroughly the rich oligarchy and banks was raping the populace during the the great depression.
We're on the verge of it happening again right now. What with the wealth disparity being horrific, unemployment amongst people who are actively looking being nearly 25% with the people being employed being incapable of even being considered the working poor, and shipping in mexicans who are in the process of ethnically cleansing black and white neighborhoods to be a new slave class to replace the natives.
The native that they've destroyed with years of poisons genetic modified foods forced vaccinations circumcisions and birth control and the constant drumbeat of don't reproduce don't have a happy family be homosexual and short sighted etc etc.
The war is coming ladies and gentleman. The color or sex of the oligcarchie's controlled PR position does not matter.
Shit, Trump is the only fucktard who has the balls to actually say the news is fake, the search engines and social networks are manipulative, and that the country is basically fucked and in the middle of a massive explosion from the debt bubble popping. Not balls, so much as not being smart enough to realize that the rats who're leaving the sinking ship are going to destroy him through every possible means at their disposal.
What's going on in this graph? I thought that wages have been stagnating since about '75. Redpill me on this.
(Still skeptical, though, simply because this graph IS from the heritage foundation)
Yes, but we are unhappiest.
Having material wealth isnt the most important thing
>just proving my point
>Yes, but we are unhappiest.
Really are we? I find it very unlikely that we are more unhappy now than we were when the most of the population lived in filth and had to work over 10hrs in a shitty factory.
>Having material wealth isnt the most important thing
Sure, but living a long life with your basic needs is very important which capitalism gave us wouldn't you say?
Fuck rich people. I want to tax them to hell. I'm never going to be rich. Fuck those motherfuckers.
I really don't give a shit about the ultra-rich any more than they care about me. Tax them hard as hell it's really not going to change their lifestyle they just object to it on a personal level.
there are people who live like that right now. even then they have a lower rate of suicide than we do in Western countries.
think about that, people who live in total filth doing slave labour that is hazardous to their health want to kill themselves less than westerners who barely have to work.
>What's going on in this graph? I thought that wages have been stagnating since about '75. Redpill me on this.
Wages have stagnated, but not total compensation. We have to take in account things like healthcare, sick leave, maternity leave, better pensions etc when looking at compensation vs productivity, yes wages are apart of what a employer compensates you for your work but it's not everything. Especially after we earn a certain amount of money we start valuing things like better healthcare and pensions while not having all of your focus on our salary, so just looking at wages is very misleading and we should rather look at total compensation (but a lot of people chose to ignore this because it contradicts their political agenda.)
>there are people who live like that right now. even then they have a lower rate of suicide than we do in Western countries.
>think about that, people who live in total filth doing slave labour that is hazardous to their health want to kill themselves less than westerners who barely have to work.
So you want to be poorer and work more in order to achieve happiness user?
>Fuck rich people. I want to tax them to hell. I'm never going to be rich. Fuck those motherfuckers.
>I really don't give a shit about the ultra-rich any more than they care about me. Tax them hard as hell it's really not going to change their lifestyle they just object to it on a personal level.
Who will invest in new technology and companies if we don't have people with capital that they don't use for consumption user?
How? That graph shows that productivity and total compensation follow each other closely
>heritage foundation
fake news
Plenty of people get insurance through their employers and still get heavily indebted with hospital bills.
>>heritage foundation
>fake news
So are we calling respected sources fake news now instead of defending your argument?
>Plenty of people get insurance through their employers and still get heavily indebted with hospital bills.
Yup, the US healthcare system sucks
They have more than enough capital to do those things. You probably don't even know how marginal tax rates work either. Amazon and Walmart have recently proven once again that tax breaks don't mean better compensation. They raised wages only for those who weren't laid off and reduced benefits.
I want the technoindustrial system to be destroyed and for humans to live as hunter gatherers. So yeah.
Pensions have been eroding, though. And healthcare costs are skyrocketing, so just to maintain parity, the total compensation must also skyrocket. Also, at least in the US, we do work more hours now than in the 1970s.
Not sure if I'm convinced.
It's a notorious conservative thinktank. Not respectable and clearly biased.
>They have more than enough capital to do those things. You probably don't even know how marginal tax rates work either. Amazon and Walmart have recently proven once again that tax breaks don't mean better compensation. They raised wages only for those who weren't laid off and reduced benefits.
