>it's about teenagers having sex
It's about teenagers having sex
What do sex feel like?
I lost my virginity at 17.
It feels really good for a few seconds on my dick, then you pull out and cum on her back
>he missed out on teenage sex
might as well kill yourself
I think blowjobs feels better physically, but having sex feels better emotionally.
>not on/in her ear
hello anons i am virgin but i not realy bothered. still going to kms soon
it was one time, it came as a surprise
Bag of sand
thank for replies
Maybe the worst feeling ever is seeing young couples. Having to pass them by on the streets, 12-13 year old couples, never make the mistake of going outside on a friday or saturday, you're not even safe on the bus, always some young teen couple holding hands during the ride or something. Wish I had the courage to end my fucking life. I'm almost 30 and people that aren't even half my age have had their first kiss, their first girlfriend, lost their virginity.
I absolutely detest the fact that I'll soon be a 30 year old man that has yet to fucking gotten experience something people should be over by the time they're 18. I'm pathetic excuse for a man.
I wish I was dead tbqh
Just b yourself brah
Anyone else almost constantly screaming in their head these days?
And it won’t get better once you have sex either. I had my first relationship when I was 29. It didn’t last long because all I could think about was how it wasn’t meaningful to her. I can’t date anyone else because of the same reasons. You’ll always be alone because you missed out on normal social development. There are no women who can empathize with you
>lost my virginity at 19
I just scream a lot at home
It keeps me awake at night and I don't know how to turn it off.
>is still here
You were that one creepy guy who didn't lose it at 15 like everybody else
>You’ll always be alone because you missed out on normal social development. There are no women who can empathize with you
Jesus, that's so fucking true, but i think it's mostly because i can't empathize with any woman.
Your family loves you fren
I can't empathize with any human
>all I could think about was how it wasn’t meaningful to her
Yeah, this is what will happen if I ever meet somebody, I've known for a long time now that after the years in isolation and complete self hatred that I'll never actually let anybody else love me, I'm not worth their time, I'm a worthless person with no value to bring anybody. It is soul crushing, but it is the truth.
Women can't empathize with me and I can't empathize with women, because they're no longer real people to me, they're so far removed from my life that I just see them as some alien species now. I used to fall in love all the time as a teenager, but when I lost contact with women, when I lost all my female friends I just stopped having that ability. I don't have feelings for them, I have a hard time even getting turned on by them because its impossible to self insert or imagine what is going through their head.
I couldn't do that too many people around.
I think you get to a point and it just becomes part of you.
>its about a loser faggot getting 10/10 cheerleader gf
>can't empathize with any woman
this so much. I need therapy to make them real to me again. I think this is why a lot of people, such as myself, fall for the trap meme in porn because I can empathize and understand them so it is easier to be sexually aroused by something you understand. This is why so many people say they lost their interest in traps the minute they met their girlfriend or got a crush or something, because at that instance women become real again and you can empathize, which is absolute key.
Before the shitstorm, yes I am bisexual, traps are gay, whatever.
>Imagine kys before achieving your peak manhood.
you loot make me sick. men before our time used to bend nature over and fuck her until she gave up. fight or die, that's the will of God.
Unironically the person I empathize the most with is my imouto.
Is the whole "wanting to fuck your little sister" thing in Japan because the Japanese just can't empathize with anyone but their little sisters?
same but I'm excited to stop existing
checked and based
Was definitely not the case in grave of the fireflies
fucking same. I've literally never felt love despite having a good family
should try a hooker with all your money before you end it
>not just redirecting your endless self hatred onto every human you come across
>not making the time others have to deal with you a living hell on earth
thinks would actually change if you did, if not nessecary for the better for you
Boring and confusing
Honest advice to everyone itt
Forget about women or romance, develop personal skills and interests that you actually find fulfilling. If you feel like you need a relationship to be complete in life then you have bigger problems and it's a hole no gf will ever fill.