So more investments don't equate to more innovations? Also you can't just look at the effects of tax breaks in a 1yr cycle you gotta be more long term to see the effects of basically anything.
>respected sources
That's the same people who spread the virginity until marriage meme graphs.
That's cause they're more likely to die in warfare, disease, or get mauled by animals.
Basic needs are for the slave. I don't want to be catered to in return for obedience, I want to hold the reigns of my own destiny even if it kills me.
Go tell it to all the laid off employees and people with LESS compensation now. It's just more money for the corporate shareholders.
What is it, dirty discord nigger tranny? Ooh, you forgot that you're still shilling here but thought you were on Jow Forums? How unfortunate.
Anyways, how's the dilation going? Still not regretting it? I'm gonna give you a month more.
>Pensions have been eroding
For other reasons, such as the pension system is designed to be sustained by population growth and because we even have a population decline in some parts of the country the ponzi scheme is starting to pop.
>And healthcare costs are skyrocketing, so just to maintain parity, the total compensation must also skyrocket. Also, at least in the US, we do work more hours now than in the 1970s.
Not sure if I'm convinced.
Okay, but that still doesn't defend the leftist belief that compensation doesn't match productivity
>Go tell it to all the laid off employees and people with LESS compensation now. It's just more money for the corporate shareholders.
The US have more job openings now than people in unemployment, how does this not show that the economy is booming?
>What is it, dirty discord nigger tranny? Ooh, you forgot that you're still shilling here but thought you were on Jow Forums? How unfortunate.
Jow Forums is a cesspool of right wing populist who still believe in mercantilism, I found it funny that only left-wing populist got triggered with what I said when I criticized both sides of populism. It's almost like right wingers want to have a conversation, but left wingers just wanna blame their failure on the wealthy.
>Basic needs are for the slave. I don't want to be catered to in return for obedience, I want to hold the reigns of my own destiny even if it kills me.
ok, now is the best time for you to do that so why don't you like how the system looks atm and why do you want to change it?
>more job openings now than people in unemployment
That's always been the case. Labor force participation rate is abysmal cause jobs keep getting more unnecessarily competitive and we have almost no social safety net so a lot of younger people just live with their parents not working. You don't understand what unemployment actually measures.
>That's the same people who spread the virginity until marriage meme graphs.
Are you gonna defend your point instead of saying that a respected think tank is fake news, or do you just not have any arguments for your points?
nobody gives a shit about what, this thread is proof that the discord tranny cartel is shilling multiple boards simultaneously with their idiocy
>That's always been the case.
Lol what? The job openings are at a record high and it has almost never been this good for employers in history.
>You don't understand what unemployment actually measures.
Since you think you know so much more than me, what does it measure then user?
>The US have more job openings now than people in unemployment, h
Which is mostly less then part time work and stuff that americans literally can't live off of.
Also a good chunk of those jobs are being filled with illegals and foreigners on shakey temp visa's.
The country is falling apart
>Which is mostly less then part time work and stuff that americans literally can't live off of.
What, do you have any source for that because I couldn't find shit after googleing.
>Also a good chunk of those jobs are being filled with illegals and foreigners on shakey temp visa's.
Immigrants don't have a negative effect on wages this has been studied extensively user. bloomberg.com
One for many sources if you actually want to learn more about the subject
>The country is falling apart
Highest life expectancy, best economic situation, acceptance of alternative lifestyles like never before. Yeah user totally looks like it's falling apart.
>nobody gives a shit about what, this thread is proof that the discord tranny cartel is shilling multiple boards simultaneously with their idiocy
Yup, people want to destroy our current prosperity and implement policies that have never worked for some strange reason.
>Explain yourselves, how is it not the best time, we live the longest, earn the most money, have more access to info and entertainment etc than ever in human history.
None of this is true, lol. Do you just talk out of your ass and repeat what the TV tells you? We are living at the beginning of the end of America. The 1950s were the highpoint, your parents could buy a house and a car working at a gas station then, they had the most money by far.
So a 2 year trend means that the correlation has ended? Look in the 90s when life expectancy dropped a bit. Just because something decreases during a couple of years doesn't mean that the trend is broken user.
> The 1950s were the highpoint, your parents could buy a house and a car working at a gas station then, they had the most money by far.
If you think that wages are the only way we get compensated user please read the other comments. I'll give you a hint we get way more benefits now even though our wages have stagnated so total compensation has gone up a shit ton.