If sex is all you want, get money and pay for a hooker, or if you're feeling confident try your luck with some drunk slut at a night club. Chances are though that it won't make you feel any better, and you've probably placed too much value on it this whole time.
me too user, i hope the pain will end, and i won't go to hell or get reincarnated or something
don't worry user, the world is probably going to end in 2020
Same, except I want to die because of health issues.
hopefully people can learn something from non humans like us and can help future generations not end up like us
What happens in 2020
Uhhh, it's off topic but I've been curious about it for a long time, why do only straight people write stuff like this? I've never seen a gay incel or anything, do they even exist? Probably wrong thread/board tho
>Unironically the person I empathize the most with is my imouto
holy shit but a cringy fucking sentence kill yourself you useless weeb
>show is about high school life
>overwhelming depression and regret washes over me
>turn it off
i wish i could get help but most people in the mental health industry are women, so whatever, i keep having chest pains anyway, i'll probably be dead by 50
just shag a milf at the pub tbqh lads
It’s a lot easier to get laid if you’re gay
There’s less gays therefore gay people overcompensate by fucking any gay man with a pulse. Which is why my fat, ugly gay friend in HS got laid at 15.
How do you endure suicide thoughts?
I'm 25 now, been caring about what I missed more and more lately, the feeling of regret is just too strong, the thoughts and chances I missed don't stop coming
There's no point in this life if you didn't experience a normal adolescence, fuck how did I become to this
Makes sense
God this is pathetic
Sort your shit out
It's a lot easier to have sex with teenagers as an adult, I've found.
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth.
I'm almost 27. It's over for me and nothing is going to change, ever. It's too late anyway. I've become numb and apathetic and I no longer really care about anything besides getting drunk every night. At least I'm not a burden to anybody.
Iktf user, hang in there
the world will probably end
>schoolgirl looks at me and bites her lip as i walk past
what did she mean by this
what do you do currently?
do have a job? do you study anything?
Does just buying the jacket of a character count as cosplay now?
I'll be 28 very soon. I have cousins with children that have had girlfriends now, it is absolutely humiliating. little kids that are 12 with girlfriends or boyfriends. I am over twice their age yet I've never held hands with a woman.
and I know it sounds pathetic to complain about it, because it is, because this is something you should have experienced in life. It isn't about the "muh virginity" if I was that shallow, I most assuredly would have had sex with a prostitute by now. I just wanna be liked by somebody, I want somebody that wants to have sex with me, but ironically I hate myself far too much to ever let that happen.
Get busy doing some kind of work, doesnt even matter that much what. If you have self-esteem problems, get a low-paying menial job and work from there. It will get your head going to some degree and boost confidence once you hit your stride.
>tfw 29y vergem and dont care anymore
Got a respectable job, got friends, good family, desu I don't feel like I'm missing much other than maybe a close partner in my spare time, is this normal?
Yeah this is fine and it's what every other user itt should be striving towards instead of some mystical non-existant girl who will make their life worth living.
If you have a respectable fulfilling job, interests and skills then you'll have a purpose in life and don't need a gf. A good relationship is just icing on the cake, while a bad one can be like shit all over it. Either way its not necessary to have.
What kind of job would you recommend?
Just because it' a normal part of your life and thus you minimise it's importance doesn't translate to other people's experience. It's precisely because these anons have never had sexual experiences AT ALL that makes them obsess over it. You can't hand wave that away and tell them to just forget about it.
You're not giving bad advice in general but I think a big factor that goes unmentioned in these threads is how many of these anons have a mental illness / disorder or how many are just socially isolated in general for some reason. I'd wager that the percentage is very high.
You also shouldn't tell these anons to have sex with a hooker. They're emotional young men who want a connection with someone. Do you think losing your virginity to a random whore isn't going to affect them? That should be a last resort in my opinion.
I try to avoid threads like these because it's just so sad. I'm sad for all these anons because the reality is young love IS beautiful. Your first kiss, your first silly relationship in early teens. That rush and excitement is never replicated in adulthood. I wasn't grateful to experience it then but I am now.
I've developed a kind of twitch where I shriek in short uncontrollable bursts
you either live with the pain or give up on living entirely
Depends on where you are and whats around. I just worked about 10 months in the late shift at a laundry. Physically acitve all day, but no hard labor, that helped a lot in climbing out of the 'hole' I was in.
I never said it's a normal part of my life in that post
I missed out on teen romance just the same as everyone else, and that's something you're never going to get back and you just have to accept it. The fact is though, if you have such regret/jealousy over it then you're pretty much accepting that the peak of your existence was adolescence and as a result are writing off all your potential in the future.