>Highest life expectancy, best economic situation, acceptance of alternative lifestyles like never before. Yeah user totally looks like it's falling apart.
>lol we live long and people don't care if you like to suck dick lmao America's so great!
Income inequality in America is greater than it was in Ancient Rome. 70% of people born into poverty will never make it out, no matter how hard they try. The minimum wage hasn't changed since the 70s, when shit used to cost a fuck of a lot less. Wall Street ran us into a recession and nothing was done about it. Our government is still skeptical about shit like climate change and believe that, if it's real, God will sort it out. People were so desperate for change that they voted for fucking Donald Trump to be the president.
Imagine being this misinformed, people can't even afford houses anymore, everyone rents. There's sizable portions of the workforce who are homeless, they shower and shave at work. You must be joking?
Have you ever considered that rich people can move their money to other country? And their money out means they're not using it on your local economy?
>Imagine being this misinformed, people can't even afford houses anymore, everyone rents.
Sadly housing is super regulated thanks to the boomers, we need to deregulate it so supply can keep up with demand. In the meanwhile smaller cities are a good option were housing isn't as regulated.
> There's sizable portions of the workforce who are homeless, they shower and shave at work. You must be joking?
Sizable? Only 0.17 percent of people are homeless.
there is a way to work with them. helicopter.
also go back to Jow Forums
>70% of people born into poverty will never make it out, no matter how hard they try.
Source for that, can't find it anywhere.
>The minimum wage hasn't changed since the 70s, when shit used to cost a fuck of a lot less.
Is that true with the states minimum wages? Federal minimum wage is terrible anyways because the states have completely different economies.
> Our government is still skeptical about shit like climate change and believe that, if it's real, God will sort it out.
Ye this sucks, hopefully carbon taxes or something like it will be introduced soon.
literally you letting beaners and niggers populate your country. these assholes always vote for that shit and then proceed to blame the usa for ther shitty country managment. believe me im from south america.
>Source for that, can't find it anywhere
It didn't take much for me to find articles and studies on it in one google search.
>Is that true with the states minimum wages?
Yes. No state has a minimum wage that kept up with inflation, most states for a long time had a minimum wage of around $7-$10.
>It didn't take much for me to find articles and studies on it in one google search.
Then link one of them, I couldn't find anything that matches your statement.
Sometimes it amazes me how arrogant and stupid Brazilians and argentinians can be and then I remember you're Americans as well.
>whines about taxing the rich more cause muh investments
>wants to tax them just with some other tax that will supposedly cap investment
>>wants to tax them just with some other tax that will supposedly cap investment
Because a carbon tax gives you incentive to innovate cleaner technologies user. Right now companies aren't incentivized to pollute less and if they let out more carbon it doesn't effect them economically. A carbon tax would punish you if you polluted a ton and it would reward you if you cut down on pollution. Idk how you don't see a difference between taxes that are meant to incentivize less pollution and general taxes on wealth.
>>whines about taxing the rich more cause muh investments
>>wants to tax them just with some other tax that will supposedly cap investment
He argued that taxes are used to decrease something and if you taxed wealth you would decrease investments, just like if you taxed pollution there would be less pollution. Don't really see the contradiction here user.
I can't wait to legally kill feminists and SJW. I can't wait until I see these lefties beg for mercy for their crimes against the US citizens. I can't wait to pile up their bodies and burn it with gasoline while waving the American flag.
People want to have their cake and eat it too. They care more about the short term than the long term. Like famous communist economist John Maynard Keynes said, "In the long run we're all dead."
But people eventually realize that freedom and capitalism is the best option, but only after things have gone to shit without them. It's been a while since things went to shit without them, so plenty of younger people have no experience or memory of how crappy things go whenever freedoms are stripped away. They will learn the hard way though, unfortunately.
The cycle goes like this:
>freedom and capitalism creates wealth
>people with good intentions want to redistribute this wealth
>wealth gets redistributed, freedoms are taken away
>everybody gets fucked
>people realize the error of their ways and return to freedom and capitalism
can't that image apply to every single politician, hillary clinton was extremely uppercrust as well
>hurr durr the government can magically tell if you're homeless
No one wants to completely get rid of capitalism, it just doesn't make sense that 4 people have more wealth than most of the country. It doesn't make sense that we don't have basic things that every other real 1st world country has.
>>hurr durr the government can magically tell if you're homeless
Because a random person on 4chans opinion on what the homelessness number is more valid than what the government says?
If you spent even half a second thinking about what's involved you'd see how absurd it is to suggest the government has any ability to say how many people are homeless. And if you spent a second more thinking about why this matters, you'd realize homeless or not, it doesn't change the fact the cost of housing VASTLY outpaces wages compared to 50, 40, 30, 20 and even 10 years ago, making it fucking STUPID to say we have more money now than ever.
>capitalism is the ultimate good
>all Problems are actually a product of us not doing capitalism hard enough
OP in a nutshell
>We live in the best time ever thanks to capitalism and globalization,
I bet you will change your tune in 20 years when you're still a failure because there's no real opportunity in the west anymore
>there has never been a technological boom outside of capitalism
imagine being american
imagine being exposed to the american education system
The most extreme taxes that have been proposed are a 70% marginal tax rate on labor income above $10 million per year and a 3% wealth tax on estates above $1 billion.
I don't think either of those are unreasonable; the first is much lower than the marginal tax rate of 93% on incomes above ~$5 million (inflation-adjusted) that we had in the 50s and the second only applies to 800 families in the whole country.
It's funny because 99% of Americans even so called "Democrats" think like this
>literally any problems in the world are cause people aren't working hard enough!!!!
>I bet you will change your tune in 20 years when you're still a failure because there's no real opportunity in the west anymore
Kek, you should do yourself a favor and google comparative advantage and you'll see that free trade is always good.
Watch this vid if you want to gain some perspective on free trade youtube.com
what's funny is this person who is only thinking with their hate doesn't think they're the hateful one
>The most extreme taxes that have been proposed are a 70% marginal tax rate on labor income above $10 million per year and a 3% wealth tax on estates above $1 billion.
>I don't think either of those are unreasonable; the first is much lower than the marginal tax rate of 93% on incomes above ~$5 million (inflation-adjusted) that we had in the 50s and the second only applies to 800 families in the whole country.
Because rich people tend to move when they're taxed too much. They already pay the most taxes and rely the least on the government to pay them welfare and shit so taxing the hell out of them will cause them to move and the country to lose a shit ton of revenue
>It's funny because 99% of Americans even so called "Democrats" think like this
I mean in the west if you're unsuccessful it's probably because you made bad life decisions, didn't study and didn't work hard enough. I don't see a lot of poor people that went to college, worked hard and had good financial planning, usually poor people are people who are terrible with money, didn't get educated and aren't very hard working. This applies only to wealthy countries though.
We live in the best time ever thanks to the inventors who create the stuff, the workers who produced the stuff, and the laborers that maintain the stuff. The capital owning class does little besides siphon the labor value from the people who do the labor. Now that there are crises like climate change, millions without healthcare, 1 in 8 people food insecure, climate catastrophe, government shutdowns, and natural disasters without aid, the US has embarrassed itself on the world stage because we gave all the wealth to people who don't do shit while our people suffer. We could help, but we'd rather give rich people their 12th yacht.
Whether you want to call it communism or not, private ownership of the means of production has outlived its usefulness (as an upgrade from feudalism) as big, preventable disasters ravage the working class who get no democracy in the workplace and whose voice falls on deaf ears in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the US government. There is a clear and present danger from allowing a small subsection of the US to hoard all the excess labor value.
Fuck off neoliberal shill
what happens when 700 of those 800 families leave the country? A massive loss in tax revenue, increase in unemployment, and a whole host of other terrible problems.
>using a conservative source to prove a liberal argument
I mean ok whatever those folks don't want to see a real wage decrease if anybody.
>Whether you want to call it communism or not, private ownership of the means of production has outlived its usefulness
What how did you come to this conclusion? How would anyone innovate without capital and how do you get capital without rich people?
When you tax people at such rates it dis-incentivizes them from even trying to make money once they hit that threshold, which leads to economic stagnation and brain drain as the truly talented people leave or give up.
There certainly hasn't been a technological boom nearly as large or influential as the one that occurred during the 19th and 20th centuries in capitalist countries. To claim otherwise is downright foolish.
It has outlived its usefulness when it threatens massive death and destruction. Capitalism is inherent in these three issue: 1) climate change: an externality contributed to massively by mega-corporations 2) millions of people are without the bare necessities such as food and healthcare and 3) lobbying undermines the structure of a representative democracy by letting corporate interests LITERALLY write and pass laws. The third also contributes to large scale violence such as international interventions, the war on drugs, and mass incarcerations. Lobbying has also played wacky on the tax codes and debt structures.