Furthermore, obsessing over it and making it their sole focus if anything makes them less likely to have a relationship. It's a sad paradox but true. If they shift their goals to something else, there's a good chance that they'll become more desirable.
This fucking post.
jesus, everything is lost and I'll never get to experience it. women my age are living in a different world from me, they're completely desensitized to what I've never felt or experienced, they would never have the patience for somebody like me and I don't blame them. The simple fact is that I'll never get to experience it and the years of loneliness has broken me to the point where there's no recovering.
I gave up long ago. I've been depressed for so long that I don't really have feelings any more. This despair that I feel is an apathetic kind of strange anger that exists in me but it isn't visceral. I don't feel alive, I'm upset at the state of my life but the complete hopelessness that I feel kind of makes me repress any actual emotions, so I don't "feel" the things that I'm sad by.
sort you life out, mate
you're 25, not 45.
there's still time
stop eating tendies, watching porn and browsing Jow Forums you retarded nigger
I'm a NEET, dropped college when I was 22
based and redpilled
young love is some awesome shit
I finished hs a virginfag and thought I was going to be a fucking incel forever. Cut to 3 years later and I'm getting my dick sucked by two girls at the same time.
there's still hope for you virgin faggots desu
I was trying to write a response to , but this basically nails it perfectly. A lot of these threads have less to do with the desire for physical sex and more to do with just being desired by other people and actually connecting with someone intimately. People are aware that there's something wrong with them if they obsesses about being sexless, relationship-less virgins, and they've probably attempted to correct that at some point in their lives, but it's basically just a constant cycle of failure, awkwardness and loneliness that just drives them further into despair. All of this stuff is becoming more and more common with young men in modern life.
user, i'm already 25...
I’m literally the same as them though
>it's about teenagers having sex
stop acting like your life is over, it's pathetic.
You're still young at 22 user.
That's plenty of time to start learning a trade. Hell you could join the military if you're in shape or if you get in shape.
What was it you did in college and why did you drop out? Is there a chance you could pick it back up again?
The main thing is though is that inaction is the worst thing you can do right now. Just do something and do it now. Time will fly past you if you sit around all indecisive, and then it will be too late. In your early 20s your still a dumb kid who's learning, in your early 30s employers will expect you to know shit.
alright here's a serious reply
touch the inside of your cheek
feels like that on your dick but a tunnel version and tighter with light I guess ripples or waves in it
also there's a weird smell unless you do it in the shower
if you're used to the smell of your cum it's nowhere near as bad
also as a tip for all you guys bringing a girl home for the first time
>throw your cumrags, napkins, toilet paper, whatever away, even if you have a little trashbin
>they can smell it and know what it is, it stinks up your room
just use toilet paper and throw it away right after you're done
they always know
>I try to avoid threads like these because it's just so sad. I'm sad for all these anons because the reality is young love IS beautiful. Your first kiss, your first silly relationship in early teens. That rush and excitement is never replicated in adulthood. I wasn't grateful to experience it then but I am now.
I don't understand how you can care so much about wanting a gf.
>complaining about weebs on a Japanese image board styled website
>can't even form a coherent sentence
Checks out.
At first it Is very pleasant, but it gets Boring and stale after a couple of years.
At this moment, cheating, perverted fetishes, kinky experiments come in. And after some time, it gets boring and messy again
need for a companion is hardcoded in your DNA
But it IS over, I lost teenage AND young adult love
nothing will ever come close to this, I lost my life, that's just it, it's a tragedy like losing an arm or being a car crash, nobody expects it will happen you, but it did...
I'm actually turning 25, dropped college 3 years ago
Did law school and I dropped because I couldn't fit in that place, I feared presentations, group work, leftism, didn't like studying at home (moved to college's city), maybe I could come back some day as I have a different mentality now and am more mature
I don't know what to do, there's nothing to do, my country's economy is shit too
Well I was raised without a father figure so I know it's not all my fault
I don't actually want a gf, I wish I could just be those chads who fuck multiple girls and shit
>watch program with attractive female actress
>attractive male actor comes on screen
>instantly feel intense jealousy thinking about how many women he has fucked and is currently fucking including the attractive actress
>cant focus on the program anymore
Jesus Christ user. I hate how accurately you meme me.