I don't think that second question is asked in good faith. I don't think it's possible to supply a satisfactory answer to you.
>It has outlived its usefulness when it threatens massive death and destruction. Capitalism is inherent in these three issue: 1) climate change: an externality contributed to massively by mega-corporations 2) millions of people are without the bare necessities such as food and healthcare and 3) lobbying undermines the structure of a representative democracy by letting corporate interests LITERALLY write and pass laws. The third also contributes to large scale violence such as international interventions, the war on drugs, and mass incarcerations. Lobbying has also played wacky on the tax codes and debt structures.
But when countries try to take away private ownership it tends to become worse off than when it had private ownership user. This has been tried many times and ti has been a disaster every time.
Are you including the 12+ times that America has intervened?
>It has outlived its usefulness when it threatens massive death and destruction.
Over 200 million people were put directly put to death in the 20th century by their own socialist/communist governments.
As for your three points, Your first two points happen at an even greater scale under socialism/communism and the third point happens as well just replacing the big bad corporations with a big bad state oligarchy. At least corporations have an interest in actually producing something of value for their consumers.
>Are you including the 12+ times that America has intervened?
So they all failed because America intervened? The Soviet Union and America were enemies user, the Soviets intervened in capitalists countries and America in socialist. So why did only the socialist countries failed user when in capitalist countries the Soviets intervened as much if not more compared to America?
Are you suggesting anarcho-communism then? Nobody can create a hierarchy unless the public approves it?
At that point, syndicates would have a massive interest in the public good when they do labor in addition to having a more democratic workplace.
Do you even planned obsolesence m8?
>There's no way American military intervention could have a destabilizing effect on the rest of the world.
I'm not even talking about the collapse of the USSR. One sec
>56 Military Interventions in Central and South America
Why is Mexico and everywhere such a shit hole?!
>Look at all this US peacekeeping
I sure hope none of then had leaders who disagreed with the United States or were in any way unwilling to participate in the US market.
What I'm saying is, if you wanted to be a socialist nation, you better not do it in South America or the Middle East at any point during the 20th century. You might get away with it in Afric- oh wait, not in Lybia either.
There was no point during the 20th century that the US didn't go ape shit on people who wanted public ownership over the means of production.
Also, after reading the captions, this doesn't illustrate a violent US. I thought this first result for "US military intervention in middle east" was too complicated. The US wasn't playing nice in the Middle East
>We live in the best time ever thanks to capitalism and globalization, why do populists want to destroy our wealth by implementing tariffs and taking more money from the rich? Both of these things have never worked in the long run
What is trust busting and anti monopoly laws. You should do some research on what it was like before we prevented rich people from doing that. Not only did it work it made the world better
you think pensions are better now than 50 years ago?
Fair enough, but why have they not recovered? If you don't remember Europe has been through two world wars and has been almost completely destroyed almost twice. Why did they recover user whereas the latin american countries that tried socialism didn't? Why hasn't the country with the largest proven oil reserves been able to get wealthy user with little foreign intervention user? Why did North Korea fail user? Why did Taiwan become more successful than China? Why did East Germany become poorer than West Germany?
>you think pensions are better now than 50 years ago?
Definitely not the public ones since they are built on the idea that the working population will always increase so they're basically a big ponzi scheme
I'd postulate that the countries with USSR intervention had their chains broken, but the ones under American intervention didn't. The lack of recovery also could be for the same reason that the average real wage in the US hasn't increased in 40 years, climate change is spiraling out of control, and the government is too bought out by lobbyists for single payer healthcare to work.
HINT: their pay is probably 300x more than yours
>The lack of recovery also could be for the same reason that the average real wage in the US hasn't increased in 40 years
Real wages isn't everything user, you have to look at total compensation.
see this user
>the government is too bought out by lobbyists for single payer healthcare to work.
If a politician could lower healthcare costs they'd become super super popular. The problem isn't only lobbyists it's about the number of jobs tied into the healthcare industry. No politician wants to be the reason for a shit ton of people getting fired in healthcare
>It's funny because 99% of Americans even so called "Democrats" think like this
>>literally any problems in the world are cause people aren't working hard enough!!!!
Kek, to be permanently poor in the West you have to be lazy af. Just look at this documentary, this guy stared all over again and become successful in just 7 days youtube.com